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4.9.11. Resume to materialization methods

We considered 10 methods of materialization from many other. These methods are well adapted to any consciousness level. If you combine these methods with methods of resurrection then you will be able to construct any matter on scientific-practical basis. If you understand these methods, then the matter construction will be the standard procedure.

Therefore, you can resurrect and heal the people and restore organs. You will be able to manage any situation, construct any elements (for example, air in space), figure out a critical situation with airplane, prevent the explosion of nuclear station, etc. Thus, you will succeed in the people salvation.

You, definitely, know that these methods must be personnel developed. Thus, the main factor is a practice. Try to apply these methods for construction the physical and spiritual matter. On spiritual level, we can produce our feelings: love, prosperity, compassion, etc. If we consider the love, as initial matter, then these methods will help to understand it by other people.

All conception considered above are relevant to construct any information. You can construct the information to, and manifest your consciousness in creative way (particularly for creation spiritual and physical matter).

Thus, you will be able to create any information and any matter -- spiritual and physical, because in these methods is presented the technology of Creator.

5. Conclusion

This book series dedicated genuine world construction. We considered the fundamental problems above. What is a source of the World?

This book gives clear answer: Creator and then soul and spirit, and then consciousness. Consciousness is connection between physical and spiritual level, between spirit and soul. Physical matter is form of consciousness development. Such is world construction. Life has spiritual basis. Many facts confirm that. In book series “Practice of management. Path to salvation” we presented several hundreds of such facts.

Resurrection is fact of nowadays life. The people who have the possibility to read that book will get new perception of life. Many of them are beginning to resurrect the people. Many people had already resurrected, and number of such people is constantly growing.

Resurrection of all people who have gone, and birth new human beings leads to significant increasing the people population. Thus, we will solve the problems of life resources. The material resources are restricted with natural development. Thus, production the resources via consciousness will be a basic way of life maintenance. That is one of the reasons of my development the materialization methods, which provided in that book. These methods also provide an increasing of space for the people.

Methods illustrate the management of reality, and maintain the further civilization and our life development.

We presented the principles of resurrection, methods of materialization and eternal development as genuine nature of the human beings.

Additionally, we considered the matter construction from our consciousness (we already discussed that conception in section 4). I want once again explain why a human being is able to construct matter, and that ability can stay his/her usual practice.

Creator developed our consciousness “in God image.” Thus, we are able to create any necessary object of the reality. We must only to form our idea in the way as Creator did. Then, for our creative activities will be opening the unlimited prospect.

Once, I had demonstrated how to get new matter, which not existed on the Earth. That was a case with materialization an object in apartment of Svetlana Grushko. That object was looking as it made from some metal. However, when the researcher had made analysis of its inner structure and chemical content, they had detected another nature of the object, which not existed on the Earth. I had created that multi-component object intentionally for demonstrate some result as appearance of total everything connections in matter.

By the way, I can accomplish practically the transformation one element from table of Mendeleev in another. The transformation bases on spiritual level.

Such transformation is only some case of general matter creation ability. In fact, everything what you have in your thought and recognize it can be received in reality.

I present new technology of creation the technical devices. The necessary electronic schemas can be created in ecological clean processes, which based on materialization (see paper “Fundamental definitions of the optical systems in micro-processes management,” - journal Microelectronics, series 1(153), 1999). Materialization process excluded many intermediate stages, for example, tinkering and welding. It is possible to create a machine as whole object; without separated creation its parts.

We can also create the machine via transferring it from the future; we materialize future machine in the present. I did this too.

When you will be able to materialize, you can create new materials, machines, and everything what you need for happy life.

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