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  1. to have in common-мати щось спільне

  2. to distinguish-розрізняти

  3. to reduce-зменшувати в кількості

  4. flood damage-пошкодження викликані повенем

  5. meandering-поворот річки

  6. wetlands-затоплені землі

  7. to purchase-купувати

  8. a dam-гребля

  9. habitat-ареал

  10. impact-вплив

  11. drainage system-дренажна система

  12. construction costs-витрати на будівництво

  13. space-простір

  14. aquifer-водоноспий шар

  15. mammal-ссавець

  16. bobcat-американська рись

  17. foresight-передбачення

  18. sustainable-той; що підтримує

  19. considerable-значний

  20. approach- підхід

1 Comprehension Questions:

    1. What was done to help control flooding?

    2. Why did the city purchase 3,400 hectares of wetlands?

    3. What is Woodlands and who built it?

    4. What does designing with nature require?

2 Match the following words and definitions:

to distinguish to possess something with pride

to boast to cause to be wet all through

to drench to identify, state a difference between people, things

landscape a deep pool at the base of a waterfall, a deep part of a harbor

basin a picture of inland scenery

3 Choose the right answer:

1 What McHarg suggest careful site analysis for?

    1. to look at wildlife needs; b) to provide valuable habitat for fish;

c) to reduce flooding; d) to envision city in harmony.

2 Why was the park system with meandering built?

        1. to excess water flows; b) to help reduce flooding; c) to help control flooding; d) to purchase the land.

4 Discussion Points. Do you agree or disagree to the following statements? Specify your answer and give your reasons.

  1. Many housing developments in Ukraine are built with little concern for wildlife.

2. One should design building sites in harmony with


3. Approaches to development permitting nature to

direct the design of human settlement.

5 Find the English equivalents of the following words:

розвиток, дика природа, дюжина, крок, людський, страждати, цінний, ретельний, персонал, проектувати

  1. Define the tense forms of the verbs and put them into the Infinitive. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. Roads were built on high ground.

2. Designing with nature requires wisdom and foresight.

3. A landscape architect has begun to change the conventional

way of building.

7. Put four types of questions to each sentence.

  1. The ecological situation in this region is becoming worse fro year to year.

2. Most of the rivers that used to be clean

Pick up one of the ecological issues listed below and make a detailed essay on it. There are short summaries to help you.

Population Explosion

Today the planet holds more than 6 billion people. Global population has doubled in the last 40 years and is expected to double again by 2050, with90 percent of that increase occurring in development countries.

African nations are expending at the fastest rate. In the year 2000, Africa had 900 million people with an annual population growth of 3 percent. Nigeria, Africa’s most populated country, soared from 112 million to 274 million. China, now the most populous country in the world with 1.2 billion people, will retain the lead with a population expected to reach over 1.5 billion by the year 2050.


Despite claims that there is less famine in the world today, over150 million children go to bed hungry every night. According to the Unite Nations report, 37 percent of people in India cannot buy enough food to feed their families, and in the Horn of Africa, it is estimated than more than 20 million people, mostly women and children are at the risk of starving. The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization reports than there are more than 786 million underfed people in developing nations. But the developing countries are not alone.

The United States are not exempt. Due to the recession and structural changes in the economy, a record number of 23 million people, or 10 percent of Americans, were dependent on food stamps in 1992, over half were families with children under the age of 5. We are looking at half quarter of the globe plagued with hunger and lacking the most basic needs of life.

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