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Уч. англ.яз Бурова

4.62 Mб

Lesson Eleven


3. Переведите на английский язык, употребив глаголы:

to begin, to go on, to be fond of, to stop

1. Прекратите разговаривать. 2. Перестаньте ходить туда.

3. Продолжайте отвечать. 4. Продолжайте писать письмо.

5. Я люблю рисовать. 6. Начинайте читать. 7. Продолжайте играть в волейбол. 8. Начинайте делать свой доклад.

Step 59

Степени сравнения наречий и прилагательных (§ 58)






















(the) shortest




(the) biggest

и дву



(the) easiest











more interest

(the) most inte







more difficult

(the) most diffi










good, well


(the) best


bad, badly


(the) worst


many, much


(the) most




(the) least





4. Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных:

long, large, thick, comfortable, interesting, good, bad, much, little, few, necessary, possible, expressive

5. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания и предложения на рус ский язык:

а) a better flat, my best friend, the youngest brother, the most comfortable chair, the worst picture, to know less, to read better

б) 1. It is difficult to say which month is the best or better. 2. In summer the days are longer than the nights. 3. The longest day

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


of the year is the 21st of June. 4. This article is the most difficult for me. 5. It is more difficult for me to read books in English than in Russian. 6. This is the best topic for your report. 7. Our street is the longest in our town. 8. This lecture hall is the largest in this building. 9. This article is the most interesting in the magazine. 10. Nick is the worst sportsman in our group. 11. He spends less time on English than other students. 12. English is easier than some other foreign language. 13. Henry is taller than Bill.

6. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания:

а) самая хорошая комната, самая большая картина, лучше чем, хуже чем, самый молодой, выше чем, самый чистый, са мая интересная книга, самый короткий месяц, старше меня, моложе его

б) much better — гораздо лучше

much more interesting — гораздо интереснее

гораздо меньше, гораздо больше, гораздо лучше, гораздо ин тереснее, гораздо труднее, гораздо удобнее

7. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Which day of the week is the best? 2. Which day of the year is the longest? 3. Who is the best sportsman in your group? 4. Which is the shortest month of the year? 5. Who is the youngest in your family?

8. Прочтите следующие пословицы, переведите их на русский язык и подбе рите для них русский эквивалент пословицы:

Better late than never, but better never late.

Better to do well than to say well.

Those do least who speak most.

East or West home is best.

It’s better to see once than to hear twice.

Lesson Eleven



at least — по крайней мере most of all — больше всего worst of all — хуже всего best of all — лучше всего

What book do you like best (of all)? — Какая книга вам больше всего нравится?

9. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1.Это самый длинный и самый трудный текст в учебнике.

2.Самая маленькая картина — самая лучшая. 3. Я знаю язык хуже, чем мой брат. 4. Это здание — самое высокое в городе.

5.Моя комната больше, чем ваша. 6. Вы должны выполнить (сделать) эту работу лучше. 7. Что лучше? 8. Чей доклад ко роче? 9. Какая книга вам больше всего нравится? 10. Его статья длиннее вашей. 11. Ее сестра моложе моей. 12. Кто из вас говорит по французски лучше всех?

10. Прочтите и переведите шутку:

the more ... the more — чем больше ... тем больше the more ... the less — чем больше ... тем меньше

The more we study,

the more we know. The more we know,

the more we forget. The more we forget,

the less we know. The less we know,

the less we forget. The less we forget,

the more we know. So, why study?

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


Step 60

Парные союзы as ... as, not so ... as для выражения сравнения (§ 59)

as ... as — так же ... как, такой же ... как not so ... as — не так ... как, не такой ... как

11. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:

1. The days in winter are not so long as in summer. 2. This girl is as beautiful as her mother. 3. The English language is not difficult as the German language. 4. England is not so big as Russia. 5. Summer in England is not so hot as it is on the continent.

12. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными, используя союз not so ... as:

The trees in autumn are as green as in summer.

The trees in autumn are not so green as in summer.

1. In summer the trees are as beautiful as in autumn. 2. Your friend’s room is as big as yours. 3. During the holidays the students are as busy as during the academic year.

13. Сделайте следующие предложения утвердительными, используя союз as

... as:

The kitchen in my flat is not so large as the room.

The kitchen in my flat is as large as the room.

1. Lesson 2 is not so difficult as lesson 5. 2. This magazine is not so thick as that book. 3. The flowers in spring are not so beautiful as in summer. 4. There are not so many cars and buses in this street as in the centre of the city.

