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Grigoriy Grabovoy - Resurrection and Eternal L....doc
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Note to acceptation the reality (principle 1.3)

Here is that principle: OUR CONSCIOUSNESS ACCEPTS AS REALITY WHAT IS EXISTS IN OUR CONSCIOUSNESS. We already know: collective mind built the environment around individual. In connection with that, let us consider question: What happens if consciousness level of individual is significant higher than collective mind? How can influent for example nuclear explosion on that individual?

We can make following comparison. Imagine that you are going through field. Suddenly is beginning thunderstorm. Sky covers with gray clouds and in earth strikes lightning. If lightning hits individual then can happens bad things. That state beginning to stay danger.

If you for example in that moment travel on airplane above the clouds, then you can observe that storm with interest.

More safety is observing that storm from satellite. You can see also how destructive is tornado.

Same way like storm from satellite you can observe collective mind from expanded consciousness level. It is safe.

Therefore, nuclear explosion cannot destroy individual with expanded consciousness. That individual is out of destruction because he is on stream of Eternity. Such people existed, and we can say, “After some time, number of such people will increase.”

We can explain that a little different. As was saying, existed scientist, which belief that World managed according to, so-called, objective laws. These objective laws created with collective mind. Thus, if we increase consciousness level of individual, then we decrease the number of the “objective” laws of collective mind.

One of relatively simple example is levitation. Levitation means overwhelm of gravitation with consciousness and free flight of body. Note that many of people even not think about. That happens because influence of orthodox science in modern society created imagination about laws like non-changed and something predetermined thing.

However, everybody can during the short period of time change for himself law of gravitation and Therefore, from own experience understand what is levitation.

If will be changed collective mind in that thing, then will be changed that law.

In our practice, it is very important not only observations, situations and laws but also ability to change laws, situations, and events in necessary direction based on consciousness control.

We intend to discuss principal defect of orthodox science: just to observe nature and fasten detected laws. That approach based on trust in existence “objective” laws and their independence from human beings. Therefore, the purpose of science is detection “objective” laws and their description.

Let us consider an example. Traditionally, at the end of year, the experts of the top scientific journals choose 10 the most significant achievements. What is number one in the list of 1998? That is “Universe extends eternally, and with growing speed.” Scientists based on accurate experiments just had formulated a detected fact, nothing more. Is that most important achievement? Scientific approach must be different totally.

No matter, is the Universe extends or collapses. What is a goal of science? Danger of the global world destruction is our today’s reality. Properly, the science must develop a way of the world salvation.

We had built up our new science on the principles of concrete results achievement. Results will achieve by the stepwise, creative, full controlled actions. Our new science is the science of salvation. Our science develops the WORLD SALVATION. Our science changes the REALITY.

Genuine science has worked according to the following schema. Based on the situation knowledge, science, firstly, will change a reality for achievement the world salvation. When salvation succeeded, then a safety system would create. Safety system provides further event progress, which will develop in direction for wealth of the human beings. That schema applies to an achievement any prosperous result.

Base criterion of our science is “Achievement a Goal with the Constructive Realization.” Truth criterion of our science is the positive results. For example, these can be salvation or resurrection of individual or society. Our science will develop for these positive results achievement.

For better understanding, we consider a music creation example.

We all heard about the music theory. In contrary to the science, the masterpieces of music had created without the theory. We can say that music theory has created based on the masterpieces of geniuses. Therefore, base of theory is a practice. Best practice results are base for the theory, which can help the beginners in first steps of composition.

Consequently, a core element of our science is a practice. That means the necessary result is possible to achieve. Because an ultimate characteristic of our life is a permanent progress, we need to develop a flexible dynamic system to achieve the necessary results. That is non-static system. That is not like well-known existed permanent system of laws.

If we consider the laws of a permanent extension of Universe, then one simple question will appear “What we can do with that?” If we would accept that law as a scientist then obviously the process of Universe extension would be uncontrolled.

Well, let ask differently. Is this discovery clarified world salvation problem? How reconstruct our consciousness (our perceptions, our development) for total world transformation control?

Answering on these questions, let define some form of total processes control. We can reveal a following principle: VIA ANY SELECTED WORLD ELEMENT IS POSSIBLE TO CONTROL ANY OTHER ELEMENT. MOREOVER, THE SELECTED ELEMENT HAS CREATED IN YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS INTENTIONALLY FOR THAT PURPOSE. Based on that principle is realized control of Universe processes. It does not matter extends Universe or collapses. We can consider Universe as a system in some stage, which transforms it form and outcomes. We can alter any law without an exception.

