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Уч. англ.яз Бурова

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Lesson Thirteen



[di zainə]´ дизайнер, конструктор


designing проектирование



черчение, рисование


education образование • to get a higher education

to enter

входить; поступать • to enter a room; to enter an Institute


вход • entrance examinations

вступительные экзамены

experiment опыт • to make an experiment


факультет • There are three faculties in our Institute.

to fail

терпетьнеудачу;несделатьчего л.;провалитьсянаэкзамене • She

failed to come. = She did not come. He failed (in) his English examination. He failed history = He failed in history.

in the Far East на Дальнем Востоке

free of charge бесплатный • Admission to the National Gallery in London is free (= free of charge)

to fulfil = to carry out выполнять • We do our best to fulfil the work in time.

to graduate from оканчивать (вуз) • to graduate from an Institute history история

holiday home (centre) дом отдыха

to hope надеяться • I hope you will do your best to enter the Institute. idea [ai diə]´ идея • I have got a fine idea.

in через • In five years we shall graduate from our Institute. industrial training производственная практика (обучение) industry промышленность • a branch of industry institution учреждение

native родной • Kaluga is my native town.

opportunity возможность • We have every opportunity to carry out our scientific work.

party вечер, прием гостей • Last Friday we had a party at our place.

to pass an examination сдать экзамен • He passed all the examinations in advance.

to pay платить • Students in our Institute do not have to pay for their studies.

practical практический • to fulfil practical work; Practical studies often take place in the workshops.


настоящий, нынешний • at present в настоящее время


частный • private school частная школа


[ r´ ðə] довольно • It is rather warm today.

research work научно исследовательская работа • to do (to fulfil, to carry out) research work

soon скоро • Winter will be over soon. I’ll be back soon. scholarship стипендия • to get a scholarship

state государство • state control государственный контроль strength of materials сопротивление материалов

student: full time student студент дневного отделения • part time stu dent студент вечернего отделения

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


subject предмет (учебный) • We study a lot of subjects at the Institute. to submit представлять • to submit a project at the end of the term successfully успешно • to pass examinations successfully

to take an examination сдавать экзамен • He took his examination yester day but he did not pass it, he failed.

technology [tek nɒlə´ i] of materials технология материалов theoretical теоретический • theoretical and practical studies (work) tonight сегодня вечером • We are going to have a party tonight. traditional традиционный

to train готовить • Our Institute trains designers for different branches of industry.

training подготовка • The course for training artists at our Institute lasts five years; physical training

to think думать • What do you think about my idea to submit our projects in advance? — I think, it’s a good idea.

village деревня • I think it’s better to live in a village than in a town. a long way from = far from далеко • He lives a long way from here. whole целый • the whole day (evening)

to be in the first (second ...) year учиться на первом (втором) курсе

to work as a designer (engineer) работать в качестве конструктора (инже нера)

is called называется two more ещё два

27. Прочтите и переведите текст.

A. A Few Words About Education in Russia

Young people in our country have every opportunity to study and to get a higher education. At present one can see a lot of changes in Russia’s traditional system of education. There ap peared a great number of private educational institutions (uni versities, institutes, colleges, schools) where you have to pay for your education.

Young people have a wide choice of state controlled and pri vate education.

The state education in Russia is free of charge. Students can find all the books necessary for their studies in the libraries and reading rooms of their institutes. They can also make experi ments, carry out research work and different kinds of practical work in the laboratories and workshops of their institutes.

To enter an Institute you have to take entrance examinations which are rather difficult. Students are able to study in evening and day time departments. A student who does not work and

Lesson Thirteen


attends a day time department is called a full time student. A student who combines work and studies and attends an evening department is called a part time student.

The training of specialists at our institutes combines theo retical studies with practical work and industrial training. At the end of each term students are to submit their course (term) papers or designs.

If the students are doing well, they get scholarships. To pass the examinations successfully students have to work hard dur ing the academic year. They may fail in the examinations if they miss classes, and do not study regularly. Students must take ex aminations and credit tests in time. Sometimes they are allowed to take them in advance.

B. Winter Examinations and Holidays Are Coming

I study at the Moscow Institute of Industrial Arts. Our Insti tute trains artists and designers for various branches of indus try and culture.

I am in my first year now. In 5 years when I graduate from the Institute I shall be able to work as a designer (as an engineer) at a factory, or in an office.

There are four faculties at our Institute. I study at the faculty of interior and furniture design.

We study a lot of subjects such as the history of our country, history of art, technology and strength of materials, drawing, designing, chemistry and many other subjects, among which there is also a foreign language and physical training.

The first term is coming to an end. Classes will be over in a few days. The examinations will begin on the 2nd of January.

