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II. Change the following sentences into the passive voice using the italicized words as the grammatical subject. Use a by-phrase where indicated.

1. They guarded the secret well. 2. They extinguished the light immediately and then they slowly opened the door. 3. Mrs. Hastings is subletting the flat at eighty pounds. (by) 4. The caretaker showed them all over the house. (by) 5. “I am sure somebody is watching the house,” said Poirot. 6. “He has lost the briefcase,” I repeated. 7. Do you know that Mrs. Ridgeway has offered the cottage for sale? (by) 8. They knew that the authorities had entrusted him with similar missions in the past. 9. Finally Mr. Shaw politely bowed us out. (by) 10. When we arrived, they were still discussing the question. 11. Mr. Green will take care of everything. (by) 12. He was offended because they took no notice of him. 13. He was sure the pirates had hidden the treasure on the island. (by) 14. His parents give him no pocket money. (by) 15. The landlady will ask you no questions. (by) 16. The discovery has aroused the greatest interest. (by) 17. He did not give any details in his report. 18. I have just sent a telegramme to them. 19. The maidservant informed him (by) that Miss Marple was not at home. 20. The patient complains that you have allowed the compress to get quite dry. 21. Eliza’s long absence alarmed Professor Higgins. (by) 22. His short neck distressed Mr. Barbecue-Smith in his earlier middle age (by), but then he learned that the same peculiarity had marked all the world’s great men. (by) 23. In England if you do not repeat the phrase “Lovely day, isn’t it?” at least two hundred times a day, people consider you a bit dull. 24. He sighed so comically that this forced me to laugh. 25. “We are not sure,” he said into the microphone, “but we think that the fish served on board at dinner has caused the poisoning.” (by)

III. Change the following sentences into the passive voice wherever permissible.

1. The misfortune changed Mrs. Gray’s appearance overnight. 2. His grandmother always wore her hair in a bun. 3. Everybody considers Nancy charming. 4. A soft smile sometimes softens his stern features. 5. Anne had dark hair and blue eyes. 6. He painted the picture several years ago. 7. A black spaniel was following the old man. 8. Barbara cut her finger yesterday. 9. We shall meet Jack at the airport. 10. When I went out on the porch, the girl was waving her hand to somebody. 11. The Jacksons have invited a lot of people to their garden party. 12. They are looking for a man in a brown suit. 13. Doctor Brady has made an interesting report today. 14. Pamela won’t show us her novel. 15. Susan has already told them the news. 16. He wiped his face on the towel. 17. I have done the work unwillingly. 18. A man is waiting for Miss Ross downstairs. 19. The hall seats several hundred people. 20. Has anyone sent for Jean? 21. His wife is wearing a flowered dress. 22. I am afraid this will annoy Father. 23. Don’t worry, they will look after the old man properly. 24. She will become an actress in two years. 25. Mr. Ashley has shown me the document.