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4.6.2. Key materialization

That case described by Tatyana Babaev (see Appendix D).

Tatyana was lived in the same hotel as I. One day she lost her key form the apartment. She searched the key in her bag, pockets, and even she extracted all things from bag. However, the key was not there. She becomes stressful, because the situation requires entering in apartment. She decided to ask the hotel representative. I had sat in that time in hotel hall and watched the situation.

I decided to help Tatyana and materialized the key in her bag. Then I suggested to Tatyana to control bag ones again. Following to my suggestion, she opened the bag and detected the key. Tatyana recognized that it was my action.

Key lost is a frequent case. Anybody knows that problem. In contrary, in following two cases materialization and dematerialization of the key accomplished by experiment (see declaration of Ekaterina Livado in Appendix D).

I accomplished dematerialization of the key (its weight is 10 gram) in the distance 10 meters during 20 minutes. After registration the fact of dematerialization, I began to materialize the key, and key would materialize in the distance 3 meters during 5 minutes.

Experiment shows that materialization take four times less duration, than the dematerialization. Thus, we can accomplish a resurrection process four times faster, than the transition process from clinical to biological death. We are talking about the consciousness level a bit higher than normal. Highest consciousness level can accomplish resurrection in a moment.

4.6.3. Experimental key materialization

In the declaration of Nadejda Lavrushkina, described next two experiments (see Appendix D).

In that experiment was accomplished partial dematerialization of the key, and, thereafter, was realized it full restoration. Key weight was 10 gram, and distance between me and key was 50 sm. Experiment duration was 5 minutes. During the experiment was done four photos (see Appendix D).

On first picture presented the key. On the next picture is seen only head and tail of key, and the barbell is practically non-visible. We watched the partial dematerialization of object.

So on second picture barbell is dematerialized. Where placed the information about key and its shape? That information presented in everywhere; in remaining parts of key, in the space between parts, and near to before existent full shape of key.

On the fourth picture, we can see full dematerialization of the key, which disappeared. Nevertheless, the information about key is still there and disappeared slowly. That information stores the key shape and provides the possibility to restore it.

We can compare key and human’s body dematerialization. Human’s body can be dematerialized, but the information will store in human’s soul. Thus, in any moment we can restore that human’s body.

Same thing happens with any object. In reality, any object is alive, and any object has the consciousness elements. Remember, collective consciousness creates all objects. Thus, any object has consciousness elements, and is possible to contact with any object. We can conclude the agreement with any object about its dematerialization. It is possible to convince it to go through dematerialization process. After dematerialization the object, more accurate saying, object substance has information about previous object state. Essence of further object materialization is, in fact, the action, which help to remember the object its previous form, and materialize it.

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