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6. Answer the questions.

  1. Where are goods produced?

  2. What goods are produced in the agricultural sector?

  3. In what economic units are services provided?

  4. What kind of economy is considered as free market economy?

  5. What kind of economy was dominant in the former socialist countries?

  6. Is complete economic freedom possible?

  7. Why is it impossible?

  8. For what purpose was economic planning introduced?

  9. What is an economy with both private and public sector called?

  10. What is money used for?

7. Examine carefully the following sentences.

  1. The lecture is being listened to attentively.

  2. The problem has been dealt with successfully.

  3. The doctor was sent for one hour ago.

  4. The coats are taken off at the cloakroom.

  5. She is being waited for.

  6. The film is spoken about.

  7. Our participation in this year footwear show was agreed upon.

  8. His account of this year footwear show was being listened to with great interest.

  9. The solution of the problem has been arrived at.

  10. This machine is not made use of at our factory due to its slow speed.

  11. These ideas will certainly be frowned upon by our managers.

  12. We are being aimed at by our competitors.

  13. My friend cannot be relied upon.

  14. John can be counted upon.

  15. The business should be dealt with cautiously.

  16. Their complaint must be taken note of.

  17. Only two methods can be resorted to in order to solve the problem.

  18. This means that our principles are adhered to.

  19. The matter won’t be attended to because of lack of money.

  20. My warning hasn’t been acted upon.

Lesson 3 modal verbs

1. Study carefully the following.


  1. The field of application of this machine must be increased.

  2. We have to introduce this machine into our factory.

  3. This method of teaching is to be applied here.

  4. This machine should be imparted new capabilities.

1. Сфера применения этой машины должна быть расширена.

2. Мы должны внедрить эту машину на нашей фабрике.

  1. Этот метод обучения должен быть применен здесь.

  2. Этой машине нужно придать новые «способности».


1. He can complete this work alone.

  1. The machine will be able to perform all these operations.

  2. He succeeded in repairing this robot.

  3. They managed to test all of the systems of this robot.

  4. They were unable to remove the defect.

  5. They failed to use all the capabilities of this robot.

1. Он может завершить эту работу один.

  1. Машина сможет выполнять все эти операции.

  2. Он смог отремонтировать этот робот.

  3. Они смогли испытать все системы робота.

  4. Они не смогли устранить дефект.

  5. Они не смогли использовать все возможности робота.


1. You may introduce your innovation in our company.

  1. He was allowed to introduce the innovation

  1. Вы можете внедрить ваше усовершенствование в нашей компании

  2. Ему разрешили внедрить это усовершенствование.

4. Translate the following sentences.

1. We have to use the latest innovations.

  1. They succeeded in substantially changing the design of our product.

  2. Our attempts failed to prevent damaging the equipment.

  3. They were unable to meet the safety requirements.

  4. This method is to be replaced by a new one.

  5. This is to be done without disturbing the work of the rest of the employees.

  6. Will you be able to buy new equipment?

  7. The operator was unable to check the pressure control device.

  8. There have to be more options for our shareholders.

  9. Will you be able to get there on time?

  10. I am sure you won’t fail to attend our next lecture.

  11. You will have to be dressed formally.

  12. I was unable to come. I had to get ready for my lessons.

  13. He was allowed to stay out till 10 o’clock.

  14. Did I have to come at 10 o’clock?