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Grigoriy Grabovoy - Resurrection and Eternal L....doc
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This book is from the series of books dedicated to a genuine world understanding.

Here I explain my experience concerning the resurrection of human beings. I will discuss the human’s resurrection only, and will not debate the resurrection of animals, plants, and so on.

For most of us, the idea of resurrection is symbolic. However, the soul of everyone accepts that resurrection is a reality. Many people correctly recognize the RESURRECTION on the soul level. Everyone needs to understand how that human being who was dead and gone can resurrect.

Many people do not care about -- how God created the world, what its laws are, and what life is by itself. These people get confuse about many facts -- healing from AIDS, cancer in its last stages, materialization and dematerialization of things, diagnostics for technical equipment (even for cosmic objects), remote computer management through thought, changing the past and present and future, understanding the conversation between people an any distance in an any language, and on and on. All of these facts confirmed in official documentation, consolidated into numerous tomes. Many of these facts accept as miracles, but we need to keep in mind that miracles not contradict the nature’s laws – they contradict only to our understanding of nature’s laws.

It is time to change how we think about the world and it laws – and this we have to done at the beginning of this new millennium; it is necessary for the world salvation.


All of us feel the accelerated science and technology development. Is man developing? If yes, in what direction? What is going on with humankind? What things cause the real development of man – his authentic progress and evolution?

The man’s perfection develops with his consciousness progress. Man’s consciousness has two states now: sleep and vigil. Everybody knows what these states are. I will not touch here on waking-dreams, because these involve special consciousness states.

Most of our lives spent in these two states of consciousness -- sleep and vigil. In the vigil state, a person can move, decide, conclude, and do a host of other things, which are impossible when a man is asleep. Nevertheless, there are levels of consciousness in which the vigil state is very like state of sleep.

Let us consider how a person’s world perception changes along his consciousness transformation. In a dream, our world perception transforms. In the vigil state, we experience the world in three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time. However, think about this: Let us say a man is born with color-limiting contact lenses on his eyes but he does not know it. Of course, over time the man concludes the world is exactly as he sees it. Suddenly, when the contact lenses removed, the man discovers the different world – perhaps in a gamut of beautiful colors. The same would hold true for us when we will detach the ordinary constraints on our vigil consciousness -three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time. Our world perception would revolutionize – we would discover the new unknown world.

This is a truth well known since ancient times. Look what the apostle Paul said in his Epistle to the Ephesians (3:17, 3:18): “…that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend, with all the saints, what is width, length, depth, and height…”

Width, length, depth, and height – here Paul enumerated the four dimensions of space. Through well-defined work in defined conditions and, foremost, rooted and affirmed in love, Paul says man can perceive four-dimensional space. In fact, with such consciousness transformation a man can perceive space with any number of dimensions.

What does this mean – to perceive four space dimensions? Consider a simple example: imagine a straight line. We divide the line into two parts with some point. Imagine the point is a wall. Then, from any point on the line, it will be impossible to see any other points on the line from any other part of the line. From a mathematical point of view, we can say a straight line has one-dimensional space. In two-dimensional space (on a plane), we can see our line from the sides -- we can see both parts simultaneously. Let us now consider a familiar plane, like a table or desktop. Let us draw a circle on top of this desk. The circle divides the desk into two parts: that part which is inside the circle and that part which is outside the circle. From three-dimensional space – looking down on the table from above -- we see both parts simultaneously. That is impossible from the plane of the tabletop itself.

Therefore, finally, we come to three-dimensional space. Let us take a sphere. Let us separate the sphere into two parts: inside the sphere and outside the sphere. Could you perceive four dimensions, you would see both parts simultaneously. Think of a house. In three-dimensional space, one could simultaneously see both what was in the house and what was outside the house.

Consider again our example of the desk. You could put a coin inside of the circle drawn there. You could then take that coin and move it to the outside of the circle – through the air, not by sliding it across t he desktop. In that case, – what with the coin moving in three-dimensional space -- it will not cross the line of the circle.

Similarly, in three-dimensional space, you can go from one room to another without crossing any wall -- just use the fourth dimension. Of course, other people in the room it will think it a miracle and will immediately call the newspapers to inform them of this extraordinary incident.

We have discussed problem of space. Now let us take a look what said, in the Revelation of St. John (10:6), about time: “… and swore…that there should be delay no longer” (“…swore that the time will not exist”*).

If we consider this sentence along with what the apostle Paul said about space, we can begin to see perpetually restricted perception of the world as existing in three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time. This restriction connects with consciousness – that is, the level of consciousness humankind has now.

