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МУ по ПЗ Пименовой 190604.doc
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Задание 3 Заполните пропуски в предложениях, в соответствии с содержанием текста и переведите предложения.

Inventors on both sides of the Atlantic ___________during the 1880s that

Patented in 1860, his water-cooled contraption___________and was _____ and __________

Otto's four-cycle design ___________that would become standard in ___________engines.

Motorists had to carry ___________and separate___________, for there were no __________ or_________to serve them.

The compact internal combustion engine was a most ___________ for the

Karl Benz___________ his own Otto-type engine ___________ a three-wheel carriage in 1885.

Задание 4 Переведите вопросы. На основе ответов на вопросы кратко перескажи­те основное содержание текста на английском языке.

Who built the first practical internal combustion engine?

Who improved the Lenoir engine?

What era did the Otto engine inaugurate?

Who introduced the first commercial automobile?

Задание 5 На основе вопросов и ответов на вопросы по Заданию 4 составьте диалог

Один из участников диалога - инженер-автомобилист. Он отвечает на вопросы другого участника диалога — студента, который старается получить как можно больше интересующей его информации. При составлении диалога используйте текст и материал, представленный в предыдущих заданиях.

В ходе диалога используйте следующие вводные слова и разговорные фразы:

а) для студента (student)

Good morning!

Good afternoon!


Let me introduce myself.

My name is__________


I study at__________

I am interested in__________

I would like to ask you about__________

And what about__________

Can you describe me __________

Can you tell me about _________

What are the main characteristics of __________

Thank you for your help.

It was nice to meet you.

See you.


б) для инженера-автомобилиста (automotive engineer)

Good morning!

Good afternoon!


How can I help you?

What can I do for you?

Do you know that__________?

Let me tell you about__________

1 would like to mention that__________

The point is that_________

Thank you for your coming.

It was nice to meet you.

Hope to see you soon.


Текст 6 Двигатель


Задание 1 Выпишите слова в тетрадь и переведите их на русский язык, пользуясь словарем на стр.94

  1. ingenious

  2. present

  3. consumption

  4. smoothly

  5. device

  6. thrust

  7. designer

  8. properly

  9. ability

  10. obtain

  11. overhaul

  12. demand

  13. define

  14. specific

  15. balance

  16. power

  17. output

  18. flexibility

  19. load

  20. consider

  21. fuel

  22. run

  23. advantage

Задание 2 Чтение и перевод текста: Двигатель


The word engine originally meant any ingenious device, and came from the Greek word ingenious, clever. Any kind of vehicle must be able to move. The ability to move demands power. A machine that produces mechanical power or energy is called an engine or a power plant.

Engines present one of the most interesting groups of problems considered in the engineering field. One of the main problems is receiving the maximum possible power or thrust for minimum weight. The weight is included in the factor called the weight/power ratio, which may be defined as the weight in pounds per horse power output.

Another important problem is that of fuel. Both in the past and today the designers work at the problem of getting lower specific fuel consumption. Specific fuel consumption is obtained by dividing the weight of the fuel burned per hour by the horse power developed.

Another possible problem considered in any engine is its flexibility. Flexibility is the ability of the engine to run smoothly and perform properly at all speeds and through all variations of atmospheric conditions.

One more important problem worked at by the designers is the engine reliability. The engine is to have a long life, with maximum of time between overhaul periods. In some cases the problem of balance is one of the main. Balance has several possible meanings but the principle factor is freedom from vibration. Besides any engine must be started easily and carry its full load in a few minutes. There are gasoline engines, diesel engines, gas turbines, steam engines, jet engines and rocket engines. Each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages over other forms of power plants.