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  1. to feel obligated-почувати себе відповідальним

  2. preserve-заповідник

  3. to be responsible-відчувати відповідальність

  4. predecessor-пращур

  5. to affect-впливати

  6. generation-покоління

  7. profoundly-глибоко

  8. ailing-хворий

  9. extinction-вимирання

  10. perception-сприйняття

  11. unique-унікальний

  12. to resolve a problem- вирішувати проблему

  13. priority-пріоритет

  14. to manifest-виявляти; проявляти

  15. mental capacity-розумова здібність

  16. famine-голодомор

  17. species-біологічний вид

  18. hospitable-гостинний

  19. survival-виживання

  20. consciously- свідомо

1 Comprehension Questions:

    1. What are the four basic considerations for understanding our relationship to the world?

    2. What will future generations be like?

    3. Why is our survival as a species more important than our individual survival?

    4. Why do we have an obligation to future generations?

2 Match the following words and definitions:

to value to have an effect on one another, another person or thing

to interact to decide the price or worth of something

to claim to cause something to become larger

to enlarge to cause something to move in small movements; small movements

to ripple to demand recognition of the fact that one is, owns or has a right to something

3 Choose the right answer:

1. Why will future generations be essentially the same as we are?

a) they will manifest the same basic needs for food;

b) they will provide the basic means to sustain life;

c) they will be present in the memory of others;

d) they will risk their own lives.

  1. What do parents spend their energies to?

    1. to live for their offspring; b) to reproduce and care for their young;

c) to share life with others; d) to protect their young.

4 Put four types of questions to each sentence.

  1. The rivers are contaminated with industrial and agricultural wastes.

  2. The woods were full of mushrooms, berries and different kinds of game.

5 Find the English equivalents of the following words:

зусилля, засіб, підтримувати, нащадок, додавати, відокремлювати, спогад, рішення, суспільство, причина.

6 Define the tense forms of the verbs and put them into the Infinitive. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. We face a number of issues that will affect future generations.

  2. Even after we die, the effects of life continue.

  3. Future generations will be essentially the same as we are.

7 Discussion Points. Do you agree or disagree to the following statements? Specify your answer and give your reasons.

    1. We face a number of issues that will affect future generations. What are they?

    2. We owe the future “enough and as good” as we received from the past.

  1. Propose a few more basic considerations for understanding our relationship to the world.

Before you Read Reading Without Understanding the Meaning of Every Word

1. Look over the text quickly, paying attention to the first sentences of each paragraph and trying to get a general idea of the contents of each one.

2. Read the text for the main ideas. Skip over words and phrases you don’t understand. Do not slow yourself down by looking words up in a dictionary.

3. Do the exercise called Recalling Information (it follows the text). If you have trouble with it, read the text again. Two or three quick readings are better for understanding than one slow one.

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