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17.My Future Profession (тк)

I study at the Vinnitsa National Technical University. Our university trains different engineers. My specialty is Technology and Means of Telecommunication. I have been interested in this field of technology since my 11 form.

A designer of telecommunications deals with research and development of new types of radio-equipment for different branches of national economy. The assortment of these developments is widely used in industry and in everyday life.

To design new devices for telecommunications everybody has to become a good specialist. We should learn the following subjects: mathematics, physics, fundamental of circuit theory, radio-engineering circuits and signals, radio-engineering units and systems, fundamentals of research activities, telecommunication systems and so on.

I think, each engineer should know English to read specialized papers and translate them from English into Ukrainian. The profession of a designer of telecommunications is very important. Skilled and well-trained designers are respected not only in our country, but also abroad. That’s why we are going to become good specialists. There are many plants and enterprises in Vinnitsa witch need talented young engineers crazy about their telecommunications.

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