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Appendix: Complete List of Abstracts


1 Young Researchers Symposium Plenary Lectures

1.0.1Dynamics of Quasiperiodic Cocycles and the Spectrum of the Almost Mathieu Operator

Artur Avila

CNRS artur@math.sunysb.edu

The almost Mathieu operator is the operator H : l2(Z) l2(Z),

(H u)n = un+1 + un1 + 2λ cos 2π(θ + nα),

where λ (the coupling), α (the frequency) and θ (the phase) are parameters. Originally introduced and studied in the physics literature, it turned out to also give rise to a rich mathematical theory, where algebra, analysis and dynamical systems interact. We will discuss several conjectures that have focused the developments since 1980, emphasizing the connection with dynamical systems.

1.0.2 Magic in Superstring Amplitudes

Nathan Jacob Berkovits

UNESP, São Paulo nberkovi@ift.unesp.br

In this talk, a chronological review will be given of scattering amplitudes in superstring theory and their remarkable properties. I will start with the Veneziano amplitude of 1968 which led to bosonic string theory, and subsequent developments in the 70’s which led to supersymmetry and superstring theory. I will then discuss the amplitude calculations of Green and Schwarz in the 80’s which led to aspirations of

V. Sidoraviciusˇ (ed.), New Trends in Mathematical Physics,


© Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009




unifying the forces, and the non-perturbative dualities discovered in the 90’s which led to the M-theory conjecture. Finally, I will discuss recent developments using a covariant description of the superstring in which some of these magical properties are easier to study.

1.0.3 The Instructive History of Quantum Groups

Ludwig Faddeev

Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics faddeev@euclid.pdmi.ras.ru

I shall try to use this example to show, how concrete problems in Mathematical Physics (here quantum spin chains) can lead to new construction in pure mathematics.

1.0.4 Scaling Limit of Two-Dimensional Critical Percolation

Charles M. Newman

Courant Institute, NYU newman@courant.nyu.edu

We introduce and discuss the continuum nonsimple loop process (joint work with F. Camia). This process, which describes the full scaling limit of 2D critical percolation, consists of countably many noncrossing nonsimple loops in the plane on all spatial scales; it is based on the Schramm Loewner Evolution (with parameter 6) and extends the work of Schramm and Smirnov on the percolation scaling limit. If time permits, we will introduce some ideas associated with the further extension to scaling limits of “near-critical” percolation (joint work with F. Camia and L.R. Fontes).

1.0.5 Topics in Dynamics and Physics

David Ruelle

IHES ruelle@ihes.fr

The study of dynamics (i.e., time evolutions) is central to physics. I shall discuss several questions of mathematical physics connected with differentiable dynamical systems and related, as it happens, to the ideas of Henri Poincare. I shall go from chaos in turbulence and celestial mechanics to the symbolic dynamics of horseshoes and other hyperbolic dynamical systems, to the dynamics underlying nonequilibrium statistical mechanics.

Appendix: Complete List of Abstracts


1.0.6 Quantum Dynamics in a Random Environment

Thomas Spencer

IAS, Princeton spencer@ias.edu

The first part of this talk will review results and conjectures on the quantum and classical dynamics of a particle moving in a random environment. In general, classical and quantum dynamics are qualitatively different. We review a particular network model studied by J. Cardy and others for which classical and quantum motion are equivalent and compare it to the mirror model.

The second part of the talk will describe a supersymmetric approach to quantum evolution generated by band random matrices. The supersymmetric approach converts time evolution into a problem in which the randomness is integrated out. This produces a statistical mechanics model with hyperbolic symmetry. One is lead to study of determinants and Greens functions of nonuniformly elliptic PDE.

1.0.7 Geometry of Low Dimensional Manifolds

Gang Tian

Princeton tian@Math.Princeton.edu

In this talk, I will first discuss Perelman’s work on proving the Poincare conjecture and the geometrization of 3-manifolds. Perelman’s work is based on Hamilton’s fundamental work on Ricci flow. In the end, I will discuss recent progress on geometry and analysis of 4-manifolds and propose some problems.

1.0.8 Gauge Theory and the Geometric Langlands Program

Edward Witten

IAS, Princeton witten@ias.edu

I will explain how electric-magnetic duality in gauge theory can be used to understand a problem in algebraic geometry known as the geometric Langlands program.

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