14. Дайте полные ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. Are the trees in autumn as green as in summer? 2. Is your room as big as this hall? 3. Is the Oka as long as the Volga? 4. Is St. Petersburg as old as Moscow? 5. Is it as warm in spring as in summer?

Lesson Eleven


15. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

Примечание. Во избежание повторения одного и того же ранее употребленного существительного (исчисляемого), ис пользуется его заместитель one, перед которым могут употре бляться указательное местоимение, артикль и т. д. (см. § 81)

The red pencil is longer than the black one. This house is not so big as that one.

What kind of house have you got? — I’ve got a brick one. These children are taller than those ones.

Do you like these pictures? — No, I like those ones.

(Используйте это правило при выполнении этого упражнения).

1. Летние каникулы не такие короткие, как зимние. 2. В воскресенье я не так занят, как в будни. 3. Красный карандаш такой же хороший, как и черный. 4. Здесь потолок такой же высокий, как и в читальном зале. 5. Моя комната не такая светлая, как ваша. 6. Ваша дочь моложе моей. 7. Вы знаете язык лучше, чем ваш брат.

Step 61

Безличные предложения (§§ 41, 47, 60)

1.It is early morning. — Раннее утро. It is late autumn. — Поздняя осень. It is winter now. — Сейчас зима.

2.It is cold. — Холодно. It is warm. — Тепло. It is dark. — Темно.

It is quite possible. — Вполне возможно. It is necessary. — Необходимо.

It is interesting. — Интересно.

3.It gets (becomes, grows) light. — Светает. It gets (becomes, grows) dark. — Темнеет. It gets (becomes, grows) warm. — Теплеет.

Глаголы связки: to be, to grow, to get, to become. Сравните: He gets (becomes, grows) old. — Он стареет.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


4.It rains. — Идет дождь It snows. — Идет снег.

It freezes. — Подмораживает. It takes ... — Требуется.

It is time (to) ... — Пора ...

Present Indefinite

Present Continuous



It rains.

It is raining.

It snows.

It is snowing.

It gets light.

It is getting light.

It takes me ...




Does it rain?

Is it raining?

Does it get light?

Is it getting light?

Does it take you ...?




It doesn’t rain.

It is not raining.

It doesn’t get light.

It is not getting light.

It doesn’t take me ...




16. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы:

1. It often snows in November. 2. It seldom rains here. 3. It gets colder. 4. It is early spring. 5. It is already getting dark. 6. He is growing old. 7. In England it rains more often than it snows. 8. Your English is getting better and better.

17. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Does it often snow in winter? 2. Does it rain in autumn? 3. Does it rain in summer? 4. Does it get light late or early in summer? 5. Does it become warmer in spring? 6. Is it light or dark in the hall? 7. Does it take you long to get home? 8. Is it raining now?

18. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Здесь темно. 2. В комнате холодно. 3. Тепло. 4. Интерес но читать эту книгу. 5. Сейчас идет дождь. 6. Зимой идет снег. 7. Мне трудно достать этот журнал. 8. Сейчас конец октября. 9. Летом вставать рано легче, чем зимой. 10. Необ ходимо перевести эту статью. 11. Трудно сделать этот доклад.

Lesson Eleven


12. Невозможно понять, что он хочет сказать. 13. Пора вста вать. 14. Пора ложиться спать. 15. Пора прекратить разгово ры (разговаривать).

Step 62

Слова, производные от every (§ 61)

every — каждый everybody — все, каждый everything — всё

everywhere — везде, повсюду

19. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. Every Russian specialist must know at least one foreign lan guage. 2. Is everything clear to you? 3. I know everything. 4. Everybody is fond of spring . 5. Everybody knows that stu dents must work a lot during the academic year. 6. Is everybody present today? 7. Tell us everything about your scientific work.

20. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Эту книгу можно достать везде. 2. Все знают об этом. 3. Я хочу рассказать вам всё. 4. Мне всё ясно. 5. Все хотят знать иностранный язык, но не все хотят упорно работать. 6. Чем больше я изучаю английский язык, тем больше он мне нра вится. 7. Чем больше я сплю, тем меньше работаю.

21. Прочтите новые слова урока:

in the open air на открытом воздухе • Children must spend a lot of time in the open air.

to appear появляться • First spring flowers appear in May.

to bathe [beið] купаться • It is pleasant to bathe on a hot summer day. to become становиться • I want to become a doctor.

bright яркий • a bright summer day

to change меняться • to change for the better изменяться к лучшему change изменение • There is a change in the time table. You need a change. cloud облако • There are no clouds in the sky.

cloudy пасмурный • It is cloudy today.

in the country за городом • to go to the country; to live in the country dark темный • It is dark in the room, switch on the light; dark clouds тучи

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


to enjoy

наслаждаться, получать удовольствие • I enjoy listening to such







все, каждый • Everybody knows it.



