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Not only words, but set expressions as well, can be grouped into antonymic pairs. Find in the following list the phrases that can be opposed with each other.

  1. a bad loser

  2. be off one's game

3. of much account

4 somebody's evil genius

5. get the right end of the stick

6. high camp

7. a hard heart

8. of no account

9. get the wrong end of the stick

10. low camp

11. be on one's game

12. gain time

13. a soft heart

14. lose time

15. a good loser

16. somebody's good genius

Task 105

Fill in the blanks in these proverbs and sayings with s able antonyms.

1. If youth but knew, if ...... but could.

2. Who has never tasted ......, knows not what is sweet

3. East or ......, home is best.

4. Better a lean peace than a ...... victory.

5. The ...... to the mountain, the evening to the fountain

6. A light purse is a ...... curse.

7. To cry with one eye and ...... with the other.

8. Good fame sleeps, ...... fame creeps.

9. Nothing seek, nothing .......

10. An ...... dog will learn no new tricks.

11. Time passes away, but sayings .......

12. Nothing is ......, that shall not be made manifest.

13. Love is blind as well as .......

14. Better a live ass than a ...... lion.

15. If my aunt had been a man, she'd have been my .....

16. The ...... the paper, the fouler the blot.

17. To know everything is to know .......

18. Art is ......, life is short.

19. As a man sows, so he shall .......

20. To go through thick and .......

21. Better an egg today than a hen .......

22. Be ...... to promise and quick to perform.

23. False ...... are worse than open enemies.

24. Little strokes fell ...... oaks.

25. Like teacher, like .......

26. A good beginning makes a good .......

Task 106

Put 2 antonyms into each of the following proverbs and sayings.

1. Joy and.... as ...... and tomorrow.

2. No great ...... without some ...... profit.

3. Fire and water are ...... ...... , but bad masters.

4. The man who ...... only by hope will die with .......

5. Rather be ...... but …… than unhappy and comely.

6. The fool that ...... till he is sick must fast till he is .......

7. What soberness conceals, ..... ........

8. Superiors ...... the wind, and their ...... reap the whirlwind.

Task 107

Can you find antonyms in these "familiar quotations" based on contrasts and oppositions, some of which bear an occasional character?

1. Advice is like castor oil, easy enough to give but dread­ful uneasy to take (J. Billings).

2. Cheerfulness is health; its opposite, melancholy, is disease (T.Ch. Haliburton).

3. The political machine works because it is a united mi­nority acting against a divided majority (W. Durant).

4. Silence is deep as Eternity,

Speech is shallow as Time (T. Carlyle).

5. In a country well governed poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed wealth is something to be ashamed of (Confucius).

6. One loses today and wins tomorrow (L. Hellman).

7. You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance (R. Bradbury).

8. Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones, as wind extinguishes candles and fans a fire (La Rochefoucauld).

9. Grief knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can, and common suffering is a far stronger link than common joy (A. de Lamartine).

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