This situation will change. The two citations above, taken from the canonical Bible, confirm the possibility of our departing our everyday restricted consciousness.

In reality, the belief that natural laws base on three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time indicates a superficial understanding of the world. Indeed, there is a deeper and more fundamental connection between the world’s structures. Phenomenal changes accomplish in this world by connecting with it through a special act of will. We must develop, through this act of will, an expanded consciousness.

Many of us know the words of the Gospel. However, which word is the key? An accurate reading of the Gospel reveals to us that the key word is the “God Realm” (“the realm of Heaven”). Repeatedly Jesus Christ rejected material values for the “God Realm.” He explained that if everyone could succeed in reaching God’s realm, then all other values would simultaneously left behind.

This “God Realm,” first, is expanded consciousness. Secondly, it is the ascension to the next consciousness level. That is the real path to God.

Now we can understandable the sentence, “The realm of God is within us.”

The God Realm -- expanded consciousness -- is inside us.

When Jesus Christ said, “Wake up!” he meant to wake up to the God realm. The relation between our usual, everyday consciousness and an extended state of consciousness is like the relation between a vigil state of consciousness and plain sleep.

When we enter into the realm of God, all that is truly, fundamentally real will be present, as the man with expanded consciousness has risen above the constraints of three-dimensional space and time – he or she is now able to accept “real” reality.

In this state of consciousness, the will can accomplish actions which, seen from the point of view of everyday consciousness, seem extraordinary – for example, having conversations with people who were supposed to be “dead and gone.” Indeed, it is possible to see them and talk with them. It is possible – though not everyone can return to life -- to help many come back to life.

We have to recognize that it is only from the viewpoint of everyday consciousness that people call “dead and gone” in the first place.

Consider this: imagine we are at home and we take piece of ice and put it on a dish. It seems solid enough -- a solid object we can pick up, study, weigh it, and so on. However, after a little time, we find it is not so “solid,” after all. It is not long before we see, in the dish, water only. Physics calls this “phase transformation” -- a material passing from a solid state to a liquid state. If we keep the water in the dish an even longer time, the water will disappear. That is the next “phase transformation”: the material passing from a liquid state to a gas state. Try as you might to find the evaporated water, you will not succeeded. If you detect in house the pipe carrying cold water, then you might see, on its surface, tiny drops of water. If you collected some of that water and froze it, then you will get ice again.

This example illustrates a way we can look at the transformation of people who have passed from life into death – at people who said to be “dead and gone.”

When the water transformed to a gas state we could not see it; so it is with the people who are “gone.” These people are still around us.

Remember the things that people who were in a state of “clinical death” have said. These people tell of how doctors reanimated their bodies. Though “clinically dead,” they were able to hear what the doctors and nurses were saying. Of course, the doctors and nurses, after the fact, always amaze by a patient’s memories of the events and words.

Obviously, the example with water was only a partial analogy. The transformation from death to life involves different states (we will talk about these later). For now, the most amazing fact to consider is this: the difference between these states is not so significant – ice becoming water then becoming ice again; water evaporating and returning; death and resurrection. People who were “dead and gone” can come back to life.

In reality, we should be more careful with the words we use to distinguish “people who are dead” from “people who are alive.” Both of these two groups are simply in different states of consciousness -- like water in its various states (ice, water, and steam are all H2O). From one viewpoint, resurrection is just a standard procedure, and people can learn this standard procedure the same as any other.

In this series of books we consider how the past, present, and the future, based on an everyday understanding of the laws of the world, can be radically transformed through a realization of the reality of eternal life. Indeed, from our everyday consciousness -- from three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time -- past events occur in “the past,” present events exist in “the present,” and the future exists only in “the future.” In reality, for the man with expanded consciousness, the past, present and future exist simultaneously. Man’s being can be transformed from “past” to “present” -- who is “gone” can return to the world. The man who comes back never sees in his return something unusual or unbelievable. For him, the return is completely natural. He perceives the transformation just as we, in normal life, perceive the return to health after a short illness. It would not take much conversation with these people to determine the truth of that. Moreover, the number of such people with whom one could have that conversation is growing.

We tend to speak of two approaches toward a proper understanding of the world. One of these is the approach of the scientist. The other is the approach of the man who has developed a harmonic spiritual management of reality, characterized by inner vision.

Everyone is familiar with the first approach, through which a scientist tries, though observation and experiment, to detect a common law between two different events seemingly not connected, at first glance, to each other. The scientist tries to find a law, which will express, through a formula, a consolidation of all the “facts.”

