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I. Translate the following word combinations and say what non-finite form of the verb is used as an attribute:

  1. the burning coal, the burning process;

  2. the freezing water, the freezing point;

  3. the turning point, the turning motor;

  4. the writing-table, the writing student;

  5. the melting ice, the melting process.

II. Define the function of the word do in the following sentences:

1. Do you know the principal physical property distinguish­ing a gas from a liquid and a solid? 2. Solid bodies neither flow as do liquids, nor occupy all available space as gases do. 3. Many substances can and do at various times exist in more than one of the four possible states. 4. Liquids have a definite volume at a given temperature but they do not occupy all the available space and take the shape of the container. 5. They say that heated liquids expand more than solids do when heated.

III. Translate the following questions and answer them:

1. Знаете ли вы основной закон термодинамики? 2. Можно ли превратить жидкость в газ? 3. При каких усло­виях можно превратить твердое тело в жидкое? 4. Может ли твердое тело превратиться непосредственно в газ? 5. Когда вода начинает кипеть? 6. Что такое кипение? 7. Что озна­чает термин "latent heat"? 8. Какой закон установил Бернулли? 9. Когда увеличивается скорость молекулярного движения? 10. Почему почти все тела расширяются при нагревании? 11. Какова точка замерзания воды?

IV. Arrange the words and expressions given in Columns I and II in pairs of synonyms:


fluid change

make substance

in question for instance

matter quantity

convert under con- for exam- sideration

pie do

amount liquid

V. Speak on:

  1. A solid state of matter.

  2. A liquid state of matter.

  3. A gaseous state of matter.

VI. Qualify the following nouns with suitable adjectives:

Adjectives: gradual, open, constant, rapid, solid, physical, basic, atmospheric, molecular, definite

Nouns: pressure, change, speed, container, property, law, body, motion, size, theory

VII. Put six questions to the text.

VIII. Form words with the following suffixes and use them in sen­ tences of your own:

-ion, -ing, -tion, -y, -ous, -ful, -ance, -less, -ive, -ment, -ly, -ize, -able

IX. Describe Fig. 17.

X. Translate the following text:

Nuclear Engineering Course

Experiments are carried out at times by the students attending the course of nuclear engineering at the university. They are of two types. The first consists of measurements at a low flux level, generally carried out when the burn-up of the fuel is such that an addition of new fuel elements, or a change of some, is required* The students take part in all the measure-

ments connected with the restarting of the reactor. At the same time, they make measurements of the flux distribution, power level and control rod calibration. This work is, however, hampered by the high background of gamma radiation.

The second type comprises experiments made during nor­mal operation. These are mostly neutron and gamma flux measurements in water or in immersed shielded equipment.



According to the Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, finding the best ways and means of utilizing the natural sources of power and discovering new power sources are among the most important tasks in the field of science.

The large quantities of electric power generated at present mostly depend on various sources of mechanical energy. It is obvious that production of so much power by existing means only could not last for ever since the earth's available supply of coal, wood and oil will be completely used up some day.

Apart from the main sources of energy, that is, fuel and water power which meet most of the present-day power require­ments of mankind and also apart from atomic energy, there are several other sources as well.

It is with one of these so-called "new sources of energy" that we shall deal below.

Wind-Driven Power Plant. It is calculated that the annual energy available in the winds over the earth's surface exceeds millions of millions of kilowatt hours. Nevertheless, only a comparatively negligible part of that value finds an efficient application under cur present conditions.

It would be hard to say exactly when windmills were first harnessed as a source of mechanical energy. The Dutch, at least, are said to have used them for centuries in order to perform certain kinds of mechanical work. Old Egyptian writings tell us that wind power had already been used a thous­and and more years before our times. However, wind power has been able to meet but small local needs for mechanical power.

Today scientists, designers, and inventors are turning their attention to another purpose, namely, that of electricity

generation. Generally speaking, electric windmills are in production or operation in a number of countries, the Soviet Union, the United States, England and France being among them. We should like to point out here that in 1931 a large turbine-powered by the wind was built for electricity genera­tion in Yalta, the Crimea. The electric generator of that equip­ment was housed in an installation raised on a high tower.

Windmills may in theory obtain perhaps about 60 per cent of the wind power but in practice losses in the rotor and in the whole equipment as well as considerable electrical losses are supposed to reduce the efficiency to some 40 per cent or even less. The basic elements defining and influencing the obtainable energy are the velocity and strength of the wind.

So far nothing was said about the principal disadvantage distinguishing wind power from some of the other sources of energy. Sometimes there is no wind at all and even when it blows, its strength and direction may change at any moment. In short, we cannot expect the wind to blow when, where and as long as we should like it.

Whatever may be its exact form, purpose, or maintenance, a wind power plant must consist of the following main parts:

  1. A rotor which is turned round by the wind. It goes without saying that a wind-driven rotor must obviously be designed in such a manner that the wind blowing upon it causes it to rotate.

  2. A tower to raise the rotor well above the earth's surface so that it can circulate freely without any danger or damage to people. The tower should be as high as possible because then the rotor intercepts wind moving at a greater and stead­ier rate than that over the earth's surface.

  3. The electric generator to be driven by the rotor and to produce power.

The three parts mentioned above form the wind-driven power plant.