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I’m a teacher. I’ve been a teacher for three years.

1 Mr Carter - pilot / 1983.


2 Dr Benson – doctor / two years.


3 Miss Clark – secretary / three months.


4 Mr Bond – a dentist / last July.


5 Mr Denver – mechanic / three years.


6 Melissa – pop singer / five months.


7 Linda Langton – film star / thirty years.


8 Ted Clarke – postman / 1995.


9 Tessa Jones – photographer / October.


10 Jonathan – engineer / 2002.


11 Sue White – model / two months.


12 Ted Bryan – boxer / a year.


Present Perfect versus Past Simple

Time expressions used with Pres.Perf. Time expressions used with Past Simple

just, ever, already, yet, always, yesterday, last night / week / month / year,

how long, so far, for, since, recently ago, then, when, in 1995, etc.

1. We use Present Perfect for recent 1. We use Past Simple for actions or states

actions or states or for actions which which finished at a stated time in the

happened at an ustated time in the past.


I have bought a new car. I bought this car ten years ago.

(When did he buy it? We don’t know.) (When did he buy it? Ten years ago.)

(unstated time) (stated time)

2. We use Present Perfect for actions or 2. We use Past Simple for actions or states

states which began in the past and which finished in the past.

continue up to the present.

I have been a clerk for two years. I was a clerk for seven years.

(He is still a clerk.) (He isn’t a clerk now, he is a businessman.)

Ex. 100. You are on holiday with

your parents in London. You have

just met a new English friend.

You have been in London for a week. Look at the list of places and

complete the sentences.


A: Have you been to the Tower

of London?

B: Yes. We went there on Monday.

Ex. 101. Stavrov is also on

holiday in London. Today is

Thursday, his fourth day. Look

at the list and make sentences.


He visited the Tower of London

on Monday.

He hasn’t seen Westminster

Abbey yet.

Ex. 102. Harry and Charlie are in London for one day. It’s now two o’clock in the afternoon.

What have they dane so far today? What haven’t they done yet? Look at the

numbers on the map.

Example:They (visit) number 8.

They’ve visited St.Paul’s Cathedral.

1 They (not see) number 6.


2 Harry (take) a photograph of Charlie’s outside number 5.


3 They (not visit) number 4 yet.


4 They just (listen) to a brass in number 7.


5 They (spend) hundreds of dollars in number 3.


6 They (not see) the Queen at number 2 yet.


7 Harry just (have) two hamburgers in number 7.


8 Charlie just (buy) number 1!


Ex. 103. Harry and Charlie are back in the USA now. Charlie is telling his wife what they

did / didn’t do. Complete his utterances.

Example: We visited St.Paul’s Cathedral.

Ex. 104. Complete these conversations.

Example: A: ever (go) to Germany? Have you ever been to Germany

B: Yes. Yes, I have.

A: Where (go)? Where did you go?

B: (go) to the Black Forest. I went to the Black Forest.

1 A: ever (go) skiing? 5 A: ever (fly) in an aeroplane?

B: Yes. B: Yes.

A: Where (go)? A: Where (fly) to?

B: (go) to France. B: (fly) on holiday to Rome.

2 A: ever (go) to a pop concert? 6 A: ever (see) an elephant?

B: Yes. B: Yes.

A: Who (see)? A: Where (see) it?

B: (see) Michael Jackson. B: (see) one on television!

3 A: ever (use) a computer? 7 A: ever (catch) a fish?

B: Yes. B: Yes.

A: When (use) it? A: When (catch) it?

B: (use) one last week at school. B: (catch) one last Sunday.

4 A: ever (eat) octopus? 8 A: ever (have) an eye-test?

B: Yes. B: Yes.

A: What (be) it like? A: When (have) it?

B: It (be) delicious! B: (have) one last year.