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7. Transform these sentences into the passive voice.

  1. You ought to work hard if you want to be successful.

  2. We cannot examine these accounts so quickly.

  3. We must finish our work as soon as possible.

  4. She can return this document tomorrow.

  5. Before going to the cinema we must prepare home tasks.

  6. You should use modern technique to produce high quality goods.

  7. To produce expensive shoes one should use raw materials of better quality.

  8. In order to be competitive we have to buy new equipment.

  9. They must translate this text without dictionary.

  10. He can deliver this lecture in English.

  11. You can buy these goods in any shop.

  12. You should do your work carefully.

  13. One must observe traffic rules.

  14. You ought to obey the manager.

15.You must use a good dictionary if you want to translate this text successfully.

Lesson 4 complex sentences


As soon as - как только

When - когда

While - в то время как

Before -до того как

Until - перед тем как

After - после того как

Although - хотя

Because - так как, потому что

If - если

Unless - если … не

Whether (… or not) – ли … (или нет)

1. Translate the following.

  1. As soon as he comes he will help me.

  2. When she is ready she will tell us.

  3. You will be given this task when the manager comes back.

  4. As soon as the plan is discussed carefully it will be approved.

  5. After the lecture is over the lecturer will answer all our questions.

  6. Before he was appointed director of our company he had been employed by General Motors.

  7. Before they came here they had attended a lecture on physics.

  8. After he had attended the lecture he made an account of it to the rest our department.

  9. Although he had a lot of work he agreed to help me.

  10. While he was crossing the street a policeman stopped him.

  11. I haven’t realized what he was capable of.

  12. This is what we can call a good plan.

  13. What worries me is that John is ill.

  14. What our competitors are after is not clear.

  15. What good that does us I don’t know.

2. Translate the text. Economics

Alfred Marshall defined economics as the study of mankind in the everyday business life. There are other definitions too. But Marshall’s definition draws attention to that unique feature of human society: that unlike animals, man provides for his everyday needs by means of a complex pattern of production, distribution and exchange.

We need food, clothes and shelter. If we could get them without working, we probably would not work. But even when we have these essential things, we may want other things because they might make life more enjoyable. Human beings certainly have a wide and very complex range of wants. This everyday business of providing the means of life is called by the general term ‘economy’.

Economics is the study of economies. The science of economics is concerned with all that man produces and not just our basic needs like food, clothes and shelter. The science of economics is based upon the facts of our everyday lives and the general life of our communities. If we want to understand the whole economic system of which we are part we have to study carefully the economic activity of the society

Apart from production, distribution of products among various groups in society and exchange, economics studies the institutions that were created by man to promote economic development.

Economists are those who observe and study economic facts and produce economic theories. They try to describe the facts of the economy in which we live, and to explain how it all works. The economist’s methods should be strictly objective, if it is to be scientific. In order to understand the evolution of economy economists must study economies of man at different stages of his historic development. They studied primitive economies, economies of the ancient and the middle-age societies. But their main interest is being focused on the economy of the advanced industrial countries. It is not in good shape to-day. It is characterized by a low growth rate, unstable monetary system, stagnation of the employees’ income and rather high unemployment.