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3.2 Operating Costs

Vehicle Operation & Maintenance

MAX service operation is performed under contract to Veolia Transportation (formerly ATC). Basic vehicle operating costs are included in the contract, which as of March 2006 was priced at $75.52 per hour. For comparison, the contract price for standard CAT bus service is $52 per hour (also provided by Veolia Transportation). This discrepancy is due to the lower costs of operating and maintaining standard buses and the higher standards required for BRT service. However, RTC pays some costs directly, such as fuel and tires. RTC’s finance office adds these costs plus allocated management, planning, and overhead costs to arrive at a fully accounted cost.

For the Fiscal Year July 2004 to June 2005, the average total operating cost of MAX was $92 per hour (see Table 3-2). Operating cost per service hour increased by 20% for the next Fiscal Year (July 2005 to June 2006), to an average of $111 per hour. This increase was primarily due to added costs for station maintenance and fare checkers. As service hours increased in the first year it became evident that better and more frequent maintenance was needed to ensure that MAX service was viewed as a higher class of transit service. With the current hourly rate, the cost to provide MAX’s current 35,000 service hours per month is $3.9 million per year. By comparison, the fully accounted cost for Route 113 is about $72 per vehicle hour. MAX thus costs 50% more than standard bus service on a per hour basis. The premium is less on a per mile basis, because of MAX’s faster operating speed.

Table 3-2: max Operating Costs, July 2004 to December 2005

July 04 - June 05

July 05 – June 06

Operating Cost



Service Hours



Average cost/hr



Average cost/mi



RTC has identified some of the separate components of MAX-related costs, including the following:

  • Station maintenance: RTC expends about $84,000 per year for regular station cleaning and maintenance, plus another $25,000 for painting and repairs, for a total of $109,000.

  • Ticket vending machines: Servicing costs are $1,200 per ticket vending machine per year; repairs not covered under the warranty are another $3,000 per machine per year. RTC expects this cost to increase by 55 to 60% when they are out of warranty. RTC has one technician dedicated to TVMs and another one who services TVMs in addition to other fare collection equipment. Thus annual TVM servicing for 23 machines is currently about $97,000.

  • Security officers: For 2006 the contract amount for providing security officers was $330,000 per year, including fare verification and security for cash-in-transit and fare box cash-in-transit. RTC estimates that the cost of the fare verification portion of the contract alone is $270,000.

On-going operating costs associated with the MAX service consists primarily of operating and maintaining the vehicles. Other on-going costs include station and TVM maintenance plus costs associated with enforcing the off-board fare collection system.


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