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Ex.1. Comment on the use of the infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the rendering of the infinitive as attribute.

Model: This is a film not to be missed.

to be missed” is an attribute expressed by an indefinite infinitive passive with the particle “to’ used after a common noun “film”

1. The desire to write was stirring in Martin once more. 2; He had a good deal to say about India. 3. The relief from that long waiting, the feeling of nothing to worry about, was so delicious. 4. The first person to enter was Mrs. Evans, her face white, her dark frightened eyes avoiding his. 5. He looked at the shelves of books to be read and understood. 6. He received a note to say that he was expected at the family dinner. 7. Andrew was the third to go in for the interview.8. You have health and much to live for.

Ex. 2. Replace the subordinate attributive clause by an infinitive in the function of an attribute.

  1. Model: I had avoided the house all day and had brought food that we could eat by the lake.

I had avoided the house all day and had brought food to eat by the lake.

1. Thank you very much, but I've got something better I can do with my time. 2. There was nothing else we could do. 3. He might have something he wanted to tell her. 4. I just want to look round and see if there's anything that can be done. 5. Scarlett, I have something so important I want to tell you. I hardly know how to say it. 6. At the end of the year there was a great 'deal we had to do. 7. There was nothing more that could be done here. 8. There are various things we must discuss. 9. Everything was all right, there wasn't a tiling one could find fault with. 10. I've got a suggestion I can make to you.

  1. Complete the following using the infinitives as attributes.

1. He was always the first ...

2. We have nothing ...

3. This is the chance ...

4. He isn't a man ...

5. She made an attempt ...

6. Is there anybody ... ?

7. He always finds something ...

8. This is the information ...

9. He spoke of his wish ...

10. You see I have no time ...

Ex. 3. Replace the infinitive used in the function of an attribute by an attributive clause.

Model: Probably there's nothing to do.

Probably there's nothing that we can do.

1. I had apparently nothing to fear. 2. "Did they give you anything to drink?" I said. 3. Her parents were away from home, so there would be nobody to look after her. 4. I should have thought it would be more to the point to get up and enjoy a splendid day. 5. It was not the thing to say. 6. Well, there is nothing to see inside. 7. There was nothing else to do. 8. She found no one to admire.

*Ex. 4. Paraphrase the following so as to use the infinitive as attribute.

a) 1. There was nothing that might keep him at home that night, and he gladly accepted the invitation. 2. He is not the man who would shirk his duty. 3. This is a mineral that can be found only in this part of the country. 4. There are so many letters that must be answered! 5. I have so many letters that must be answered! 6. She had no one in whom she could confide. 7. Can you entrust the work to anyone? 8. Here is the list of medicines which are not to be sold without a prescription. 9. We could not spare a moment. 10. Can anything be done to prevent such accidents?

b) 1. The parcels are all sorted out. Here are the ones that are to go (to be sent) by air. 2. The questions that are going to be submitted for discussion must be circulated two days before the opening session. 3. The ship has arrived with the pictures which will be displayed at the international exhibition. 4. The delegates to the scientific conference which will be held on the 19th of July have to register with the organizing committee. 5. The library has received a prospectus of the books which will be published this year. 6. We must have five more reports printed;

*Ex. 5. Complete the sentences using infinitives in the function of an attribute.

a) 1. There's nothing else ... . 2. They had very little ... 3. There were no objections ... that you could put your finger on. 4. He was nearly the last ... . 5. You see I have no time ... .

Prompts: to do, to say, to waste, to make, to arrive

b) Complete the sentences using infinitives in the function of an attribute.

1 I was thirsty, but there was nothing …………………………

2 I was tired out, but there was nowhere .................................

3 We were all hungry, but. there wasn't very much ................................

4 We were late setting off. so there was no time ...............................

5 I couldn't do It alone, and there was no one ................................ .

6 The children were bored. They said there was nothing ........................

7 There were no books or newspapers, nothing at all .................................

8 I couldn't find my way, and there was no one .................................

9 I switched on the TV. but there wasn't really anything ..........................

10. We had a walk round the town, but there wasn’t anything interesting …………….

Ex. 6. Insert the infinitives given in brackets in the appropriate form. Add post-posed prepositions if necessary.

1. I have a lot of things ... and many problems ... . (to think, to consider). 2. How many classes have you got ... this week? (to attend). 3. There were usually hundreds of matters, big and small, .... (to attend). 4. He would never fail to find something.... even if there was little or nothing .... (to say, to speak). 5. She always came with some little story ... , looking for some body ... it. (to tell). 6. Tell the child matches are a dangerous thing .... (to play). 7. There are two more games … and the tournament will be over. (to play).

Ex. 7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the Infinitive as attribute.

  1. У меня не было времени осмотреть комнату.

  2. Он первый протянул нам руку.

  3. Когда его машина поломалась, ее починили последней.

  4. Вот книга, которую можно почитать перед сном.

  5. На этот факт нужно обратить особое внимание.

  6. Есть ли в доме кто-нибудь, кто мог бы присмотреть за больным?

  7. Ему нечего было сказать в свое оправдание.

  8. Я должен что-то показать.

  9. Пьеса оставляет желать лучшего: я большего ожидал от нее.

  10. Ничего не оставалось делать, как только ждать прихода родителей.

  11. Он первым предложил ей помощь.

  12. С ней было приятно общаться.

  13. Это не тот человек, с которым можно поговорить на эту тему.

  14. Нечего бояться: вы не виноваты.

  15. Я последняя узнала о его приезде.

  16. Его предложение пригласить Тома было встречено с одобрением.

  17. У меня нет времени навестить вас сегодня.

  18. Здесь негде сесть.

  19. В детстве он мечтал стать космонавтом.

  20. Нет необходимости переводить это упражнение до конца.

  21. Это как раз хороший случай помириться с ними.

  22. Мне не у кого попросить совета.

  23. Это было неподходящее время для перерыва.

  24. Мне дали текст, который я должен был перевести без словаря.

  25. Вот ключ, которым открывается нижний ящик стола.

  26. Это как раз подходящая книга для чтения перед сном.

  27. Он отвечал первым на экзамене.

  28. У него были родители, о которых он должен был беспо­коиться.

  29. Они первыми приехали, следовательно, первыми и уйдут.

  30. На этот факт нужно обратить внимание.

  31. Она всегда найдет, над чем посмеяться.

  32. Вот статья, которую надо прочитать.

  33. Вы как раз тот человек, который может нам помочь решить этот трудный вопрос.

  34. Он первым протянул мне руку и поздравил меня.

  35. Она знала, что ни в чем не виновата, ей нечего было бояться.

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