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With respect to T (Time) only

SDT(y) Running integral of y with respect to T (Time). Integral begins at T = tmin


Numerical derivative of y with respect to T (Time)


Change in y from the prior data point to the current


point. A numerical derivative is formed by the ratio of


two operators. For example, DEL(y)/DEL(t)


approximates the numerical time derivative of y.

Other functions



Absolute value function = (|z|2)0.5


DIFA reports differences between two analog curves. It


compares the u expression with the v expression at every


analysis point, and returns 1 if the absolute value of the


result is more than d. Otherwise, it returns 0. U and v


may be imported curves. See the IMPORT function. D is


optional and defaults to 0.


DIFD reports differences between two digital curves. It


compares the u level with the v level at every analysis


point, and returns 1 if they differ for a time exceeding d.


Otherwise, it returns 0. U and v may be imported curves.


D is optional and defaults to 0.


Factorial of the integer n.


N'th order Bessel function of the first kind of the


complex expression z, compiled from the series using m


terms. M defaults to 10.


Zero'th order Bessel function of the first kind of the


complex expression z. Same as JN(0,z,10)


First order Bessel function of the first kind of the


complex expression z. Same as JN(1,z,10)


Returns a random value between 0 and 1.


SERIES(n,n1,n2,z) Calculates the summation of the series of the complex expression z = z(n), for n = n1 to n = n2.


+1 (if y>0), 0 (if y=0), -1 (if y<0)


Complex square root = z0.5


Step function of amplitude 1.0 starting at T >= x.

TABLE(x,x1..xn,yn) This function performs a table lookup. It returns a value for y associated with the value of x, interpolated from the table. X values less than x1 generate an answer of y1. X values greater than xn generate an answer of yn.


Imports curve y from the file f. The file must be a


SPICE or MC7 output text file with a table of values that


includes the value F(frequency), T(Time), V(source


voltage), or I(current source), and the value of the


expression y. The expression y must be typed exactly as


shown in the file and must contain an even number of




Impulse function of amplitude y and area of 1.0.

CURVEY("file","W") Imports the Y component of curve W from the User source filename. The file must be saved in standard format. MC7 can save curves for you using the Save Curves section of the Plot Properties dialog box. See User source in Chapter 22 for the file format.

CURVEX("file","W") Imports the X component of curve W from the User source filename.



N'th order Bessel function of the second kind of the



complex expression z, compiled from the series



using m terms. M defaults to 10.



Zero'th order Bessel function of the second kind of the



complex expression z. Same as YN(0,z,10)



First order Bessel function of the second kind of the



complex expression z. Same as YN(1,z,10)


Chapter 19: Expressions


Sample expressions



D(1) & D(2)

AND of the digital state of node 1 with the


digital state of node 2.

D(1) | D(2)

OR of the digital state of node 1 with the digital


state of node 2.


Hex sum of two hex values. The first term is the


hex value of the states on nodes A, B, C, D. The


second term is the hex value of the states on


nodes R, S, T, U. The result is the hex sum of


these two hex values.

Laplace source transfer functions


Transfer function of a low pass filter


Transfer function of a second order filter


Transfer function equation for a lossy


transmission line (R, L, and C are the per unit


length values)

Function sources


exp(-T/.5)*sin(2*π *10*T)

An exponentially damped 10 Hz sine wave


The current equation for a vacuum triode. The terms p, g, and c are the plate, grid, and cathode names. v(p), v(g), and v(c) are the voltage at the plate, grid, and cathode respectively.




Typical junction capacitance expression


A time-dependent capacitor



5*(1+2*(TEMP - 273)**2)

A temperature-dependent resistance


A voltage-dependent resistance





A nonlinear inductance


A time-dependent inductance

Power and energy



Instantaneous power from the source VCC


Power dissipated in resistor R1


Power stored in transistor Q1


Power generated by source V1


Energy dissipated in diode D3


Energy stored in capacitor C2


Energy stored in inductor L4


Energy generated by source VCC


Total stored energy in the circuit


Total dissipated energy in the circuit


Total generated energy in the circuit


Total power stored in the circuit


Total power dissipated in the circuit


Total power generated in the circuit


Energy provided by the source VCC




Forward Fourier transform of V(A)+V(B)


In AC analysis, using this Y expression and T


as the X expression generates the impulse


response of a network. V(Out) is the complex


output voltage and fmax is the maximum


frequency of the run.


Cross correlation of V(1) and V(2)


Numeric derivative of the current flowing in L1


Numeric integral of the voltage curve V(Out)

290 Chapter 19: Expressions


Numeric integral of the voltage waveform at


the node Out with respect to time, from


T = 5ns to end of tmax.


Numeric integral of the voltage waveform at


the node A with respect to V(B), from V(B) >=


2 to the last value of V(B) at end of run.


