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Уч. англ.яз Бурова

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Lesson Sixteen (16)

The sixteenth lesson


Суффиксы прилагательных -ive, -ent













1. Подчеркните словообразовательные суффиксы в следующих словах и ска жите, какой частью речи являются эти слова:

equipment, scientific, automatic, electronic, development, pow erful, fully, dependent, graduation, condition, redness, atten tive, decisive, effective, impressive, to retranslate, actor, situ ation, listener, reporter

2. Напишите известные вам слова, производные от следующих слов:

to equip, to develop, to invite, to live, to examine, to translate, busy, usual, history, to collect, to speak

3. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы существительные:

follower, buyer, publisher, lecturer, stopper, keeper, beginner, doer, leader, government, treatment, development, achievement

Грамматика и лексика

Step 82

Страдательный залог. Present Indefinite Passive (§ 76)

to be + причастие II смыслового глагола

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One




Спряжение глагола to ask












Present Indefinite



Past Indefinite

Future Indefinite












I am asked


I was asked

I shall be asked

He/She is asked


He/She was asked

He/She will be










It is asked


It was asked

It will be asked

You are asked


You were asked

You will be asked

We are asked


We were asked

We shall be asked

They are asked


They were asked

They will be asked















Вопросительная форма












Am I asked?

Was I asked?

Shall I be asked?

















Отрицательная форма








I am not asked.


I was not asked.

I shall not be asked.













Действительный залог

1.I wrote the letter.

2.We study many interest ing subjects at the Insti tute.

3.We shall finish the work tomorrow.

Страдательный залог

1.The letter was written (by me).

2.Many interesting subjects are studied (by us) at the Institute.

3.The work will be finished

(by us) tomorrow.

1. Измените по лицам глагол сказуемое в следующих предложениях:

1.I shall be invited. 2. I was given the opportunity to do this work. 3. I am asked.

2.Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

а) 1. This translation was done by the students yesterday. 2. Her articles are often published in the magazine. 3. The article was translated by me. 4. She was given a few articles to translate. 5. The words were reviewed by her twice. 6. St. Petersburg was founded by Peter I. 7. London is situated on the river Thames [temz]. 8. The house was surrounded by a high wall. 9. The room is cleaned every day.

Lesson Sixteen


б) 1. I often invite my friend to the theatre. I am often invited to the theatre. 2. I often see him in the library. He is often seen there. 3. I told her to come here. She was told to come here.

4.He helps me with my work. I am often helped with my work.

5.If you read little, you will forget the new words. This story was forgotten. 6. Is this expression often used in the language? Did you use a dictionary when you were translating the article?

7.I introduced my friend to my parents. The young man was introduced by me to my parents.

в) 1. She is liked by everybody. 2. You are asked on the telephone. 3. You were looked at. 4. He was understood by us. 5. The book is much spoken about. 6. We were told to take part in the confer ence. 7. He was listened to attentively. 8. She will be followed. 9. The doctor was sent for. 10. She will be met at the station. 11. The man was taken to the hospital at once. 12. Tom was of fered an interesting job. 13. I was given two hours to make my decision. 14. They were paid $100 to do the work.

3. Напишите следующие предложения в страдательном залоге:

1. I took him for a walk. 2. She will forget your telephone num ber. 3. We shall book tickets tomorrow. 4. We met her at the corner of the street. 5. We discuss such problems at our meet ings. 6. They will build a new cinema in this street. 7. A young architect designed that beautiful building. 8. Someone wants you on the phone.

4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Его просят прийти пораньше. 2. Много новых домов будет построено на этой улице. 3. Об этой картине много говорят. 4. Эти лекции посещаются нами регулярно. 5. Эта работа бу дет закончена скоро. 6. Это задание было выполнено мною вчера. 7. Ее будут слушать с интересом. 8. Его приглашение было принято нами. 9. Нас представили главному инжене ру. 10. Делегацию встретят на вокзале. 11. Ей зададут еще несколько (some more) вопросов. 12. Их поблагодарят за по дарок (present). 13. Мел используется, чтобы писать на доске. 14. Лектора тепло приветствовали (warmly).

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


5.Поставьте предложения 1–5 упражнения 2а) в отрицательную форму; пред ложения 6–9 в вопросительную форму.

6.Ответьте на вопросы:

1. When were you asked by your teacher last? 2. What problems were discussed at the last meeting? 3. Is your classroom aired during the break? 4. Are you often invited to the theatre? 5. Will you be given a dictionary to write the test? 6. Is the latest film much spoken about? 7. Was the latest art exhibition attended by many people? 8. Were you given the opportunity to carry out the experiment? 9. Are art treasures of St. Petersburg admired by the foreigners? 10. Who was Moscow founded by? 11. When was the book returned to the library by you?

7. Поставьте специальные вопросы к предложениям упражнения 2а) по об разцу:


was done by the students yesterday?

