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Ридер КВ часть 1 / СОЦИОЛОГИЯ 1 Курс - Ридер / Giddens, Anthony (1998) (Germ) The Third Way - The Renewal Of Social Democracy Cambridge; Polity Press.doc
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Kapittel 4: Den sosialt investerende staten

1 Robert H. Frank og Philip J. Cook: The Winner-Take-All Society. New York: Free Press, 1995.

2 Christopher Lasch: The Revolt of the Elites. New York: Norton, 1995.

3 Anne Power: Estates on the Edge. London, Macmillan, 1997.

4 Mickey Kaus: The End of Equality. New York: Basic Books, 1992.

5 Alan Wolfe: One Nation, After All. New York: Viking, 1998, s. 237.

6 Wolfe: One Nation, After All, s. 248.

7 Report of the Social Justice Commission. London: Vintage, 1994, s. 175.

8 John Walsh: Stories of Renewal: Community Building and the Future of Urban America. Report to the Rockefeller Foundation, 1996.

9 Nicholas Timmins: The Five Giants. London: Fontana, 1996, s. 12.

10 Kees van Kersbergen: Social Capitalism. London: Routledge, 1995, s. 7.

11 Howard Glennerster og John Hills: The State of Welfare. 2. utgave. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

12 Assar Lindbeck: «The end of the middle way?» i Arnerican Economic Review, vol. 85, 1995.

13 Peter Baldwin: The Politics of Social Solidarity. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni­versity Press, 1990, s. 292.

14 Stuart Fleming: «What we'll earn when we're 64», New Statesman, 5. juni 1998.

15 Will Hutton: The State We're In. London: Cape, 1995.

16 Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France. London: Dent, 1910, s. 93-94.

17 Daniel Callahan: Setting Limits. New York: Simon og Schuster, 1987, s. 46.


18 Callahan: Setting Limits, s. 20.

19 Stephen Nickell: «Unemployment and labour market rigidities», Journal of Economic Perspectives, årgang 11, 1997.

20 Dominic Vidal: «Miracle or mirage in the Netherlands?», Le Monde Diploma­tique, juli, 1997.

21 Rosabeth Moss Kanter: «Keynote address», Centre for Economic Perfor­mance: Employability and Exclusion. London: CEP, mai 1998.

22 Moss Kanter: «Keynote address», s. 65—68.

23 Ulrich Beck: «Capitalism without work», Dissent, vinter 1997, s. 102.

24 Jeremy Rifkin: The End of Work. New York: Putnam's, 1995, s. 225.

25 Beck: «Capitalism without work», s. 106

Kapittel5: Inn iden globale alderen

1 David Miller: On Nationalism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995, s. 416 og 420.

2 Roger Scruton: «In defence of the nation», i The Philosopher on Dover Beach. Manchester: Carcanet, 1990, s. 310.

3 Miller: On Nationalism, s. 140.

4 Linda Colley: Britons. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1992.

5 Bernard Crick: «The English and the British», i National Identities. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991, s. 90.

6 Hermann Strasser: «The German debate over multicultural society», Canadian Journal of Sociology, vol. 22, 1997.

7 Når det gjelder utformingen av ideen om et kosmopolitisk demokrati, er jeg

David Held stor takk skyldig — han var pioneren på dette feltet. Se særlig

Democracy and the Global Order. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995.

8 Robert Harvey: The Return of the Strong. London: Macmillan, 1995, s. xv.

9 Alain Minc: Le nouveau moyen dge. Paris: Gallimard, 1993.

10 John Keegan: War and Our World. London: Hutchinson, 1998, s. 3.

11 Mike McGwire: Perestroika and Soviet National Security. New York: Bookings, 1991.

12 David Held m.fl: Global Transformations: Politics, Economy and Culture. Cambridge: Polity Press, under utgivelse.

13 Alberto Tita: «Globalisation: a new political and economic space, requiring supranational governance». Mimeo, Universitå Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 1998, s. 2.

14 Jos de Beus: «Modernised social democracy and the fundamental demo­cratisation of Europe», i Rene Cuperus og Johannes Kandel: European Social Democracy: Transformation in Progress. Amsterdam: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 1998.

15 Mark Leonard: Rediscovering Europe. London: Demos, 1998.


16 Daniel Archibugi, David Held og Martin Kohler: Reimagining Political Community. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1998, s. 141.

17 E. Childers og B. Urquhart, Renewing the United Nation System. Uppsala: Dag Hammarsjold Foundation, 1994, s. 297.

18 Fred Halliday: «Global governance — prospects and problems», Citizenship Studies, årgang 4 nr. 1, under utgivelse.

19 Joh Gray: False Dawn. London: Granta, 1998, s. 199—200.