During the autumn term I worked hard. I attended all the lectures and never missed seminars. I had to spend a lot of time in the workshops working at my drawings and designs. Now I am quite ready for the examinations and I hope to pass them successfully. Last week I was allowed to take one of my exami nations in advance. Now I have two more examinations. If I am allowed, I shall take them in advance too because during the hol idays I am going to visit my parents and I want to have more time to stay with them. They live a long way from Moscow and it will take me several days to get to my native town in the Far East.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


When the examinations are over we shall have our winter holidays. They will last from the 23rd of January till the 7th of February. We are already making plans for the coming holidays. There are many ways in which we can spend them. Some of us will go to country holiday homes, others will stay in town. During the holidays we shall go to the cinemas and theatres. We shall go in for sports. We shall spend a lot of time in the open air. Those students who do not live at home will be able to go to see their parents. They will soon leave for their native towns and villages.


A.Hello, Tom. Will you come to our party tonight?

T.Thank you, Alec, I’m afraid not. I shan’t be able to come because I have to prepare for my exams.

A.Yesterday I saw you in the reading room during the break. You were working hard.

T.Yes, I was, but still I have got a lot of material to learn, that’s why I’ll be reading the whole evening today.

A.Oh, I see. You are such a hard working student. When will the exams end?

T. We’ll have our last exam on the 23rd of January.

A.Will you be able to join us for a skiing trip on Saturday morn ing at 11 o’clock?

T.I think not. I’ll be taking my exam in the technology of mate rials at that time.

A. How are you going to spend the holidays?

T. If I pass the exams successfully, on the 25th I’ll leave for a holiday home.

A. Is it far from Moscow?

T. No, it’s quite near. But the place is beautiful. A. That’s a fine idea.

T. Yes, I hope to have a good time and to rest there.

Lesson Thirteen


Упражнения для домашнего задания

1. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

a higher education, to submit a term paper, to take an exam in advance, to pass the exams successfully, my native village, various branches of industry, Russian culture, in a year, to train specialists, to work hard, to go to see one’s parents, free of charge, industrial training, to work as an engineer, to graduate from an institute, to enter an institute, to carry out different kinds of practical work

2. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:

сдать (сдавать) экзамены, трудный предмет, отрасль промы шленности, культура и искусство XIX века, работать в каче стве инженера, через пять лет, различные (учебные) предме ты, в течение учебного года, усердно заниматься, получать высшее образование, проводить научную работу, проводить эксперименты, поступать в институт, оканчивать институт, вступительные экзамены

3. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. This book is rather interesting. 2. I was rather tired after the match. 3. The scientist is fond of his research work. 4. To design this kind of building you have to think of using new materials. 5. What kind of research work can you carry out in this laboratory? 6. In what way are you going to carry out the work? 7. He tried hard but failed. 8. If you try hard, you will finish your scientific work in time.

4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. At what Institute do you study? 2. What specialists does it train? 3. How many faculties are there at your Institute? 4. What faculty do you study at? 5. When will you graduate from the Institute? 6. What subjects do you study? 7. Are you ready for the exams? 8. Will you take any of the examinations in advance? 9. What are your plans for the coming holidays?

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


10. Will you go to the theatres? 11. Will you go to see your par ents during the holidays? 12. What is your native town (village)? 13. When did you enter the Institute? 14. Were the entrance ex aminations difficult or easy? 15. When are students to submit their course designs? 16. Are there any workshops and labo ratories at your Institute? 17. Do you carry out any research work or experiments? 18. Do you regularly attend lectures and seminars?

5. Переведите на русский язык:

from 9 till 11 o’clock, from July till October, from Monday till Saturday, from the tenth of September till the eleventh of November, from morning till evening (night)

6. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Учебный год длится с 1 го сентября по 30 е июня. 2. Со вторника до субботы я занят. 3. Собрание состоится в 3 часа. 4. Наш институт готовит специалистов для различных отра слей промышленности и культуры. 5. Я собираюсь сдавать экзамены досрочно. 6. Я хочу навестить своих родителей, ко торые живут вдеревне. 7. Я надеюсь успешно сдать экзамены. 8. Я окончу институт через 5 лет и буду работать инженером на заводе. 9. В нашей стране молодежь имеет все возможно сти учиться. 10. В нашей стране большой выбор учреждений, где можно получить высшее образование. 11. У нас есть все возможности проводить научно исследовательскую работу. 12. Наш институт сочетает теоретическое обучение с практи ческой работой и производственной практикой. 13. Я должен сдать свой курсовой проект в субботу. 14. Если мне разрешат, я буду сдавать этот экзамен досрочно. 15. Работая над наши ми проектами, мы проводим (приходится проводить) много времени в мастерских. 16. Я выполню эту работу на следую щей неделе. 17. В прошлом месяце мы провели первый науч ный эксперимент.

Lesson Thirteen


Упражнения для устной работы в аудитории

1. Скажите, что действие, о котором идет речь, произойдет в будущем:

T.: On Saturday my brother usually comes to see us.

St.: Tomorrow he’ll (will) come to see us again.