That discovery is possible to interpret and accept in different manner. All Universe objects link one another, and link, simultaneously, to the information objects. We are able to detect some concrete link (as the orthodox science does). World control has not monitor the world from inside. Enough to connect your consciousness to world macro-structure and then manage the information objects. Just transfer the information in a control zone. That is always possible.

Thus, our science will solve exactly these questions. That science is not registered the processes. That science manages any world processes.

Convincing examples of such management are the facts of people’s resurrection (see section 1). In section 4, we will consider the cases of people’s healing by the serious illnesses. These examples will clearly illustrate a genuine science in the action. That science is not restricted with simple fact registration, for example, fact of individual death, or fact of ASID in last stage. That genuine science based on true knowledge about world will succeed to resurrect individual or to heal him/her.

Let us consider another example from our practice. How forecast an earthquake? How decrease it power? Based on direct vision we discovered a formula of the general reality and theory of the wave synthesis. Then we constructed a special device for the forecast and decreasing power of the earthquakes. I personally not need to use such device. I can do that without the devices. However, a purpose of science is creation such devices for everybody’s use.

Below we will talk about device testing. We will explain a core of the device functions and experimental evidence.

Firstly, the device has provided a forecast of the earthquakes. Then the device predicts place and power of further earthquake and decreases power of further earthquake according to it technical resources. Power of the further earthquake will stabilize on the level succeeded by decreasing. Consequently, a device with more resources provides more effects that are significant.

This method realized on direct vision of the further and past events. It based on the information of the thousand earthquakes happened in the past and confirmed by information of the forecasted phase.

We present some citations from letter of Mr. M.A. Shahmanian (the head of the Extreme Situation Monitoring and Forecast Agency of Russia) to Mr. O.L. Kuznezov (president of the Natural Sciences Russian Academy).

“Academician of the Natural Sciences Russian Academy - Mr. G.P. Grabovoi based on formula of the common reality and theory of wave synthesis for the prophylactic forecast of earthquakes and catastrophes transferred a crystal module in the digital form. For the evidence purpose was being used a statistical data about the earthquakes from geophysical service of the Russian Academy of Sciences. We had tested a device on the earthquakes of the past and future. The past earthquake tested with transferring parameters of device to the beginning the earthquake. Further earthquakes tested on Earth map processing and satellite data of Earth surface extrapolation. …. As the earthquakes, in fact happened in the past was being used data about 1000 registered earthquakes in period from January 7, 1901, until July 4, 1918. …. Further earthquakes confirmed on July 1999, for all regions processed on the map. The prognosis phase had confirmed in all cases. Presently, we need to transfer the characteristics of a laser irradiation from the physical source in a digital form. It is required to transform a digital form of the parameters of crystal module in a form of the micro-processor, which will work a long period without additional calculations.”

How to prove, that the device really decreases the power of earthquake? We have just registered a power of the earthquake.

An answer received earlier for the underground nuclear explosions. Explosion series realize in the same conditions. Part of explosions accomplished with working device and part with turned off device. A power measurement performed in the distance of 20 km. The results are flabbergasted. Even one working device decreased the earthquake power to one-half. Thus, the earthquake will fully prevent by some number of devices.

We had tested the device very seriously and the results confirmed exceptional efficiency of the device.

Additionally, when I by myself control the earthquake power, then the destructions practically not happened.

We perform a tuning of the device according to the form and size of the crystal. That data formed experimental basis of the computations for the earthquakes.

How use the device in the conditions of real earthquakes? The well-known waves of the earth surface deformations extend from the earthquake epicenter. Apparently, the power and distance of the wave extensions depends on the power in epicenter. Normal device detects an earthquake. If earthquake happens somewhere, then any deformation on some place will being predicted based on power and distance from the epicenter. If we turn on the device after earthquake, then a deformation on device area decreased in many times, not on several percents but in many times.

Applying to real earthquakes, our device proved an exceptional efficiency. Important to remark, we had created this device on base new science and that is the exact reason of it efficiency.

