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14. Underline the silent letters in the following words.

  1. rescind

  2. indict

  3. sue

  4. sign

  5. circuit

  6. subpoena

  7. guarantee

  8. debt

  9. parliament

  10. obscene

15. Write the words defined below.

  1. the President of the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice, next highest in rank to the Lord Chancellor in the legal system of England and Wales

  2. a system of laws in England that have been developed from customs and from decisions made by judges, not created by Parliament

  3. an official judgment made in court

  4. someone whose job is to decide officially how a person died, especially if they died in a sudden or violent way

  5. a judge in a court

  6. the part of Parliament whose members are elected by the people of the country

  7. an official whose job is to discover the cause of any sudden, violent or suspicious death by holding an inquest

  8. the person in a trial who is accused of committing a crime, or who is being sued by another person

  9. a person who claims sth because they believe they have a right to it

  10. an owner of shares in a company or business

16. Translate into English.

  1. В соответствие с гражданским законодательством, стороны могут примириться друг с другом.

  2. Ему возместили убытки в размере 300 долларов.

  3. Ответчик был полностью освобожден от ответственности за результаты инцидента.

  4. Работница проявила небрежность при мытье полов, что привело к травме посетителя.

  5. Суд обязал работодателя привести контракт в исполнение немедленно.

  6. В США вполне типично подать в суд на производителей различных продуктов за вред, нанесенный здоровью.

  7. Коррупция и взятки не только являются преступлениями, но и способствуют противозаконной деятельности.

  8. Суд решил, что дети умершего имеют право на часть наследства, хотя это противоречило завещанию.

  9. Его семейные проблемы суд не посчитал достаточным оправданием для оскорбления прохожих.

  10. Актер получил повестку, предписывающую явиться в суд через две недели.

TEXT 6 (19,000 signs).

Read and translate the text.

Gary slapper. The cases that changed britain. Part II: 1870-1916

1. Gorris V Smith April 23, 1874

Statute law can only be applied to do what Parliament passed it to do. In this case, a ship owner agreed to take the claimant’s sheep from Hamburg to Newcastle, but some of them were washed overboard. The owner of the sheep sued. He argued that no pens had been provided on the ship, in breach of a statutory duty under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1869, which required pens to be installed on the decks of ships used to transfer animals. If there had been pens on the decks, the sheep would have survived. However, the court ruled that the claimant could not claim damages on such grounds because the object of the statute was to protect animals from contagious disease, not from falling into the sea. The case is often cited by anyone seeking to show that once a law has been made for a particular purpose, it would be wrong to apply it for another.

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