Running RMS value of the expression V(Out)

5*(T>10ns AND T<20ns)

A non-periodic, 5V pulse, from 10ns to 20ns

5*((T mod 50)>10 AND

A 5V pulse, from 10s to 20s, with period of 50s

(T mod 50)<20)



Imaginary part of the complex voltage V(7)


Complex AC power in collector of device Q1


This table function returns -1 if V(1) is less than


-10, 0.1*V(1) if V(1) is between -10 and +10,


and +1 otherwise.


Imports waveform V(1) from the file A.OUT.


Imports the X component of the curve "I(V1)"


from the user source file "T1".


Imports the Y component of the curve "I(V1)"


from the user source file "T2".


Computes factorial(5) = 120.


Computes the fifth order Bessel function of the


first kind, using the first 6 terms of the series.


Creates a macro to compute exp(x) from its series. _exp(1.0) returns 2.718282 = e.


Rules for using operators and variables

Here are some important rules to keep in mind when using expressions.

1.The relational and Boolean operators return 1.0 if true and 0.0 if false.

2.The operators that use integration and differentiation, such as RMS, AVG, SUM, SD, DD, DEL, SDT, and DDT operators may be used only for printing and plotting. They can't be used in device parameter expressions.

3.ONOISE and INOISE should only be used in AC analysis and never mixed with other variables like V(somenode).

4.In AC analysis, all intermediate calculations are performed on complex values. After the expression is completely evaluated, the magnitude of the complex result is printed or plotted. For example, V(1)*V(2) prints or plots the magnitude after the complex multiplication. To print the imaginary part use IM(V(1)*V(2)). To print the real part use RE(V(1)*V(2)). To plot the magnitude use V(1)*V(2), or if you prefer, MAG(V(1)*V(2)).

5.The value of the time variable, T, is set to zero in AC and DC analysis. The value of the frequency variable, F, is set to zero in transient and DC analysis.

6.Transfer function expressions for a Laplace source use only the complex frequency variable, S. No other variables should be used. If the S is missing, an error will result. Do not use Laplace sources for constant gain blocks.

Use independent sources, SPICE poly sources, or function sources.

7.You can use symbolic variables in model statements, if the variable is used only for the parameter value, and not for the parameter name. For example, this will work:

.define VALUE 111

.model Q1 NPN (BF=VALUE ...)

After expansion, the model statement becomes

.model Q1 NPN (BF=111 ...)

This is syntactically correct and meaningful.

292 Chapter 19: Expressions

8. Define statements expand literally. For example:

.define a


.define b


You might expect that b would expand to (4+c)*x but it actually expands to 4+c*x. That is because the expansion of define statements is literally a text replacement. It replaces the text 'a' with the text '4+c'.

To avoid such problems, use parentheses around the defined quantity, such as in the following define statements:

.define a


.define b


Now b expands to (4+c)*x.


294 Chapter 19: Expressions

Chapter 20 Command Statements

What's in this chapter

Command statements are text strings which begin with a period. They are implemented by placing grid text in a schematic page or in the text area, or ordinary text in a SPICE circuit.

Features new in Micro-Cap 7

.TR command

.FUNC command

.HELP command



General Form (SPICE files only)

.AC [[DEC] | [OCT] | [LIN]] <data points> <fmin> <fmax>


.AC DEC 30 20 20K

.AC LIN 10 100 200

The .AC command arguments are mapped into the appropriate MC7 Analysis Limits dialog box fields upon selecting AC from the Analysis menu. DEC (decade), OCT (octal), and LIN (linear) specify the type of fixed frequency step to be used during the AC analysis. DEC and OCT select the Log Frequency Step option and LIN selects the Linear Frequency Step option on the AC Analysis Limits dialog box.

<data points> specifies the number of data points per decade for the decade option or the total number of data points for the linear option. It is mapped into the Number of Points field. <fmin> specifies the first frequency of the run and <fmax> specifies the last. These are mapped into the Frequency Range field.

A waveform source need not be present in the circuit, but if there is no source, all output will be zero. For waveform sources, the small signal model is simply an AC voltage or current source. The AC value of the source is determined from the parameter line for SPICE components and from the attribute value for schematic components.

SPICE V or I sources:

The AC magnitude value is specified as a part of the device parameter. For example, a source with the value attribute "DC 5.5 AC 2.0" has an AC magnitude of 2.0 volts.

Pulse and sine sources:

These sources have their AC magnitude fixed at 1.0 volt.

User sources: User sources provide a signal comprised of the real and imaginary parts specified in their files.

Function sources: These sources create an AC signal only if a FREQ expression is specified.

296 Chapter 20: Command Statements

Соседние файлы в папке Micro-Cap v7.1.6
  • #
    06.06.20171.32 Кб60model.CNT
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    06.06.201776.72 Кб62MODEL.HLP
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    06.06.20173.72 Кб60NETHASP.INI
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    06.06.2017450 б59os.dat
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    06.06.2017545 б63READ.ME
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    06.06.20173.31 Mб68RM.PDF
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    06.06.2017226.69 Кб61setup.bmp
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    06.06.201795 б59SETUP.INI
  • #
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    06.06.201749 б60setup.lid
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    06.06.20172.04 Mб60Standard.cmp