What is a basis of the forecast? Basis is the theory of wave synthesis (was created by me). Any event defined as interaction result between static and dynamic phases of the reality. Any event exactly appears by the interaction. The wave synthesis theory rooted in our discovery of the Information Productive Area. International Registration Office registered the discovery in 1997. A core of the discovery is following. IN ANY INFORMATION OBJECT CAN BE RECOGNIZED A CREATION AREA OF THIS OBJECT - STATIC PHASE OF THE REALITY. RECOGNIZING THIS OBJECT YOU FORM THE DYNAMIC PHASE OF THE REALITY, WHICH CREATES INFORMATION. Hence, all objects in the world created by collective mind, which included the Creator consciousness. Learning the God laws of consciousness creates any worlds and an eternal life. A usage of that discovery offers a concrete criterion of the future. That is basis of the forecast.

Our common reality formula refers to connections between individual and all information objects. When the individual based on this formula had understood earthquake prognosis and he/she has intended to decrease the potential enquiries, then the power of the earthquake will attenuate. The same solution realizes in the devices based on the common connection laws of everything and human consciousness actions. Such devices in any conditions will work non-destructively.

Well, any objects had connected one another in our science. Moreover, we can describe all connections – based on consciousness - exactly in accurate symbols. Every object or element (an individual, a bio-system, a common system, even a simple formula) has worked for one goal: construction a safe, creative future. Realizing a goal, scientific formal mechanism is simultaneously a tool, which influents on result.

All, above considered things, are applicable for solution of any problem and not only for the problems of the nature catastrophes.

Controlled world transformation, based on scientific elements and formal apparatus, is core of our science.

Thus, when we discover the Universe extension, then - in my opinion - must be developed the recommendations how to control that extension by human beings, and how to use it for everybody’s wealth.

For the Universe extension control, we have proposed a control of static world reality. It seems as control on information level only. However, the letters, considered above, have proved that we are able to transform the information objects in the reality.

Again, drawing an analogy of orthodox science and genuine science, we will better understand the science criterion. It is not just about the facts establishment, but also about practical technology (with control on all steps of progress) of facts usage for everybody’s wealth.

If our genuine science would be existed in time of radiation discovery, then a nuclear weapon would not created. Unfortunately, many of the discoveries we can compare with a genie released from the bottle, when a control is problematic.

This is not surprising. Illustrating a basic reason of that situation, Let us consider an example of Second Newton’s law (see topic above). We define mass, acceleration, force, and an equation between them. Why we created this equation? What is a goal of that creation? It is out of question! That is a sign of the full uncertainty for the fundamental characteristics (goal and everybody’s wealth). That is an emblematic situation in the orthodox science.

Any science presumes research and realization. Genuine science is not destroyed anything on the research stage (see an example with a flower in Introduction section), and improved all aspects of the world on the realization stage.

Hence, the genuine science core we can formulate as following: research, control, and realization of the object without any interference in object state and sometimes without contact with the object.

Certainly, the difference between two sciences expressed in different mathematical methods. We can reveal a principal distinction of our science.

Any discovery creates an event. A situation changes after the discovery. These changes reflect in the formulas. Thus, the formulas will change too.

Our mathematics will change simultaneously with reality changes, and in the same time, it changes the reality. That is exactly the reason of the all stages changes control.

Normal mathematics presumes the knowledge about the boundary values, start conditions, object properties. Our mathematics works and produces the results even in the conditions, when any information about the objects is unknown. This science provides a possibility to salvation in any situation, partially, when the properties of aggressive environment are unknown.

Efficacy of our mathematics bases on operator action, which is similar to action of the soul. We know that the soul salvages, prevents, and regulates the world. The principle of genuine mathematics is similar to soul principle.

That is fully different mathematics. This mathematics developed as part of the world structure. A base element of the mathematics is a non-destructive, creative action.

Astounding distinction of genuine science from the orthodox science has an explanation. Maybe you presume about what we are talking. The cause is distinctive consciousness levels.

Science quality depends from scientist’s consciousness level. Therefore, the word “science,” by itself, has a little sense (because science depends from the consciousness of individual, who makes that science). Science, which corresponded to the normal level of consciousness, is an orthodox science. Consequently, a completely different science exists for higher level of consciousness. We can say the different sciences exist for each level of consciousness.

Thus, the existed orthodox science cannot be another. Orthodox science is exactly corresponded to the normal consciousness. Properly, development people’s consciousness, particularly scientist’s consciousness, is a key for exit from the current crisis of science.

Similar gradations, as in the science, existed in any other human’s activities. Analogically, we can specify “art” or “religion” in the correspondence with the consciousness development.

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