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ср для печати программисты.doc
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Питання для самоконтролю:

1 .Is it necessary to remove the plug from the mains supply before cleaning the machine?

2. Should the device be used, if there is damage of any kind?

3. Can we use device with wet or moist hand?

Рекомендована література:

Полякова Т.Ю Английский язык для инженеров.Учебник. М.: Bысшая школа, 2003.- 243 с

Дидактичне забезпечення : інструкції з використання електроприладів , словники.

Самостійна робота №7

Тема: Технічний переклад та переказ тексту за фахом: «Графічна карта»

Завдання до самостійної роботи:

  1. Скласти словник незнайомих слів (не менше 10 слів).








  1. Вивчити слова на пам'ять

  2. Перекласти текст письмово українською мовою

  3. Скласти анотацію англійською мовою (письмово)

  4. Переказати текст згідно анотації.

Graphics card

A GeForce 4 4200-based graphics card

A graphics card or video card is a component of a computer which is designed to convert a logical representation of an image stored in memory to a signal that can be used as input for a display medium, most often a monitor utilising a variety of display standards. Typically, it also provides functionality to manipulate the logical image in memory.


As was in the past, many graphics cards are separate devices, attached to a PC motherboard via the ISA, PCI, VESA, or AGP buses, with recently-introduced PCI-Express expected to be prominent in the future.

Increasingly, however, the graphics card is no longer a "card" in the strictest sense, but is an integrated section of the motherboard dedicated to the same purpose. Integrated-graphics-displays usually have inferior 3D performance compared with dedicated graphics cards (due to using cheaper chipsets and sharing system memory rather than using dedicated memory); those who require high performance still prefer non-integrated solutions. Integrated graphics displays have gradually become more common since the mid 1990s as advancing technology makes them more practical. Anyone using their computer for office tasks, web browsing, email and such things will be fine with an integrated graphics chip.

The most powerful graphics hardware, usually geared towards 3D graphics for games, is still card-based. Their processing engines are sometimes called GPUs (graphics processing units). The longterm goal of graphics cards manufacturers (and game developers) appears to be realtime photorealistic rendering. New products and technologies are often touted to provide "Hollywood quality" - 3dfx used claims of movie-quality effects to promote their Voodoo 5 cards with T-Buffer technology, allowing motion blur, depth of field and full screen anti-aliasing effects. nVidia talked about "The dawn of cinematic computing" when introducing its GeForce FX chip with the Dawn technology demo. Others use the new technology for more impressive, but unrealistic rendering, such as cel shading.

Conversely, sometimes 3D-graphics capabilities are not relevant to the choice of high-performance graphics card; 2D graphics and fine visual-quality fill specialised niches in areas such as medical imaging. The original hardware accelerated 3D Tenderers come on a board that was used in conjunction with a normal graphics card. The card would add 3D graphics to the 2D rendering from the graphics card via a pass-through cable. The first consumer-level 3D hardware was the Voodoo by the now defunct 3dfx.