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ФГАОУ ВПО «Сибирский федеральный университет»

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ФГАОУ ВПО «Сибирский федеральный университет»

Кафедра иностранных языков


Лабораторные работы

Методические разработки

Специальность 050303 «Иностранный язык»

(квалификация «учитель иностранного языка»)


Немчинова Н.В.,

к.ф.н, старший преподаватель

Лесосибирск, 2012


Лабораторные работы являются неотъемлемой частью учебного процесса в вузе.

Выполнение лабораторных работ способствует закреплению и углублению теоретических знаний, развитию умений анализа языкового материала, а также совершенствованию навыков работы со словарями разных типов.

Задания и упражнения, предложенные для лабораторных работ, являются разной степени сложности, созданы на материале примеров из художественных произведений современных авторов и писателей-классиков Великобритании, США, Канады, Австралии, ЮАР, а также разнообразных словарей английского языка, периодической печати и электронных баз данных. В данных примерах анализируемая лексическая единица представлена не изолировано, а в естественном лексико-грамматическом окружении.

Подготовка к лабораторной работе предполагает знакомство с рекомендуемой литературой. При чтении указанных источников студент должен выделить основные теоретические положения и выписать их. Ответить на поставленный вопрос студент может в двух формах: устной (на лабораторной работе) или в письменной (в специальной тетради для самостоятельных работ).

Задания и упражнения выполняются в письменной форме. Сдается работа по завершению изучения темы.

Laboratory work 1



  1. Neologisms.

  2. Nonce words (occasional words).

  3. Politically correct vocabulary.

  4. Archaisms and historicisms.

  5. Semantic development of words.

  6. Borrowings.

  7. Changes and fluctuations in pronunciation.

  8. Changes and fluctuations in spelling.

Students’ presentations of examples illustrating the dynamic character of the English vocabulary.


Practicum – Tasks 9, 10, pp.199-204.


1. Современный английский зык (слово и предложение). – Иркутск, 1997. – С. 11-16.

2. Arnold I.V. The English Word. – М.: Высш. шк., 1986. – Р.216-221.

3. Ginzburg R.S., Khidekel S.S. Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. – M.: Higher School Publishing House, 1966. – P.238-248.

4. The Oxford Dictionary of New Words / Ed. by E. Knowles and J. Elliott. – Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. – 357 p.

5. British and American newspaper, magazines, dictionaries of new words, Internet.

Practice: Task 9

Find and analyse the manifestations of vocabulary dy­namics in the past 1-3 decades in the contexts, which con­tain the following phenomena:

a) neologism;

b) occasional word;

c) politically correct vocabulary;

d) borrowing;

e) changes or fluctuations in spelling.

In some of these contexts there are more than one phe­nomenon working at once.

1. There were three devotchkas sitting at the counter all together, but there were four of us malchicks and it was usually like one for all and all for one (A. Burgess).

2. Don't call him short, he's vertically-challenged (Inter-net).

3. The idea of the karaoke bar is very simple. You get roaring drunk, chat up the bar girls and sing maudlin popular songs, dreadfully out of tune (Daily Tele­graph).

4. Chat forums are where people meet up "on-line" (Cos­mopolitan).

5. There once lived a young wommon named Cinderella, whose natural birthmother had died when Cinderella was but a child (J.F. Gardner).

6. There was no food to be bought on the platform, and though an attendant struggled down the corridor with glasses of tea, there were no trays of pirozhkis and vatrishkis that before could be bought on Russian trains (P.P. Read).

7. A dictionaryful and a grammarful of such examples will always leave learners with an uncrossable linguis­tic spasm when they come to read the works of Iris Murdoch or Virginia Woolf, let alone the poems of T.S. Eliot or W.H. Auden, or when they encounter the speech of the streets and the marketplace (R. Burchfield).

8. And I started to itty out of this mesto of bezoomny old men (A. Burgess).

9. But I have learned one very important lesson as a day-care provider that prevents me from leaving my chil­dren with sitters while I work away from home: love is not for sale (Newsweek).

10. Vote 4 John Smith (Advertisement).

11. On the shoulders of his rubashka could be seen the marks left by epaulettes ( D.P. Read).

12. Her brother founded the New York Daily News and journalism was so much in her blood that she was not only a long-time columnist, news reporter and gossip-jockey, but later became editor of a Washing­ton newspaper and "the most popular woman in America" (Independent).

13. Metz is a practitioner of feng shui, the ancient Chi­nese art of designing homes and workplaces in har­mony with the forces of nature (New Age).

14. Helen gave Jack one of her look-learn-and-take-note looks (E. James).

15. I opened the door of 10-8 with my own little klootch, and inside our malenky quarters all was quiet, the pee and em both being in sleepland, and mum had laid out on the table on malenky bit of supper - a couple of lomticks of tinned sponge-meat with a shive or so of kleb and butter, a glass of the old cold moloko (A. Burgess).

16. I'm not old, I'm just chronologically challenged (Inter­net).

17. I snow board, ice-skate... (Internet).

18. The CDTV system involves a unit the same size as a video recorder which plugs into a standard television set (Daily Telegraph).

19. Alice, because of her now quite evident condition, rode with Nina and the Markovs' small children on cushions placed at the back of one of the teleshki (P.P. Read).

20. Shoes Fixed While U Wait (Advertisement).

21. My goodness, you smell good. Herb-y. Shampoo-ey (O'Shaugnessy).

22. Stockbrokers, merchant banks and Euromarket firms are hiring management consultants as fast as they lay off idle traders. ...This perestroika should be good for the City's long-term health and reputation (Economist).

23. "You can get yourself into serious problems taking a natural alternative to drugs like Ecstasy if you don't know the risks," says a National Drugs Helpline spokesperson (Cosmopolitan).

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