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1 Lesson 1 My speciality.doc
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5.10 Speak on:

  1. 1. The difference between weather and climate

  2. 2. The classification of areas according to climate

  3. 3. The climate of the British Isles

  4. 4. The climate of the Orenburg region

5.11 Text for written translation

The only thing you can rely on is that New York weather is entirely unreliable. A temperature change of as much as 40 degrees (Fahrenheit) within a single day is not uncommon. It may be freezing cold one afternoon, and bright, warm and sunny the very next morning, or unfortunately vice versa. According to the US Weather Bureau, New York City has a modified continental climate.

New Yorkers live in a relatively damp climate of cold winters and warm, humid summers. Hot spells can be difficult to bear. During the summer months there are brief but intense thunder storms. Rains which continue for a few days are not uncommon. On an average it will rain or snow 120 days out of the year. New York has many beautiful sunny days, especially during autumn.

July is the hottest month of the year, with an average temperature of 73.9 (Fahrenheit) and the coldest months are January and February with an average temperature of 30.8 degrees. Most of the strong winds that visit New York are from the northwest.

5.12 Make up all possible types of questions to the text 5.11

Read and smile

About two hundred years ago there lived a man in London whose name was Partridge. Mr. Partridge was famous all over the world for his almanacs in which he predicted the weather for each day of the year.

One summer day he went on a visit to a friend of his who lived in the country. He left London early in the morning. Then he stopped for lunch at an inn. The inn was quite near his friend's village and Mr. Partridge decided to walk there. He was going to leave the inn when the waiter said, "Don't go now, sir. It'll rain soon. Stay here for the night and walk to your friend's house in the morning". Mr. Partridge looked at the waiter with surprise. There was not a cloud in the sky and the sun was shining brightly.

Mr. Partridge left the inn and walked about a hundred yards when the sky became cloudy and it started raining. He went back to the inn. "How did you know about the rain?" Mr. Partridge asked the waiter. "Oh, it's very simple. We have Partridge's almanac. It says that today the weather will be fine and there'll be no rain. If it says "no rain" it is sure to rain".

6 Lesson 6 The Universe and the Solar System

6.1 Words and word combinations to the text

cosmos/ universe – вселенная, космос

aggregation – скопление

galaxy – галактика

spiral – спиральный

radius – радиус

light year – световой год

diameter –диаметр

satellite – спутник

planetary dust – планетарная (космическая пыль)

core – ядро

gaseous – газообразный

hydrogen – водород

trace – след

inner – внутренний

outer – внешний

to rotate – вращаться (more around a central point)

to revolve – вращаться (go round in a circle)

axis (pl. axes) – ось

path – траектория

gravitation – притяжение

asteroid – астероид

comet – комета

meteor – метеор

major planets – большие планеты

minor planets – малые планеты

solid – твердый

to tear away – отрывать(ся)

nebular theory – небулярная (космогоническая) теория

nebula – туманность

capture – поглощение

to agglomerate –собирать(ся)

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