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Уч. англ.яз Бурова

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Lesson 17a (additional)


and Phonetic Drills

Суффикс существительных -sion [ n]


to decide

— decision



to revise

— revision



to divide

— division



to provide — provision


1. Обратите внимание на произношение суффиксов -ion [ʃn], -tion [ʃn], - ssion [ʃn], -sion [ n] и прочтите следующие существительные:

connection, production, intonation, division, collision, provi sion, inclusion, admission, compression, discussion, mechaniza tion, organization, elongation, communication, revision, asser tion, definition, conclusion

Отрицательный префикс in- (im-, il-, -ir-)



— irregular



dependent — independent




— impossible




— illegal


2. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык:

indescribable, inactive, informal, indefinite (definite — опре деленный), imperfect, immoral, inconvenient, inconvenience, impatient (patient — терпеливый), immobile, inability (abil ity — способность), impersonal (personal — личный), impossi bility, inattention, inattentive, inartistic, illiterate (literate — грамотный), illegal, immaterial, irrational (rational — раци ональный), irregular, unable, unfounded, undone, undivided, unconnected, undeveloped, unfriendly, uninterrupted, unim proved, unimportant

Основной курс. Часть вторая. Part Two


3. Прочтите следующие слова (ударение падает на второй слог):

discuss, compel, retreat, regard, remove, arrest, perform, achieve, research, engage, enlarge, enrich, explain, support, success, correct, observe, assert, attempt, belong, commit, hotel

4. Прочтите:

x [gz]: example, existence

xh [gz]: exhibit, exhilarate, inexhaustible xh [ks]: exhibition

kn [n]: know, knowledge, known, knob, knee nd [n]: landscape, handsome


5. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык без словаря следующие интерна циональные слова и, где можно, определите по суффиксу часть речи:

bank, geographical [ iə gr´ fikəl], situation, port, section, fi nancial [fai n´ nʃl], general (n), admiral, administrative, hotel,

restaurant [ restrɒŋ]´, dock, commerce,´

parliament [ p´ ləmənt]

6. Прочтите новые слова урока:



[ einʃənt]´ древний; античный • ancient architecture


площадь; зона; район • What area does Moscow occupy?


банк; берег реки • The banks of the Volga are beautiful. He works for

the Union Bank.


to build строить • When was this palace built?

to bury

[ beri]´ хоронить • Who is buried here?

to call

звать; называть • A student who combines work and studies is called

a part time student. What do we call people who live in England? Call Mr. Brown to the telephone, will you?

cathedral [kə θ´ drəl] собор • There are a lot of ancient cathedrals inside the Moscow Kremlin.

Chamber = the House палата (парламента)

church церковь • During our trip to the North of our country we had the opportunity to admire the architecture of ancient Russian churches and cathedrals.

commerce [ kɒm´ :s] торговля (оптовая); коммерция

to consist of состоять из • The academic year consists of two terms: the autumn term and the spring term.

to crown короновать

Lesson 17a (additional)


to depend (on) зависеть • The achievement of better results depends on the improvement of our working conditions. It does not depend on me.

to destroy разрушать; уничтожать • The building of the palace was de stroyed during the war.

to develop развиваться • to develop into превращаться dirty грязный • dirty streets; Your face is dirty.

to divide делить • The river divides the city into two parts.

due to = thanks to = because of благодаря; вследствие чего л. • Due to his help we fulfilled the task in time.

financial [fai n´ nʃl] финансовый • a financial centre of the city


рука • Wash your hands before eating.


[ hevi]´ тяжелый; сильный • heavy traffic; This box is too heavy, I

cannot lift it.

ho tel´

гостиница; отель

king король


рот; устье (реки) • the mouth of a river

narrow узкий • a narrow street

narrowness узость

nearly = almost = about около; почти • There are nearly 30 miles to the

nearest town from here.

part часть • How many parts does the book consist of? — It consists of two





hours часы пик • The traffic is heavy during the rush hours.

sea море • the Black Sea; an important sea port

several = some = a few несколько • I’ve seen him several times this month.


корабль; судно • shipping флот; суда


сторона • on the opposite side of the street; left (right) side traffic

situation ситуация; положение • a geographical situation of a country smoke дым • gray (also grey) with smoke

to stretch простираться • London stretches for nearly 30 miles. tower башня • the Kremlin towers

tube труба; метрополитен (в Лондоне)

unattractive непривлекательный • unattractive in appearance (to attract привлекать)

unemployed = workless = jobless безработный • There are a lot of unem

ployed in this country.



запад • The sun sets in the West.


широкий • a wide street




are to be found here = are situated


House of Commons палата общин


House of Lords палата лордов



Geographical and Proper Names

Great Britain [ britən]´ Великобрита

Europe [ jυərəp]´ Европа


The Thames [temz] Темза (река)



Основной курс. Часть вторая. Part Two


St. Paul’s [p lz] Cathedral Собор

Buckingham [ b´ kiŋəm] Palace Бу

Св. Павла

кингемский дворец

Westminster Abbey [ ´ bi] Вестмин

The Nelson Column [ kɒləm]´ колон

стерское аббатство

на Нельсона

7. Прочтите текст и диалог:


London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. London is an ancient city. It is more than twenty centuries old. The population of London, including its suburbs is more than ten million people.

