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10. Insert the correct prepositions where necessary.

  1. Bill finally rolled ……………….. two hours late in a taxi, drunk and dirty.

  2. He did it ……………….. purpose, knowing it would annoy her.

  3. He made ……………….. hurriedly to avoid paying.

  4. Heavy casualties were inflicted ……………….. the enemy.

  5. His success hinges ……………….. how well he does at the interview.

  6. On the day ……………….. question we were in Cardiff.

  7. The board completely disregarded ……………….. my recommendations.

  8. The castle is now in ……………….. the custody of the state.

  9. The child was born deformed ……………….. consequence of an injury to its mother.

  10. The goods were damaged ……………….. transit and the owner sued the ferryman.

  11. The government has decided that the publication of the report would be “contrary ……………….. the public interest.”

  12. The teacher has the authority to administer ……………….. punishment.

  13. There is to be a total ban ……………….. smoking in the office.

  14. You’ll crack ……………….. if you carry on working like this.

  15. She deceived him ……………….. handing over all his savings.

11. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable words in the correct form.

tolerate, direct, judiciary, contentious, draw, deceive, grief, sustain, count, interference, force, material, frustration, cease

  1. I’ve warned her …………………………. times, but she will not listen to me.

  2. He was accused of obtaining property by …………………………. .

  3. It is …………………………. to me whether he stays or goes. I do not care.

  4. Your account is £200 …………………………. so you can’t write a cheque.

  5. What …………………………. him is that there’s too little money to spend on the project.

  6. A gambling debt is not legally …………………………. .

  7. It’s the governmental policy to reach an environmentally …………………………. society.

  8. The European Union has issued a new set of …………………………. on pollution.

  9. Though he was adopted, he could not forget his …………………………. parents.

  10. Supporters were …………………………. removed from the court by the police.

  11. At times, the heat was barely …………………………. and everybody was sweating.

  12. The police are very unwilling to …………………………. in family problems.

  13. As a result of being caned the boy suffered …………………………. bodily harm.

  14. The case is subject to …………………………. review.

  15. It was one long …………………………. of fraud against robbery.

12. Translate into English.

  1. Этот случай не подпадает под сферу действия данного постановления.

  2. Апелляционный суд отменил судебное решение низшего суда, так как оно ущемляло свободу слова.

  3. Нарушение соглашения было не умышленным и произошло по не зависящим от сторон причинам.

  4. Вопрос о допустимости телесных наказаний в семье и школе в разных странах до сих пор решается по-разному.

  5. Объективная ответственность в юриспруденции – это ответственность независимо от наличия вины.

  6. Действия врачей не нарушили причинную связь между нанесением телесных повреждений и смерти.

  7. При вынесении вердикта присяжные не должны принимать во внимание цвет кожи подсудимого.

  8. Допустимый уровень шума в этом районе превышен, и жить в нем небезопасно.

  9. Сразу по задержании подозреваемый признал себя виновным.

  10. Случаи смс-мошенничества становятся все более распространенными в наше время.

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