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  1. incredible- неймовірний

  2. plain- долина

  3. to blanket- покривати

  4. to reel - ловити

  5. ulcer- виразка

  6. tumor- пухлина

  7. angler- рибалка

  8. overfishing- надмірний вилов риби

  9. pollution-забруднення

  10. paper mill-целюлозна фабрика

  11. smokestack-димова труба

  12. to impair-зменшувати; погіршувати

  13. to deteriorate-погіршуватися

  14. to rescue-рятувати

  15. to vanish-зникати

  16. to tackle-займатись чимось

  17. overwhelming-надмірний

  18. trout-форель

  19. obstruction-перешкода

  20. conservation-збереження

1 Comprehension Questions:

  1. Describe the state of Canada’s freshwater fisheries.

  2. How much fish do anglers harvest per year?

  3. How has the Credit River been rescued?

  4. What is Ontario’s CFIP and its functions?

2 Match the following words and definitions:

to abound to be shaken (physically or mentally) by a blow,

a shock

to reel to have a great number or quantity of something

to consume to use up, get to the end of something

waste any substance that settles on the bottom of a liquid

sediment destroyed material, refuse

3 Choose the right answer:

1 What is CFIP?

a) The Community Fisheries Involvement Program;

b) Columbia Fisheries Involvement Program;

c) the Community Finances Involvement Program;

d) the Community Fisheries Improvement Program.

2 Why has British Columbia started a similar program?

        1. to involve volunteers;

        2. to protect streams;

        3. to make a difference in their environment;

        4. d)to protect fish.

3. People can do many things to make a difference in their environment. Name a few.

4 Find the English equivalents of the following words:

добриво, забезпечувати, потік, тиск, внесок, споживання, захищати, розважальний, значною мірою, рішення

5 Define the tense forms of the verbs and put them into the Infinitive. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

    1. Fish populations are declining.

    2. The destruction of Canada’s fisheries results from many factors.

    3. The management of recreational fishing is left to the provincial governments.

  1. Put four types of questions to each sentence.

1 The swift growth of industrial production has led to the exhaustion of the richest deposits.

2 Water pollution is a serious problem at the present time.

7 Discussion Points. Do you agree or disagree to the following statements? Specify your answer and give your reasons.

1 The destruction of Canada’s once-famous fisheries results from many different causes. Name a few.

2 The interaction of the urban development and

contamination rate.



It is useful to know…

The rapid reduction of forest land around the globe appears on every list of critical environmental issues. Its effects are of importance to all living things. Forests absorb carbon dioxide from the air and supply oxygen. They are home to fragile plants and fascinating creatures, and they have provided people with fuel, food, and shelter for creatures. But with the growth of human population, forests have been converted into farms, commercial enterprises, and industrial developments.

It is estimated that every year 6.3 million hectares of tropical forest alone are cleared for agriculture and that 4.4 million hectares are used in commercial logging. This involves big corporations buying large chunks of forest in order to fell and export timber to Europe, Japan and North America. One-tenth of all the timber for the market comes from tropical forests from such countries as Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

Translate the text orally:

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