We all know about Newton’s Laws regarding the calculated flight of a ball, airplane, or planet in the Solar system. Scientists use special devices created in laboratories or workshops. Improvements to these devices have, over time, made new information concerning the “laws of nature” available.

The second approach to an understanding of the world is different. Here, the man does not use devices created in laboratories or workshops but rather uses special devices created by the Lord – from his own body. All real developments in learning stem from this “device.” All of the books in this series involve this approach. Later we will show why it is fundamental.

The constantly cumulative development of technical systems can be dangerous, if the systems not managed and monitored consciously. The threat of global destruction is proof enough of this. Technical systems must come under the control of consciousness, as only our consciousness can develop in harmony with world.

Scientists at the forefront of science understand the necessity of a theory based on multi-dimensional space (i.e., more than three dimensions). Though they create many theories, if they do not perceive these spaces they restrict their understanding. Here is the question: how do we remove the constraints from our perception? The challenge here is for everyone, not just scientists. How to increase our level of consciousness -- that is the most important problem facing humankind.

Amid a series of related books, this book focuses on how greater consciousness can developed. In the appendix are daily exercises spanning a month’s time, which performed repeatedly month after month.

The exercises help you change, so that your own pulse will better correspond with the pulse of the Universe. Though the exercises only take a few minutes each day, the results are significant, having a maximum effect through only a minimum investment of time and effort.

At every step of the way, we can see the value of changing consciousness. Wherever we go, we face the challenge and the opportunity of striving for this change. Suppose you are walking in a park and suddenly you see a beautiful rose. You may marvel at the color of the petals, the light aroma of the flower, perhaps observing a drop of water on a leaf, glinting in the sunshine. Probably, this divine beauty and aroma will amaze and entrance you. You may well feel that another life is close to you. You want to understand this. How can you understand it?

You feel the answer is present -- you feel it with all your heart. However, you also feel that something is missing. The flower is very close -- it is right in front of you. However, some invisible barrier separates it from you. The answer is here, but on a different plane – in a different language. You probably feel you not reach the reality of the rose, though you know it is right in front of you. How is it possible to understand what the rose is?

Shall we ask a scientist? Though science can make a chemical analysis of the flower, evaluating the flower’s various processes, providing the assorted percentages of its chemical elements, this knowledge does not really help us to understand the reality of the flower.

The question remains: what is this rose? There is only one way you can understand it.

You must become the rose -- at least for a moment. This is possible with expanded consciousness. This is the way to comprehending the world. This is the basic, primary, fundamental understanding.

You must pay attention. To receive the knowledge you need does not mean cutting the flower – does not require that you destroy the rose.

Consider this: we have confirmed that in expanded consciousness is a radically different perception of the world. We need to see that our usual, everyday consciousness does not stay the same in time. You can confirm that through simple observation of your own behavior. Recall any repetition of events and your various feelings along the way. You can remember how much the feelings varied. This is true for everyone. Sometimes our perceptions are foggy. Sometimes they are clear. Similar events experience at different times with different emotions. Our general consciousness changes constantly. We do not stay in a single state of awareness.

Our awareness changes with the development of our consciousness.

In the cases of certain special states of emotion – feelings of extraordinary growth, happiness, success – we find signs of our transformation to a significantly higher level of consciousness, and we continue to remember these peak moments with uncommon clarity throughout our lives.

It is possible that a person having ordinary, everyday consciousness can make a surprising sudden leap in awareness, reaching expanded consciousness. This is the case when a person feels a sudden blessing -- enlightenment, unlimited joyfulness. Certainly, this state not expressed in words -- it must live through. With correct spiritual intention, correct understanding, and correct regular practice, it is possible to reach these extended states of consciousness and to retain them throughout one’s life.

Let us consider the challenges another way.

Imagine you have a magnifying glass in a drawer somewhere in your house. Because the magnifying glass not used much, there is now a heavy layer of dust on it. While walking around your house one day, you suddenly see an ant on the floor. Wanting to have a closer look at the ant, you crouch down and find that the ant is indeed very, very small. Now you remember that somewhere in the house you have a magnifying glass. You retrieve it from its drawer, and return to the ant. You find that, even with the magnifying glass, the ant is still very tiny; in fact, your view of him is now even more clouded and obscure.

This parallels the scientific approach toward understanding the world. You can move the magnifying glass of science this way and that -- up and down, back and forth -- and record and analyze the changing picture. You can change your position and the angle of approach; you can work up complicated algorithms of statistical analysis of the data received and plot a further course of action.

