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12.4 Find these countries of the North American continent on the map, name their capitals

Антигуа и Барбуда – Antigua and Barbuda – Saint Johns

Багамские острова – Bahamas –

Барбадос – Barbados –

Белиз – Belize –

Бермудские острова – Bermudas –

Гаити – Haiti –

Гватемала – Guatemala –

Гондурас – Honduras –

Гренландия – Greenland (Denmark) –

Доминика – Dominica –

Доминиканская Республика – Dominican Republic –

Канада – Canada –

Коста-Рика – Costa Rica –

Куба – Cuba –

Мексика – Mexico –

Никарагуа – Nicaragua –

Панама – Panama –

Пуэрто-Рико – Puerto Rico

Сальвадор – El Salvador

Сент-Винсент и Гренадины – St Vincent and the Grenadines –

Сент-Китс и Невис – St Kitts and Nevis –

Сент-Люсия – St Lucia –

США – the United States –

Тринидад и Тобаго – Trinidad and Tobago

Ямайка – Jamaica –

12.5 Say whether the following statements are true or false

  1. 1. North America takes the third place among the continents according to the size of the territory.

  2. 2. North America lies in the Northern Hemisphere relative to Greenwich.

  3. 3. The largest island in the world, Greenland, is situated in the North.

  4. 4. American mountain systems were formed at different times since the Pre-Permian epoch.

  5. 5. The eastern lowlands are called the prairie.

  6. 6. Most of Canada has a polar climate.

  7. 7. The Great Salt Lake is situated in the region of the Great Lakes.

  8. 8. Vegetation and wild life of North America vary according to the climatic regions.

12.6 Complete the following sentences

  1. 1. North America is connected with South America by ………. .

  2. 2. ………. separates North America from Russia.

  3. 3. The Canadian Shield, made of ………., lies in ………. of continent.

  4. 4. The Rocky and Appalachian mountains are situated ………. .

  5. 5. ………. joins the five Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.

  6. 6. Tropical savanna climate can be found in ………., while polar tundra occupies ………. .

  7. 7. The wild life of the deciduous forest includes ………. .

  8. 8. ………. dwell the North American deserts.

12.7 Read the text and reproduce it in the form of a dialogue


Originally inhabited by Indians, North America long remained a sparsely settled and economically undeveloped land in global terms, but with the coming of Europeans (particularly the Spanish, French and British) and the Africans they introduced as slaves, the continent underwent a profound transformation.

The process of removing the Indians from their lands led to bitter disputes and to the creation of Indian “territories” that were eventually reduced to small isolated “reservations”. In Canada the system of reservations was adopted early and protected Indian settlements throughout the eastern part of the country. Intermarriage between whites (notably the French) and Indians was much more common in Canada than that in the USA and produced the sizable French-and-Indians Metis community. In Mexico, racial admixture went much farther; mestizos, of mixed Indian and white descent, now account for some three-fifths of the population. European immigration to Central America has been negligible since the Spanish conquest, and the Indians make up much of the population there (as high as 50 percent in Guatemala).

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