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Уч. англ.яз Бурова

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Lesson Fourteen


4. Скажите, что вы только что выполнили действие, о котором идет речь:

1. Peter decided to take his examination tomorrow. 2. We are going to have supper. 3. We are going to speak to the dean. 4. He wants to find the book. 5. She is going to answer the letter. 6. He decided to prepare supper.

5. Прочтите и воспроизведите диалог по памяти:

Tom, I have told you again not to speak when older persons are talking but wait until they stop.

I’ve tried that already, mamma, but they never stop.

Additional Material for Oral Speech Practice. Speech Patterns and Flashes

of Conversation

1. Прочтите три однотипных диалога и составьте три диалога по образцу про читанных:


A.Jane has gone to the country.

B.What for?

A. To visit her parents.


A.Bill has gone on a trip to the lake District.

B.What for?

A. To take pictures (фотографировать) of the beautiful lakes.


A.Mother has gone shopping.

B.What for?

A. To buy some bread and milk.

2. Прочтите три однотипных диалога и составьте диалог по образцу:


A.Have you seen any film lately?

B.Yes, I’ve seen Anna Karenina.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


A.When did you see it?

B.I saw it last week.


A.Have you heard any good music lately?

B.Yes, I’ve heard a Beethoven symphony.

A.When did you hear it?

B.I heard it last week.


A.Have you painted any pictures lately?

B.Yes, I’ve painted a portrait of my sister.

A.When did you paint it?

B.I painted it last week.

3. Выразите свое мнение по поводу обсуждаемого в диалоге вопроса:

A.What do you usually do in the evenings?

B.I watch TV.

A.Do you like watching TV?

B.Yes, I do, I think it’s fine.

A. But I think it’s a waste (трата) of time.

4. Прочтите диалог и скажите, как вы себя чувствовали в подобной ситуации, о которой идет речь в диалоге:

A.What’s the matter with you? You look so tired. Have you passed your exams yet?

B.Yes, today I’ve passed my last exam. I’m tired and feel bad.

A.I’m so sorry to hear that. I think you have had too many of them this month.

5. Прочтите и скажите, где вы провели свои летние каникулы в прошлом году.

A.Where did you spend your last year summer holidays?

B.I went abroad to a resort [ri z´ t] (курорт) in Turkey [ t´ :ki].

A.How long did you stay there?

B.For a month.

A.How did you like it over there?

B.Oh, the trip was wonderful. I stayed at a comfortable and modern hotel.

A.Did you go sightseeing?

Lesson Fourteen


B.Yes, my business friend showed me round the most popular places of interest.

A.Was the service good?

B.Yes, it was.

6. Ваш друг Henry Brown приехал в Москву. Ваш друг Сергей просит вас пред ставить его Генри Брауну. После приветствий Сергей спрашивает у Генри

когда он приехал

где остановился

сколько времени собирается пробыть в Москве

осматривал ли он Москву

какие достопримечательности видел

как ему здесь нравится

что произвело на него самое большое впечатление Сергей предлагает Генри свои услуги показать Москву на

следующий день.

Разыграйте этот диалог в аудитории.

7. Поздоровайтесь со своим другом и спросите у него:

где он провел каникулы

ходил ли он в театр, в кино, на выставки

какие постановки видел

сколько длились каникулы

уезжал ли он куда либо

как он сдал экзамены

сколько экзаменов у него было

8. Прочтите:


A.I called you at noon yesterday, but nobody answered the call.

B.Yes, I was busy. I was having talks with the Chinese delega tion.


A.What were you doing yesterday evening at 7 o’clock?

B.I don’t remember exactly, but I think I was reading a book. I’ve got an exciting book, you know.

Lesson Fifteen (15)

The fifteenth lesson


Суффикс существительных -ment


to govern — government



to develop — development











Суффикс существительных -ness


ill — illness




busy — business

[ biznis]´ дело

1. Подчеркните словообразовательные суффиксы в следующих словах и ска жите, какой частью речи являются эти слова:

equipment, development, industrial, introduction, discussion, agreement, admirer, perfectly, builder, admiration, business, expression, impression, watchful, realistic, governor, wonder fully, brightness, cleanness

2. Образуйте существительные при помощи суффикса -ness от следующих прилагательных:

busy, ill, great, white, dark, bright, clean

Грамматика и лексика

Step 78

Прошедшее совершенное время — Past Perfect

Tense (§ 71). Будущее совершенное время — Future Perfect Tense (§ 72)

Past Perfect had + причастие II смыслового глагола

Future Perfect


have +

причастие II




смыслового глагола

Lesson Fifteen




Спряжение глагола to work в Past Perfect









I had worked.