London is one of the biggest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. It is situated on the banks of the river Thames, not far from its mouth. Due to its geographical situation London has developed into an important sea port.

London stretches for nearly 30 miles from north to south and for about 30 miles from east to west. The river Thames divides the city into two large parts — the West End and the East End. London consists of four important sections: the West End, the East End, the City and Westminster.

The City is a small part of London — only one square mile in area — but it is the financial and the business centre of the country. There are a lot of banks and various offices here. It is the ancient part of London. Most of the streets are narrow here and the traffic is slow.

One of the greatest English churches — St. Paul’s Cathe dral — is here. It was designed and built by an outstanding English architect Christopher Wren in 1710. Inside the Cathe dral we find monuments erected to many generals and admirals. Nelson is also buried here.

Not far away is Westminster — the administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament are situated here. It is the seat of the British Government. The building is very beautiful with its two towers and a big clock called Big Ben.

Westminster Abbey where kings and queens are crowned is opposite the Houses of Parliament. This ancient building was founded in the eleventh century, though it was destroyed and re

Lesson 17a (additional)


built several times. Many famous people are buried here, among them Newton, Darwin, Dickens and Kipling.

The West End is the part of London where the rich people live. Fine houses, wide streets, numerous parks are to be found in this part of the capital. The best cinemas, theatres, concert halls, famous shops, comfortable hotels, restaurants, large mu seums are situated here. The most beautiful London park — Hyde Park — is in this district too.

The East End is the poorest part of London. It includes the Port, the docks stretching for miles and the great industrial areas, which depend on shipping. The workers and the unem ployed live here. There are no beautiful houses and parks here, the streets are narrow. The East End is unattractive in appear ance but it is very important in the country’s commerce.

London is famous for its outstanding places of interest. There are many architectural, art and historic monuments in London such as the British Museum, the Tower of London, the National Gallery, Buckingham Palace, the Nelson Column and many oth ers. Thousands of tourists from all parts of the world come to London to admire its art treasures.


1. — What is London?

London is the capital of Great Britain. It is one of the largest and most interesting cities in the world.

2. — Is London also a sea port?

Situated on the river Thames about 40 miles from its mouth London has developed into one of the largest sea ports in the world.

3. — What sections does London consist of?

Its most important sections are the West End, the East End, the City and Westminster. Some people say that the City is the money of London; the West End is the goods of London; the East End is the hands of London the beautiful palaces, banks and London tube (underground) have been built with.

4. — What is the most significant building in the City?

It is St. Paul’s Cathedral. It is the second biggest cathedral in the world.

Основной курс. Часть вторая. Part Two


5. — Who was it designed by?

It was designed by Christopher Wren. The construction of the Cathedral lasted 35 years — from 1675 till 1710.

6. — What is Westminster?

It’s the administrative centre of London. 7. — What is Westminster Abbey famous for?

It’s an important place. Many of the kings and queens have been crowned in this church, and many outstanding people are buried here.

8. — Do the Houses of Parliament consist of one or more build ings?

There is only one building (a part of the Palace of West minster), but it is called “the Houses” because it is divided into two chambers — the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

9. — Where is industry to be found in London?

It is chiefly in the East End, the biggest workers’ district, grey with smoke.

10. — Why are most of the industrial areas situated near the river Thames?

They are chiefly situated near the river because they de pend on shipping.

11. — Is the traffic in London heavy?

Yes, it is very heavy, especially during rush hours, except the City. Due to the narrowness of its streets the traffic in the City is slow.

12. — When was the first London tube built?

— The first tube was opened in 1870.

Exercises To Be Done at Home

1. Переведите следующие слова:

а) to be situated — situation; to develop — development; to destroy — destruction; near — nearly — nearness; administra tion — administrative; narrow — narrowness; rich — richness;

Lesson 17a (additional)


to attract — attraction — attractive; chief — chiefly; poor — poorly;

б) narrow — wide; inside — outside; poor — rich; clean — dirty

2. Из данных слов выберите пары синонимов:

section, to include, due to, ancient, thanks to, part, chiefly, old, to consist (of), mainly, nearly, about

3. Образуйте слова при помощи префиксов -un и -in и переведите их на русский язык:

а) un: attractive, important, able, developed, divided, known, cultured, improved, connected, comfortable

б) in: convenient, correct, definite

4. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод выделенных слов:

1. This book consists of three parts. 2. The delegation consisted of five people. 3. The artist submitted some of his art works including his latest drawings. 4. The lesson includes the text, vocabulary and exercises. 5. My brother goes in for different kinds of sports including table tennis. 6. Don’t include his name in the list of the delegation. 7. Our trip depends on the weather. 8. The improvement of his living conditions depends on the de cision of the district committee. 9. Your progress in English depends on how hard you are going to work at it. 10. What did his success depend on? 11. The ancient Kremlin towers looked very beautiful against the dark sky. 12. My brother is fond of ancient furniture, which he is collecting. 13. Many ancient Rus sian churches and cathedrals were destroyed by the German fas cists during the war. 14. Half of London was destroyed in the great fire of 1666. 15. Why did you destroy the letter? 16. Show me your hands. Why are they so dirty? 17. What have you got in your right hand? 18. I’ve got some money on me. I can lend you, if you like. 19. I need some money. 20. The teacher divided the students into two groups. 21. Divide ten by two. 22. She divided the apples between us. 23. England is a highly developed indus trial country. 24. This scientific problem was further developed in the works of many scientists. 25. What’s the time? — It’s