You could also do something quite different. Let us return to the ant. You could grab a tissue and clean the lens of the magnifying glass! Suddenly the ant would become very clear to your eyes. Success would come from a simple improvement of the technology – the tool – the lens.

Therefore, it is with the development of a right understanding of the world. This requires an improvement in our perception, a change in the state of our consciousness – an improvement in how our brain functions. Notice that a change in only one cell can change the state of our entire consciousness.

Again, how do we achieve this change? That is the core question.

There are many methods. One of these is meditation -- the simplest most effective method. Through regular meditation, we can change the way the brain works. Slowly but surely we can affect the synchronization of the pulses within the brain. This confirmed by scientific research studying the influence of meditation on the nature of brain waves. Encephalogram research has proved that meditation can synchronize brain pulses in various areas of the brain. The brain begins to work coherently – the whole brain.

Everyone knows of the revolution that came through the invention of the laser. Scientists doing laser research rewarded with Nobel Prizes in physic. At the core of their inventions is the principle of coherent irradiation creation, a single principle that illuminates every aspect of any laser device.

Similarly, a person may develop greater coherence in the varied workings of his or her brain. Different tools, like different laser devices, bring new possibilities.

Please note: research on meditation has involved the brain only, but meditation can change the human organism, including all the separate cells throughout the body. The difference between regular light and a laser beam is enormous. Similarly, the difference between the human organism before and after meditation is, beyond merely significant, enormous.

In fact, the difference is so big that the person transformed arrives at a new, higher level of life. The human organism has unlimited potential for self-improvement. The possibilities of it are hard to imagine.

Please recognize, when I talk about meditation, that there are many different ways of meditating. In the Christian tradition, for example, prayer is a meditation that occurs at a very high spiritual level. Because one’s consciousness focuses in the heart area during prayer, it is a powerfully effective way to enter a higher level of consciousness.

A quick transition from regular consciousness to expanded consciousness is possible to develop through concentration. Meditation contributes to this concentration process. In fact, as a spiritual practice, concentration is similar to visional thinking. *


To diagnose the health of a patient – the state of a human organism -- doctors use special equipment like X-Rays, Ultra-Sound, etc. A person having expanded consciousness uses his or her own inner vision as a kind of device to increase awareness of his or her own organism. Through inner vision, he or she sees, and transforms, all the organs. Inner vision provides not only the possibility of observing the inner organs but also of studying the workings of, and methods for restoring, these organs.

Looked at this way, a “cure” becomes immediately evident. A scientific approach is not called for -- no performing experiments, accumulating and analyzing data, exploring the validity of the data, and on and on. These only point in a direction. The answer lies somewhere else. Indeed, we assume that you are interested in a particular organ, say an appendix. You want to understand, beyond function, the organ’s purpose. It is clear that nature knows the purpose. Therefore, the answer does exist. We just need, ourselves, to see it via inner vision.

Inner vision is a universal method for accessing this particular kind of information. What we can compare with this? Actually, a comparison made through looking at one aspect of modern life – the appearance of the Internet – the World Wide Web. Via the Internet, one can get any sort of information from anywhere around the world. Already we have Cosmos Net, Universe Net and so on – almost-endless data about almost everything. A person – a human organism – we can compare to the operator of such a Net. Inner vision is like the method one would use to place a request within this Net. The performance of this Net is so fantastic that a response to the inquiry is generated almost immediately. Notice also that instead of congratulating “Cosmos Net,” the best way to explain what happens is to comprehend the Information Field.

Here is an interesting question: where did the responses to the request come from? Discoveries – sometimes, amazing discoveries – we made in different areas of life. Certainly, it has happened in science, but also in other areas, for example innovations in technology or in social principles.

What is the value of any discovery made by any person who lacks inner vision? No matter who discovers an idea -- no matter how new or brilliant it may seem -- it is always coming in from one place -- the Information Field. In a sense, the reward for the discoverer’s efforts and hard work may not be soon coming. In fact, the discoverer may never know the success of his or her discovery. One cannot congratulate oneself for having access to the Information Field, which is never under our control.

Let us consider another situation - two people in water. One of them has his palms formed into a kind of cup, as if waiting to collect rainwater. The other knows where there is a working water faucet, and he knows how to use it. This person is going to get water whenever he needs it. He can fill a cup with water – or fill a bathtub or a tank. In short, he can get all the water he wants.

Think about how we normally access the Information Field. We have many questions, but it not automatically assures that we are going to get instant answers to our questions. Consider, for example, the nature and purpose of the organ called the appendix – it is mysterious -- there just are not answers for every question.

