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Уч. англ.яз Бурова

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Lesson Fifteen


11. Прочтите новые слова урока:



заграница • to go abroad • My friend has just come from abroad.

to agree

соглашаться; договориться, условиться • I quite agree with you.

We agreed to meet the next day.

to arrive приезжать • to arrive in Moscow, in France; to arrive at a village, at the station

to bring приносить • Let me bring you a glass of water.

to go (to be) on business ехать (быть) в командировку • My husband has just gone on business to the Far East.

business дело, занятие • a business trip chief главный • to work as a chief engineer

conference конференция • When is the conference going to take place? definite определенный • I want a definite answer. Let’s meet at a definite

place and time.

development развитие • the development of our society

to discuss обсуждать • discussion дискуссия; обсуждение • Let’s take part in the discussion.

England Англия

to find out узнать, выяснять • Let s find out when the train arrives. Have you found out anything?

important важный • St. Petersburg is an important cultural centre. improvement улучшение • the way of improvement

to include включать • Our plan included some theoretical subjects and tasks in practical work. Everybody agreed with me including the speaker. to be interested интересоваться чем л. • I was interested in the results of

the football match.

to get interested заинтересоваться • My son got interested in this research work.

to introduce представлять, знакомить • Let me introduce you to my friend. When introducing people we often say: “Meet my friend.”

like: I’d like = I would like мне бы хотелось • I would like to spend my holiday in the South.

machine building машиностроительный • machine building industry north север • in the north; St. Petersburg is to north of Moscow. politics политика • to be interested in politics.

production производство • to improve the process of production

to make progress делать успехи • You are making good progress in English. my best regards to ... передай привет ... (наилучшие пожелания) • My

best regards to your wife.

result результат • Will you tell me the results of your talk with the chief engineer?

to return = to come back возвращаться • Мy husband has returned from his business trip.

to ring up позвонить (по телефону) • He asked me to ring him up. to see понимать • I see... Я понимаю. • You see... Видишь ли...

south юг • in the south; to the south

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


to talk говорить, разговаривать • We talked for a long time. twice = two times два раза • I have told you about it twice.

The United States of America (the USA) Соединенные Штаты Америки (США)

(the) very (тот) самый, именно тот • Read the poem from the very begin ning. This is the very plan I asked you for.

voice голос • She has got a fine voice. I heard a voice behind me.

by the way между прочим • By the way, have you found out his telephone number?

while в то время как • We were discussing the latest news, while my wife was speaking on the telephone.

Местоимение other

Other — 1. другой, иной

There was no other way to solve the problem. Will you explain this rule in other words.

2. второй из двух

I gave you two books. There is only one (book) on the table. Where is the other?

We have English classes every other day (через день). 3. на днях

I saw him the other day.

4. They don’t like each other (друг друга). Others — мн. число

1.I took this book because there were no others on this subject.

2.There were only four students in the hall. Where are the others?

12.Прочитайте и переведите текст:

A. An Old Friend of Mine Comes to See Me

A few days ago I was sitting at home writing an article on the development of the machine building industry in our country when an old friend of mine, engineer Belov, rang me up. We had studied together at the Institute but we had seldom seen each other since that time. Sometimes I got letters from him but not very often. I knew that my friend had been abroad, and had worked somewhere in the south of our country and then in the north.

Lesson Fifteen


Now I was glad to hear my friend’s voice again. Michael [maikl] Belov told me that he had just returned from the United States of America, where he had beеn on business. I wanted to see my friend very much and invited him to come to my place. Michael said that he would come as soon as the conference he was attending was over.

He arrived at my place at 8 o clock. We were very glad to see each other. I introduced him to my wife as they had not met before. We had many things to talk over, and I invited Michael to my study. We sat talking for a long time, while my wife was busy preparing supper in the kitchen. My friend told me that he lived in Minsk and worked at a big machine building plant as a chief engineer. I told Michael that I was working at the laboratory of a big research institute. My friend got very interested in the research work our Institute was carrying out. He said that the results of our work were very important for the improvement of the process of production at their plant and that he wanted to find out everything about them. I invited him to visit our laboratory. We agreed that he would come to our Institute the next day. A little later my wife joined us, and during supper we discussed politics, business and the latest news. Michael told us many interesting things abut life in England and in the USA. I was especially interested in England as I was going there on business in a month. I told my friend that I had begun to study English, and Michael agreed that I had made good progress in it. He left my place late at night.

As Michael said he had many things to do and had to stay in Moscow for a week more, I invited him to stay with us over the week end. He accepted my invitation with pleasure.


Hello, Bob! Have you included me in the list of those going for a trip to Vologda.

Not yet. I asked you twice if you would join us but I haven’t heard any definite answer from you yet.