We had worked.





He/She had worked.

You had worked.





It had worked.

They had worked.










Спряжение глагола to work в Future Perfect






I shall have worked.

We shall have worked.



He/She will have worked.

You will have worked.



It will have worked.

They will have worked.








Пpимечания: 1. Past Perfect может употребляться как в главном, так и в придаточном предложениях: с союзом after после того как — в придаточном предложении; с со юзом before до того как — в главном предложении.

We had come to the station before the delegation arrived. The delegation arrived after we had come to the station.

2. Для выражения действия, которое совершилось к дан ному моменту в прошлом или будет совершено в будущем, употребляется обозначение времени с предлогом by к; by 6 o’clock к 6 часам; by the end of the month к концу месяца.

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. The rain had begun before we arrived home. 2. We saw the film after we had read the book. 3. My brother went to Minsk after he had passed his examinations. 4. We had accepted their invitation before we learnt the news. 5. We were sure that Ann had begun learning English. 6. She had written the report by 6 o’clock. 7. The meeting had been over by 7.30. 8. I shall have finished my scientific work by Monday. 9. He said that he had attended the meeting that day. 10. I had booked the ticket before I got the letter. 11. We knew that you had gone sightseeing. 12. We thought that the city had made a great impression on you. 13. We shall have been ready by 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. 14. No wonder he could not write the test, he had missed a lot classes last month.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


Вопросительная и отрицательная формы Past Perfect Tense

Had you finished your work by Monday?

I had not finished my work by Monday.

Специальные вопросы

Who had finished his work by Monday?

By what time




your work?





by Monday?






Future Perfect Tense

Shall I have finished my work by October?

I shall have not finished my work by October.

Специальные вопросы

Who will have finished his work by October?




have finished

by October?

By what time



have finished

your work?






2. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Oн сказал, что читал эту книгу много лет тому назад. 2. Она сказала, что летом жила в деревне. 3. Мой брат сказал, что он уже видел этот памятник. 4. Он ушел до того, как мы получили телеграмму. 5. Он придет к 6 часам. 6. Я поговорю с вами после того, как прочту письмо. 7. Мы сдадим курсовые работы к концу семестра. 8. К какому времени будет готов обед? 9. Выполните ли вы это задание до того, как начнутся экзамены? 10. Он сказал, что сдал все экзамены досрочно.

Step 79

Согласование времен (§ 73)

he He says that hehe

will live in Moscow. lives in Moscow. lived in Moscow.

Lesson Fifteen


he would live in Moscow. (будет жить) He said that he lived in Moscow. (живет)

he had lived in Moscow. (жил)

Время Future Indefinite in the Past — Будущее в прошедшем

I (we)



+ инфинитив без to

He (she, you, they)




He said that he would be present at the meeting. I knew that I should be late.

3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. Не knew that I never missed the seminars. 2. We thought that we should he able to see our old friends. 3. She said that she had already visited the exhibition. 4. I knew that you were very tired. 5. I thought that the meeting took place that day. 6. He said that he had already carried out his research work. 7. I hoped that you would meet him. 8. She said that she would take part in the competition. 9. I was sure that the lecture was going on. 10. She said she was glad to see us. 11. We knew that this square was connected with many historical events.

4. Напишите главное предложение в прошедшем времени и покажите, что действие придаточного предложения произошло раньше:

I say that I read the book before.

I said that I had read the book before.

1. I am sure that you have seen the new film. 2. We are glad that you enjoyed your trip. 3. We know that you prefer to spend your days off in the country. 4. He does not know that you decided to carry out this work. 5. He says that he met this woman some where before. 6. Nick says that the city makes a great impression on him.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


5. Напишите главное предложение в прошедшем времени и покажите, что действие придаточного предложения а) произойдет позже или б) одновре


She says that she takes books from the library.

a) She said that she would take books from the library. б) She said that she took books from the library.

1. I know that they will discuss the plan at the meeting. 2. We think that you will enjoy this film. 3. We know that there are many places of interest there. 4. We think that you are full of impressions. 5. We are sure you admire these art treasures. 6. He thinks the house is surrounded by a high wall.

6. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Я думала, что вы опоздаете в кино. 2. Мы думали, что вы ра ботаете над дипломным проектом. 3. Мы думали, что вы уже нашли свой чертеж. 4. Я знал, что вы купили билет в театр. 5. Она сказала, что собирается ехать в деревню. 6. Он сказал, что взял в библиотеке необходимые книги. 7. Она сказала, что пойдет в музей на следующей неделе. 8. Я был уверен, что вы переводили статью без словаря. 9. Я боялась, что вы устанете. 10. Я не знала, что дети проголодались. 11. Мы бы ли уверены, что эти шедевры живописи произведут на вас большое впечатление. 12. Мы были уверены, что этот дворец связан с именем и биографией русского поэта.

Step 80

Прямая и косвенная речь (§ 74)

Прямая речь:

1.He said, “I can speak En glish.”

2.He asked, “Do you speak En glish?”

3.He asked, “What language do you speak?”

4.He said, “Speak English, please.”

5.He said, “Don’t talk in class.”

Косвенная речь:

He said that he could speak English.

He asked if (whether) I spoke English.

He asked what language I spoke.

He asked (told) us to speak English.

He asked us not to talk in class.

Lesson Fifteen


7. Напишите следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

а) 1. He said, “I shall go to the cinema tomorrow.” 2. She said, “I am ready.” 3. They said, “We have submitted our projects.”

б) 1. I asked, “Can you help us?” 2. We asked, “Did you enjoy the trip?” 3. The teacher asked the student, “Do you live in the hostel or at home?” 4. She asked me, “Are you going to the theatre tonight?” 5. She asked me, “Are you glad to hear the news?”

в) 1. She asked me, “Where have you come from?” 2. She asked us, “What article are you discussing?” 3. We asked them, “How many subjects do you study in the second year?”

г) 1. He said, “Go home as soon as possible.” 2. The teacher said, “Clean the blackboard!” 3. I said, “Repeat your question!” 4. She said, “Don’t forget to review the grammar material.”

8. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Она спросила меня, знаю ли я его родителей. 2. Она спро сила, где учится этот студент. 3. Мы хотели знать, вернулся ли ваш брат в Москву. 4. Он попросил нас не разговаривать. 5. Художник спросил нас, можем ли мы показать ему свои картины. 6. Он спросил, где мы достали билеты. 7. Архитек тор спросил, кто проектировал это здание. 8. Она просила нас повторить старые слова и грамматику. 9. Он спросил, кто из нас хочет есть. 10. Мы не знали, кто переводил эту статью.

Step 81

Бессоюзное подчинение определительных придаточных предложений (§ 75)

1. The book (which) you are

Книга, которую вы чита

reading was translated into

ете, была переведена на

Russian by my friend.

русский моим другом.

2. The man (whom) you wanted

Человек, которого вы хо

to see has come.

тели видеть, пришел.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One



3. The man about whom you



spoke yesterday has come.


Человек, о котором вы го

The man you spoke about


ворили вчера, пришел.

yesterday has come.



4. The problem at which we



are working now is very


Проблема, над кото


рой мы работаем сейчас,

The problem we are working

очень интересная.

at now is very interesting.



9. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. The woman we met when we were leaving the factory is our teacher. 2. The girl you were speaking to is our student. 3. Show me the house you live in. 4. The student I took this magazine from has not come today. 5. I can show you the laboratory my brother works in. 6. He spoke about the experiment he had made. 7. The Institute I study at is situated in the suburbs of the town. 8. The machine we work with is of modern design. 9. The museum we visited on Sunday numbers 3 000 exhibits. 10. The palace this story is connected with is situated somewhere in the suburbs. 11. The bed you sleep in, the breakfast dishes you eat from, the chair you sit in, the automobile, train or airplane you ride in — in fact many of the objects that make our lives easy and pleasant belong to the arts of industry.

10. Опустите относительные местоимения в следующих предложениях, про изведя изменения, где это необходимо:

1. He has to check the work which we are doing. 2. The ar ticle about which you asked me was written by my teacher. 3. The problem on which we spent so much time is very inter esting. 4. The man about whom you asked is at the meeting now. 5. Tell us about the place at which we are looking. 6. I like to read the stories which he writes. 7. The wall by which the park is surrounded is very high. 8. Moscow University which M. Lomonosov founded in the 18th century now bears his name.