What translation



the translation





the translation


by the students?






Step 83

Сочетание модальных глаголов с инфинитивом страдательного залога (§ 77)

to see — to be seen — can (must, may) be seen.

1.You can see a green forest in the distance.

2.They must post the letter at once.

3.The students may take this exam in advance.

1.A green forest can be seen in the distance.

2.The letter must be posted at once.

3.This exam may be taken in advance.

8. Переведите на русский язык:

1. The letter can be answered today. 2. This job must be done at once. 3. The telegram may be received in an hour. 4. You may be

Мой брат работает на этом заводе в качестве инженера.
Именно (как раз) на этом за воде работает мой брат в ка честве инженера.

Lesson Sixteen


asked the same questions. 5. This exam may be taken in advance. 6. Those articles must be translated into French. 7. You cannot be heard by anybody because you speak in a low voice. 8. Books taken from the library mustn’t be kept more than two weeks.

9. Откройте скобки, образуя инфинитив в форме страдательного залога, по образцу:

The University can (to see) from all parts of the city.

The University can be seen from all parts of the city.

1. The exam could not (to retake). 2. I must (to introduce) to the chief engineer. 3. The article can (to publish) next month. 4. This machine must (to test) again. 5. You may (to introduce) to each other at the party. 6. They must (to invite) to our meeting. 7. She needn’t (to give) a dictionary to translate the poem. 8. This hall must (to redecorate) again.

10. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Выставка может открыться завтра. 2. Аудиторию надо про ветрить во время перерыва. 3. Им надо дать возможность за кончить работу. 4. Вам могут задать несколько вопросов по английски. 5. Работу надо переделать. 6. Его могут пригла сить принять участие в конференции. 7. Докладчика было хорошо слышно. (The speaker could ...)

Step 84

Смысловое выделение членов предложения при помощи оборота: It is (was) ... that (who) (§ 78)

It is on this square that sports events took place last year. Именно на этой площади проходили спортивные соревнова

ния в прошлом году.

My brother works at this plant as an engineer.

It is at this plant that my brother works as an engineer.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


It is as an engineer that my brother works at this plant.

It is my brother who works at this plant as an engineer.

Мой брат работает на этом заводе именно в качестве инженера.

Как раз мой брат работает на этом заводе в качестве инженера.

11. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. It is this engineer who helped us with our work. 2. It was last night that they discussed the plan of their work. 3. It is my friend who was ill last week. 4. It is at the meeting that he spoke about the problems of our work.

12. Произведите смысловое выделение указанных членов предложения:

1. My brother speaks French well. 2. We could see many good pictures in this museum. 3. We shall be able to go in for sport this winter. 4. We enjoyed music last night.

Step 85

Возвратные и усилительные местоимения (§ 79)

I — myself

we — ourselves

he — himself

you — yourself (pl yourselves)

she — herself

they — themselves

it — itself




13. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. No wonder he did the translation himself, he knows English very well. 2. She herself could not answer your question. 3. Can you lend me a dictionary? — Sorry, I cannot, I need it myself. 4. I enjoyed myself greatly at the party. 5. Why don’t you keep some of the apples for yourself? 6. I saw that you were pleased with yourselves. 7. We ourselves were not able to understand what he was speaking about. 8. The report itself was very interesting. 9. You can do it yourself.

Lesson Sixteen



14. Вставьте правильную форму возвратного местоимения:


1. Have you heard the news ...? 2. I have seen it ...

3. We ...

wanted to go dancing that evening. 4. Why didn’t he join our


...? 5. They ...

did not want to take part in the sports event.

6. In what way does she ... prefer to spend her days off? 7. I have

brought this box ...

8. We have decided to wash ...


15. Прочтите новые слова урока:


to achieve

достигать • to achieve success; Students achieve better results

if they work hard.




активный • to take an active part in the discussion



действительный • It’s an actual fact.


actually = really, in fact действительно • He is actually a real friend.

age возраст; век • What’s the age of your father? (How old is your father?)

At the age of 6 he went to school.


as well = too также




автоматизированный • automated control systems автома

тизированные контрольные системы • automation автоматизация





[bai ɒgrəfi]´ биография • Will you tell us your biography, please.

to be born

родиться • I was born at the beginning of the year.



условие • under the conditions of; living (working) conditions

to construct конструировать; строить • to construct a machine; When was

this building constructed?


to continue = to go on

продолжать • Continue reading, please.


to deal with иметь дело, касаться • What subject does the book deal

with? — It deals with medicine.



прибор, устройство • an electronic device


to devote посвящать • She devoted all her life to children.


to die

умирать • When did this writer die?



электронный • an electronic device


to equip оборудовать • The workshop is equipped with automatic devices.


оборудование • The new equipment was brought last week.