везде, повсюду • One can see a great many different flowers

everywhere at the end of spring.


to freeze

морозить • It is freezing hard. The river is not frozen yet.


fresh свежий • fresh air


to go in for

заниматься чем л. • to go in for sports


to go on

продолжать • Go on reading, please.



земля • Don’t sit on the ground, it is still cold.


inside внутри помещения (дома) • It is warm inside.


leaf (pl leaves)

лист • Fresh green leaves appear in the trees in spring.


little by little

постепенно • Little by little we are mastering English.


to look выглядеть • You look better today.

to look (to be) like быть похожим на • You look like your brother. It looks like rain.

night ночь • In winter the nights are long. at night ночью

outside снаружи, вне помещения (на улице) • It is cold outside. Let’s go outside.

pleasant [ pleznt]´ приятный • It is pleasant to walk after a busy day at the Institute.

to rain

идти (о дожде) • rain дождь • It often rains in autumn.


время года • Which season do you like best? My favourite season is


shine светить • to shine brightly

to skate = to go skating кататься на коньках • Can you skate? How often do you go skating in winter?

to ski = to go skiing кататься на лыжах • It is pleasant to ski in the country on a bright winter day.

sky небо • There are dark clouds in the sky.

to snow идти (о снеге) • snow снег • There is little snow on the ground this winter. Sometimes it snows even in May.

so так • It is so cold today.

to spend проводить • I like to spend my holydays in the country. sun солнце • The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

to swim плавать • In summer we can go swimming and bathing. than чем • My daughter skates better than yours.

warm теплый • to wash with warm water

weather [ weðə]´ погода • In such weather it’s better to stay inside. What is the weather like today?


ветреный • wind ветер • It is windy.


желтый • There are a lot of yellow leaves on the ground in autumn.

yet еще • It is not getting light yet.

There appear dark clouds in the sky. На небе появляются тучи.

Lesson Eleven


22. Прочтите и переведите текст:

Seasons and Weather

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every season lasts about three months.

Winter usually begins in December and ends in March. It is cold in winter and often snows. There is much snow on the ground. It gets dark early in the evening. It gets light late in the morning. In winter we have the shortest days and the longest nights. It is difficult and unpleasant to get up early in the morn ing in winter because it is dark and cold.

But winter is a good time for sports. In winter we can go in for such kinds of sport as skating and skiing. It is very pleasant to go skiing in the country on a bright sunny day. At the end of winter the sun begins to shine as brightly as in spring, but it is not so warm as in spring yet.

Spring comes at the end of March. The sun begins to shine more brightly, the days become longer and the first spring flow ers appear everywhere. Everything is so fresh and so beautiful, even people look younger. Everybody enjoys the beginning of spring. Most people say that spring is the best season of the year.

At the beginning of spring it is still cold, but at the end of it, it gets much warmer. Sometimes it rains. Of course in spring it is much warmer than in winter but it is not so warm as in summer.

Summer is the warmest season of the year. It begins in June and ends in August. In summer it gets light early in the morning and it gets dark late in the evening. In summer we have the longest days and the shortest nights. It often rains but the rain is warm and does not last long. Most people have their holydays in summer and spend a lot of time in the open air. It is not pleasant to stay in town in summer, and most people leave town for the country. We can swim and bathe, we can play tennis and football. We enjoy our holydays if the weather is fine.

After summer comes autumn. Autumn is a beautiful season. Many people say that autumn is the most beautiful season of the year. Autumn is very beautiful at the beginning when it is still warm and the trees are getting yellow and red. They look so

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


beautiful. There are a lot of brown, yellow and red leaves every where on the ground. Little by little the days become shorter and the nights become longer. It gets colder and colder. In October

and November it often rains. Sometimes it even snows. It gets windy. There appear dark clouds in the sky. Of course it is not so cold as in winter yet, but we know that winter is coming. It is more pleasant to stay inside than to be outside. Some people say that this is the worst time of the year.

What is the weather like today?

What weather are we having today? Какая сегодня погода?

It is raining (snowing). It is freezing hard.

It is going to rain (to snow). It is getting warmer (colder).

The weather is fine (bad, warm, cold, rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy).

It is warm (cold) today. It is raining hard.

It looks like rain. — Похоже на дождь. It is cloudy today. — Сегодня пасмурно.

What a lovely day! — Какой чудесный день!