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9. Fill in the gaps with the words from the previous task changing the form where necessary.

  1. The article …………………………. that he was having an affair with his friend’s wife.

  2. The country gives shelter to people who have fled from …………………………. regimes.

  3. He was patient, self-controlled, and …………………………. in his habits.

  4. Before the …………………………. of computers, not many people knew how to type.

  5. The pickpocket used the long queue at the …………………………. to take the purse out of his victim’s bag.

  6. The company has a/an …………………………. right to the property.

  7. You are …………………………. by the contract to pay before the end of the month.

  8. Many women in eastern countries are in legal …………………………. to their fathers or husbands.

  9. Millions of citizens will face …………………………. next year as a result of the drought.

  10. Most newspapers are politically …………………………. and biased.

10. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable word in the correct form.

disturb, contract, fame, criminal, deny, thief, incarcerate, minister, valid

  1. He was charged with causing a/an …………………………. after the game, which inflicted damage upon a dozen of people.

  2. Solitary …………………………. is assumed to be quite a harsh punishment because it deprives prisoners of natural communication.

  3. The advertisement was considered …………………………. as it depicted the celebrity in a perverted manner.

  4. The …………………………. demanded to issue a writ of habeas corpus because he thought he had been arrested unlawfully or by mistake.

  5. The terrorists issued a/an …………………………. of responsibility for the attack which they had previously admitted committing.

  6. The use of opium was not …………………………. until fairly recently, but now it is a serious crime in majority of countries.

  7. They reminded him of his …………………………. obligations, which resulted in his threatening to resign.

  8. This new piece of evidence …………………………. his version of events, and his obvious lying makes him the major suspect.

  9. Within months she was elevated to …………………………. rank with lots of responsibilities and duties.

  10. Police are investigating the …………………………. of computers from the company’s offices.

11. Decide if the following pairs of words are antonyms (a) or synonyms (s).

  1. sack – appoint

  2. solicit – accomplice

  3. fraudulently – honestly

  4. mount – descend

  5. terminate – commence

  6. substantially – considerably

  7. quash – void

  8. conviction – acquittal

  9. dissentient – conventional

  10. temperate – unrestrained

12. Translate into English.

Вторжение в чужое владение или противоправное пользование чужим владением без согласия владельца или лица, управляющего этой собственностью, наказуемо, даже если такое вторжение было непреднамеренным и без ущерба для собственности. Оно может быть совершено как человеком, так и объектом его деятельности (например, дерево, упавшее на территорию соседа). Нарушение владения с применением силы является уголовно наказуемым деянием, в остальных случаях оно рассматривается как деликт (гражданское правонарушение) и может стать поводом для предъявления иска. Часто вывешивается предупреждающая надпись: «Вход воспрещен. По нарушителям будет открыт огонь. Выжившие будут добиты».

TEXT 8 (20,720 signs).

Read and translate the text.

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