обширный • extensive plans (programmes)



благоприятный • favourable conditions (weather)


foundation основа; основание • the foundation of technical progress; the

foundation of a city (town, school)


further дальнейший; дальше • further progress (development); Read fur

ther, please. I wish you success in your further studies of English.


будущее • in the near future; We think of our future work.

in general

вообще • He is a scientist, a good teacher and a good person in





to be held = to take place происходить, проводиться • When will the con

ference be held?



Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


hospital больница • to stay in hospital, to be taken to hospital


to imagine воображать, представлять • One cannot imagine life without electricity. It’s an actual fact, it was not imagined.

to be of importance иметь значение • This fact is of no importance to me. Sport is of great importance to health.

to improve улучшать • Living conditions were greatly improved after our talks with the manager.

to interrupt прерывать • Sorry to interrupt you; an interrupted lecture to look for искать • When we entered the room he was looking for something

in the desk. machine машина

mark отметка, оценка • What is your mark in English? — It’s five.

a number of ряд • Quite a number of artists who graduated from our Insti tute are well known not only in our country but abroad as well.

opinion [ə pinjən]´ мнение • in my opinion; What is your opinion on the ques tion discussed?

to pay attention to обращать внимание на • Our government pays great attention to the education of young people and to the development of sport. plenty of = a lot of (a great many of, a great deal of) много, множество •

Don’t hurry, there is plenty of time. Plenty of people think so.

problem проблема, вопрос • My research work is devoted to the problem of improvement of such devices.

to publish опубликовывать • The book was published not long ago.

to put into production внедрять в производство • Our students do actual jobs for industry which are sometimes put into production.

to receive [ri s´ v] = to get получать • What mark did you receive in English? recently [ r´ sntli] недавно • We have put this project into production quite


to resume возобновлять • To resume studies (work, meeting) school школа, училище • to go to school; to attend school solution решение • to look for the solution of the problem to solve решать • to solve a problem

system система • system of education to be taken ill заболеть

to test испытывать • to test a machine

top верхушка, верх • the top of the tree (page); top marks = excellent marks up to date = modern современный (последнее слово науки и техники) •

up to date equipment (machinery)

That’s it. Да (зд. Именно ее).

16. Прочтите и переведите текст:

My Biography

My name is Boris Ivanov. I was born in 1970 in a small town in the north. My father was a worker at a big machine building

Lesson Sixteen


plant. Now he is 65. He is a pensioner. My mother is dead. She died a year ago.

At the age of eight I went to school. I studied very well and usually received only top marks. I finished school at the age of 18 and the same year I entered a machine building institute. When I was in my second year my studies were interrupted by my illness. I was taken seriously ill and had to stay in hospital for some months, and it was only two years later that I was able to resume my interrupted studies at the Institute. As a student I joined the students’ Scientific Society and took an active part in its work. I graduated from the Institute in 1995. Now I work at a Research Institute. We design equipment for fully automated workshops and plants. We have very favourable conditions for our scientific work. The laboratories and workshops of our In stitute are equipped with up to date machines and devices.

The scientific and research work our Institute carries out is of great importance for the development of the machine build ing industry in our country in general, and especially for the development of electronic industry our Institute actually deals with. Our government pays great attention to the development of electronic industry which is the foundation of the technical progress in our days, which cannot be imagined without exten sive automation.


A.: What scientific problem are you working at now?

B.: We are working at a number of problems connected with the improvement and further development of electronic devices for fully automated control systems.

A.: Have you achieved any good results yet?

B.: I think so. In my opinion we are quite successfully solving some of them now. In the near future we are going to put into production an electronic device of quite a new and orig inal design we have recently constructed and tested in our workshops.

A.: Is it of great importance for the further development of our electronic industry?

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


B.: Certainly. Not only for electronic industry but for the de velopment of some other branches of industry as well. This is why our government pays so much attention to our work.

A.: Did it take you a lot of time to construct such a device?

B.: Yes, to construct such a device plenty of problems had to be solved and a lot of work had to be done.

A.: Did you yourself make any experiments looking for the solu tion of the problems?

B.: Yes, I did. As for me I’m greatly interested in the problems we are dealing with now and I myself had to carry on plenty of experiments the result of which I have described in some of my works.

A.: Have you got any articles published on the question?

B.: Yes, I have. A few months ago some of my articles were published in one of the scientific magazines.

A.: Are you going to take part in the conference devoted to these problems?

B.: You mean the conference which will be held at our Institute at the beginning of the next year?

A.: That’s it.

B.: Certainly. I shall make a report dealing with one of the most important problems of our work.

Упражнения для домашнего задания

1. Переведите следующие слова:

to devote — devotion — devoted; to develop — development; science — scientist — scientific; to begin — beginning; to pub lish — publisher; to imagine — imagination; success — success ful; to improve — improvement; to achieve — achievement; to solve — solution