1.Tom likes to take part in sports events. 2. He always meets Mary at the station. 3. You like to take exams in advance. 4. Tom spends a lot of time in the laboratory making experiments. 5. He is usually busy with his scientific work. 6. They prefer to spend their days off in the country. 7. My sister often goes to the village.

2.Скажите, что в будущем не совершится действие, о котором идет речь,

употребив при этом соответствующее смыслу обстоятельство времени:

а) T.: He usually comes home late.

St.: He won’t come home late tomorrow. б) T.: You usually come home late.

St.: I shan’t come home late next week.

1. He goes to bed late. 2. She needs this book today. 3. He goes skating in the evening. 4. She has a rest after dinner. 5. You need his help. 6. You clean windows on Wednesdays. 7. You dance to music. 8. They have classes on Saturdays. 9. They invite him to spend the week end with them. 10. She misses many lectures.

3. Спросите, произойдет ли действие, о котором идет речь, в будущем:

T.: He needs this book.

St.: Will he need this book tomorrow?

1. He usually has dinner at home. 2. This year he combines work and studies. 3. She misses a lot of seminars. 4. They submit their term designs in December. 5. She works hard during the academic year. 6. I want to take entrance examinations. 7. This year we combine theoretical studies with practical work. 8. We carry out different kinds of practical work during the term.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


4. Скажите, что действие, о котором идет речь, также должно или сможет произойти в будущем:

а) T.: I must visit my sister.

St.: I’ll have to visit her again.

б) T.: I can spend my day off in the country.

St.: I shall be able to spend it in the country again.

1. I must take books from the library. 2. He must make a lot of experiments this term. 3. They must start at 9 o’clock. 4. I must learn the new words. 5. She can learn the poem. 6. He can help them. 7. We can draw with a pen. 8. They can take part in our research work. 9. We can take our exams in advance. 10. They must take entrance examinations. 11. I must carry out this practical work.

5. Прочтите и перескажите по русски:


Little boy: Dad, you are lucky. Father: How is that?

Little boy: You won’t have to buy me new school books next year. I’ll be still in the same class. Isn’t that good?


Is your wife as pretty as ever?

Yes, indeed! Only it takes her half an hour longer.

Additional Material for Oral Speech Practice. Speech Patterns and Flashes

of Conversation

1. Вы встретили своего друга, которого давно не видели. Ваш друг сказал вам, что переехал (to move) на новую квартиру. Расспросите своего друга о квартире:

на какой улице она находится, что находится перед домом и позади него, сколько этажей в доме, на каком она этаже, сколько в ней комнат, какие удобства в квартире, когда друг переехал в нее, нравится ли она ему и т. д.

Lesson Thirteen


2.Вы приходите в институт и видите, что вашего друга нет в аудитории. Узнав, что он болен, выразите свое сожаление и скажите, что вы должны были вместе пойти к декану. Скажите, что вы обязательно навестите его после занятий.

3.У вас дома гости. Приходит ваш друг, которого никто не знает. Поздоро вайтесь с ним, спросите о здоровье и представьте его гостям.

4.Прочтите следующие диалоги:

look here — послушай

best regards to — (передай) привет

let me introduce — разрешите мне представить

Shall I read or translate the text? — Мне читать или переводить текст?


1.Look here, Nick. How is Bill this evening?

2.He is not well today.

1.I’m sorry. Best regards to him.

2.Thank you, Ann. Good night.

1.Bye, Nick.


1.Mr. Brown, let me introduce my colleague [ kɒl´ g] to you. This is Mr. Belov, our manager.

2.How do you do, Mr. Belov?

3.How do you do, Mr. Brown.

1.Sit down, please. Tea or coffee?

2.Coffee, please.

1.Here you are.

2.Thank you.

1.Not at all. Shall we begin our talk (переговоры)?

2.All right.


1.Hello, Helen. Glad to see you.

2.I’m glad to see you too.

1.I wanted to invite you to a disco (дискотека) tonight.

2.I’m afraid, I shan’t be able to accept your invitation. I’ve got a lot of work to do.

1. Why so?

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


2. I have to work on my computer tonight.

1. I see.


I would like — мне бы хотелось

1.I would like to speak to Mr. Milne.

2.What’s your name?

1.Lobov. We met in Russia last year and I got an invitation to visit your office.

2.Just a minute. This way, please. Mr. Milne is waiting for you.


1.Can you tell me the exact time? It seems to me, my watch is slow.

2.Sorry, I haven’t got a watch, but that clock says it’s 8 o’clock sharp.

1.Oh, I must be going then. I don’t want to be late. Bye.

2.See you (до встречи).

Excuse me, can you tell me the exact time? the right time? the correct time?

I’ll come at 5 o’clock sharp. exactly.

When will you be back? — this afternoon.

at 10 sharp.

after eight.

before seven.

at half past six.

5.Составьте предложения, пользуясь таблицей:

I would like


представили мне своего эксперта.

I want


приняли наше приглашение.



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