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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Санкт-Петербургский университет технологии и дизайна

Кафедра иностранных языков английский язык


Составитель Вербин А.А.



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Заседании кафедры

Протокол № 1

от 31.08.2007

Рецензент И.Ф.Григоренко

Цель данных методических указаний – на основе текстов по экономике, а также сопутствующих им упражнений изложить грамматику, предусмотренную программными требованиями курса английского языка для студентов факультета экономики и менеджмента очно-заочной формы обучения.

Подписано в печать Формат 60х84/16. Усл. печ. 2.3

Печать трафаретная. Тираж 250 экз. Заказ

Отпечатано в типографии СПГУТД 191028, Санкт-Петербург, Моховая, 26

Lesson 1 tenses. Active voice

2. Make sentences in the Active Voice using these expressions.

  1. To leave home

  2. To take a taxi

  3. To see a new film

  4. To finish work

  5. To apply for a job

  6. To visit friends

  7. To buy a new car

  8. To repair the car

  9. To attend lectures

  10. To open the door

  11. To close the window

  12. To borrow books from the library

3. Open the brackets.

  1. John (to leave) for his office now.

  2. He (to arrive) at his office in 40 minutes.

  3. He (to work) as a department manager there.

  4. He (to get) there by 10 o’clock.

  5. At 11 o’clock he (to attend) a meeting.

  6. For two hours all of the managers (to discuss) the production plan of the company.

  7. In the middle of the discussion they usually (to have) a break.

  8. Two hours ago they still (to discuss) their problems.

  9. By 1 o’clock their meeting (to be) over.

  10. Then they (to go) to the dining-room to have lunch.

  11. During the lunch they certainly (to discuss) the foot-ball match the (to see) yesterday.

  12. Practically all of them (to be) foot-ball fans.

  13. They (to like) to discuss foot-ball matches.

  14. By 7 p.m. John (to come) home.

  15. He knows his wife (to wait) for him.

  16. At 7 p.m. John’s family (to have) supper.

  17. Tomorrow (to be) Saturday.

  18. This time tomorrow we will be going to the country.

  19. They (to come) back home Sunday evening.

  20. On Monday John (to go) to his office as usual.

  1. Make sentences with these verbs and adverbials.

1. To study economics

2. To do exercises

3. To get ready for the exams

4. To attend lectures

5. To go to the library

6. To read a book

7. To take notes at the lectures

8. To have breakfast

9. To write a test

10. Not to go to the University

11. To study at the reading-room

12. Ta watch TV

13. To attend a lecture by Prof. Petrov

14. To translate a text

15. To say good-by to the teacher

16. To translate a text

17. To meet a friend

18. To go to the country

19. To write the test

20. To come home in time

  1. Now

  2. Yesterday

  3. For two hours last night

  4. Every day

  5. At 5.30 yesterday

  6. When we came

  7. Always

  8. Ay home

  9. Last Monday

  10. To day

  11. For two hours tomorrow

  12. Usually in the evening

  13. Now

  14. When I saw John

  15. Before he left

  16. The whole evening

  17. Two hours ago

  18. Often

  19. By the end of the break

  20. Usually