In comparison the use of inner vision to using the INTERNET, we are looking at both: from the outside without any insight into the deep, intricate nature of both. Let us elaborate. In seeking information, we may make a request to the Information Field -- or we may get it from an information provider via the World Wide Web.

Information exists in an encoded form. Is the asker really understands the information obtained. Still, the information influences behavior. When a man has expanded consciousness, he asks a question and gets an answer – and, in time, the information is recognized. A man must change his behavior in time -- that is the goal.

Above I mentioned the organ called the appendix is something still quite mysterious to us. Let us consider the problem more closely.

Modern science still does not recognize what the appendix itself is – or what its purpose is. However, with inner vision, we can know the answer to this question. The appendix is an important organ. It has several functions. Here is one: the appendix projects information about the immune system from the left side of the brain to the right side of the brain. One of the most important jobs the appendix does is to maintain balance among these parts. If you take out a person’s appendix, that person’s immune system goes awry. If the immune system for the reproductive system goes awry, for example, the increased workload on the brain puts tremendous pressure on the inner skull. It turns out that the purpose of the appendix is far different from what we imagined in the first place. We are just beginning to discover its real functions. Similarly, we can approach fresh considerations of various other organs and discover wondrous properties. How amazing, for example, is the pituitary gland!

Let us now talk about medicine in the future and medicine today -- medicine in terms of resurrection, that is. Resurrection practice defines the principles of a new medicine. The first principle of this new medicine is that it brings full material restoration. This new medicine has already begun to solve numerous human problems. The main issue, of course, is eternal life.

A different volume in this series dedicates to numerology, a science of symbolic calculation, concrete situation analysis, and forecasting. Using inner vision, I can make a diagnosis of an airplane’s situation according to its boarding number. I can see how that number connects with any defects the crafts might have. Numerology provides an analysis of the situation.

A man who has not learned this numerology simply cannot understand how a connection can exist between numbers and real life events. For him, it is an enigma. He cannot see the connection.

Later, we will consider this further.

Another interesting topic is that of the life of animals and birds. From childhood, we observe how birds fly from branch to branch, from tree to tree. We marvel at how easily they do it, and at how high they fly. Bird flight reveals to us many wonderful and unusual things. Science still does not understand that the flight of birds is not due to the wafting of their wings. Antigravity plays the most significant role. For a pigeon, the antigravity in its head is ten times less than that on the end of its tail. The bird can distribute this antigravity; this creates another flight dynamic. Different birds have different distributions of antigravity in their bodies. The principle of flight for birds that fly in the daytime is quite different from that of night owls. The most interesting form of bird flight is that of an eagle. Eagles create antigravity in their bodies, but they also have the possibility of dematerializing. When the eagle is in its attack mode, we see a small clod. It is possible we think the bird has compressed itself. However, it is not just compression causes such a change in volume. In fact, the way the eagle accomplishes such a decrease in volume is through dematerialization in some parts of its body. The eagle can change the form of its body according to the target pursued. Falcons also have this ability, though not in such great measure as the eagles have.

Eagle has many wondrous abilities. We will talk about these in forthcoming books. It is no accident that ancient peoples connected eagle imaginary with the Lord. Nor is it an accident that we can see the image of an eagle on the flags of modern states. Eagles presented on the flag of Russia. An Eagle with two heads indicates a stabile, wealthy future.

In books forthcoming, we will also consider levitation, materialization, dematerialization, telepathy, teleportation, etc.

These abilities long time held sacred. It is time to explain them.

Humankind has come to a new epoch of development, in which will be solved the problem of deathless people – the resurrection of people “dead and gone.” The problem exists not just in theoretical aspect, but also as a contemporary practice. It is a living reality saving all humankind.

Facts concerning resurrection prove the real, ongoing restoration of all material things – there is no destruction, ever.

The practice of resurrection is the way to salvation in this time – a time of accumulating weapons of mass destruction. The practice of resurrection points to an alternative way to develop civilization.

The development of regeneration and restoration mechanisms provides a solution to the problem of “creation without destruction.” The principle of restoration easily extends to all areas of human life. It can be the basis for the development of constructive thinking for future generations.

Any aggressive environment is possible to transform via non-aggressive elements emerging in an altogether new environment. As result, it will be possible to find effective behavior, which will prevent ecological disaster.

Keep this in mind: resurrection brings change everywhere -- throughout all outer space!

The world harmonizes if, for example, we create materials, which do not tear apart cars. This would not require very many resources. It is all so real. Real as is real the resurrection. We can aim for that; and we can have it.

Always remember one truth: we are born for joy, happiness, fulfillment, and eternal life.

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