Основной курс. Часть вторая. Part Two


nearly two o’clock. 26. London is situated on the river Thames nearly 40 miles from its mouth. 27. Due to their help and en ergy we were able to finish our work in time. 28. Due to their well planned organization the conference was conducted in the shortest possible time.

5. Закройте правую колонку листом бумаги и переведите словосочетания и предложения в левой колонке на английский язык, а затем сверьте их с данным английским переводом:





to depend on geographical


ского положения






due to favourable condi


ным условиям




включая три новых райо

including three new dis









в важный

to develop into an impor


морской порт



tant sea port





ancient monuments of Rus


ской культуры


sian culture


внутри собора


inside the cathedral


Парламент делиться


The Parliament is divided


две палаты — палату лор

into two chambers — the


дов и палату общин.


House of Lords and the






House of Commons.


Город расположен недале

The town is situated near


ко от устья реки.


(not far from) the mouth of






the river.


Из скольких частей состо

How many parts does the


ит книга?



book consist of?


простираться на мили

to stretch for miles


на берегах реки


on the banks of the river


квадратная миля


a square mile



население этого

What is the population of






the town?





The palace was designed by


ван выдающимся архи

an outstanding architect of


тектором 16 го столетия.

the 16th century.


памятник, воздвигнутый

the monument erected to





the admiral

Lesson 17a (additional)




славиться чем л.


to be famous for smth


перестраивать порт


to rebuild the port several


сколько раз




среди них


among them


Здесь похоронены многие

Many outstanding people


выдающиеся люди.


are buried here.


узкие и грязные улицы

narrow and dirty streets




attractive in appearance


внешнему виду




любоваться художествен

to admire art treasures


ными сокровищами



Exercises To Be Done in Class

6. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.What is the population of London including its suburbs?

2.Can we say that London is a city of big contrasts? Why? 3. Who lives in the East End? 4. Where are the docks and big industrial areas situated? 5. Why are big industrial areas found near the river? What do they depend on? 6. What is the seat of the British Parliament? 7. Why has London developed into an important sea port? 8. What river divides London into two parts? 9. What is the business and the financial centre of the country? 10. What is St. Paul’s Cathedral famous for? 11. What sections does London consist of? 12. What does the East End include? 13. What area does the City occupy? 14. How many chambers is the British Parliament divided into? 15. Where is Charles Dickens buried?

16.What is Big Ben? 17. Have we got anything like that in Moscow? (The Kremlin chimes)

7. Скажите, что действие, о котором идет речь, совершается в данный момент, по образцу (изменив обстоятельство времени, где необходимо):

T.: The hall was decorated by the children last night.

St.: The hall is being decorated by the children just now.

1. The monument was erected last year. 2. Numerous consumer goods were produced by this factory some years ago. 3. The park

Основной курс. Часть вторая. Part Two


was divided into two parts in summer. 4. The report was listened to by them an hour ago. 5. The new bridge was built last month.

8. Согласитесь, что действие, о котором идет речь, уже совершилось. Сказу емое вашего предложения должно быть выражено глаголом в страдательном залоге по образцу:

T.: My brother has written the letter.

St.: Yes, the letter has really been written by him.

1. Tom has made his report. 2. We have tested the devices. 3. They have taken the leading place in the competition. 4. The film has impressed them greatly. 5. The experiment has inter rupted our work. 6. The children have greeted the champion. 7. The students have brought the dictionaries. 8. We have made no changes in the working plan.

9. Переведите со словарем следующие предложения:

to mean — meant — meant [ment]

1. Young artists look for new means of artistic expression. 2. He means to say that we are not right. 3. It means he won’t come. 4. What do you mean by saying it? 5. Does the end always jus tify the means? 6. Thoughts are expressed by means of words. 7. These goods are by no means satisfactory. 8. He is a man of means. 9. He lives within his means. 10. What is the mean annual temperature here? 11. Don’t be so mean to your little brother. 12. That was a mean remark. 13. That was a mean house in a mean street. 14. The Latin word ‘pater’ means ‘fa ther’. 15. What does all this mean? 16. Your friendship means a great deal to me. 17. I mean you to go. 18. He means this house for his son. 19. Is this picture meant for me? 20. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, I did not mean to. 21. He certainly meant what he said.

10. Прочтите и переведите следующий текст. Поставьте к нему 5 вопросов. Перескажите содержание текста на английском языке:

Three man came to New York for a holiday. They came to a very large hotel and took a room there. Their room was on the forty fifth floor. In the evening the three men went to the theatre and came back to the hotel very late.