You see, my mother was ill. So I was not sure whether I should be able to go.

Oh, I see. Is she any better now?

Thank you, she is quite well now.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


By the way, have you brought me the book I gave you last time?

What book do you mean?

The book by V. Rasputin “Live and Remember”.

Sorry, Bob. I haven’t read it yet to the very end. I have a few pages left. I’ll bring it to you the day after tomorrow.

All right. Then see you the day after tomorrow, and my best regards to your mother.

С. In the Library

Student: Can you help me to choose a book?

Librarian: With pleasure. What kind of books do you prefer? St.: It s difficult to say. I like to read different books.

L.: Have you read the new book by V. Belov? We are going to discuss it next week.

St.: Oh, yes. I had quite forgotten about that. Of course I’d like to read it and to take part in the discussion. Belov is one of my favourite writers. What time is the discussion going to take place?

L.: Next Friday at 4 o’clock. Here is the book. St.: Thanks a lot.

L.: Not at all.

Упражнения для домашнего задания

1. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на русский язык:

а) the development of a language, an interesting article, to ring somebody up, since that time, to make progress in something, late at night, to discuss politics, to carry out research work, in the south, to forget a word, to find out, to give a definite answer, to ask twice, from the very beginning, to the very end, to include in the list, to bring, my best regards to somebody, unimportant political events, important news, to make improvements, devel opment of human society, to introduce

б) to be interested, to get interested, to be ready, to get ready, to be tired, to get tired, to be married, to get married, to be hungry,

Lesson Fifteen


to get hungry, to hear, to listen, to go, to come, to see, to look, to take/to pass (examinations)

2. Переведите на английский язык:

соглашаться, интересоваться чем либо, звонить по телефо ну, в то время как, как только, работать главным инженером, ехать за границу, быть в командировке, выяснять (узнавать), приносить книгу, дать определенный ответ, включая студен тов первого курса, с самого начала, между прочим, предста влять (знакомить).

3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод и употребление выделенных глаголов:

1. I have heard this opera. 2. I have listened to the speaker.

3.Have you seen this place of interest yet? 4. Look at the speaker. 5. He came to Moscow on business. 6. We often go abroad. 7. I was allowed to take my exam in advance. 8. He has just passed the last examination.

4.Переведите следующие глаголы на английский язык:

1. приходить (приезжать), идти (ехать); 2. слышать, слушать; 3. смотреть, видеть; 4. сдавать экзамен, сдать экзамен; 5. ин тересоваться, заинтересоваться; 6. быть готовым, пригото виться.

5. Закончите следующие предложения по образцу (не забудьте, что после союзов if , when, as soon as, after, before будущее время не употребляется):

He will leave as soon as the academic year is over.

1. He will return as soon as... 2. My husband will ring up as soon as... 3. She will carry out this work if... 4. I shall go on business when... 5. She will be able to combine work and studies if... 6. I’ll ring you up after...

6. Скажите, кем работает ваш брат (сестра) и где; используйте образец:

My brother works as a teacher at school.

architect, worker, teacher, doctor, engineer, chief engineer, actor, artist, musician, designer, manager, economist, expert; hospital theatre, plant, factory, office, school.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


7. Скажите, что вы узнали, используя нижеприводимые словосочетания. Дай те два варианта предложений. Во втором предложении замените существи тельное, обозначающее факт или событие, о котором идет речь, местоимени ем it или them по образцу:

I have found the news out. или I have found out the news.

I have found it out.

his address, her telephone number, the time of the meeting, the date of their arrival, the topics of their reports, the results of their work, when the party is going to take place

8. Скажите, кому вы хотите (или собираетесь) позвонить, по образцу:

I am going to ring my friend up. или I’m going to ring up my friend.

I want to ring him up.

9. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. My friend said that he would soon go to the south. 2. This town is situated somewhere in the north of our country. 3. My brother is interested in modern art. 4. We discussed politics for a long time. 5. I am writing an article on the development of industry in the United States. 6. I rang you up, but nobody answered the call. 7. My sister wanted to come to see me and to tell us about her trip to England. 8. He has just returned from the USA. 9. I am glad you have made great progress in English. 10. Don’t forget to bring me the dictionary. 11. I cannot find out whether he is in Moscow or not. 12. I have found out when the concert is going to take place. 13. We rang up our friend twice but he could not give us any definite answer. 14. We walked together to the very end of the street. 15. These improvements are very important for the process of production. 16. It’s very important for me to hear everything he is saying. 17. This is the very book you asked for. 18. I asked John to introduce me to his chief.

10. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What article was Boris Smirnov writing when his friend rang him up? 2. What country did Michel Belov go on business to? 3. Were the two friends glad to see each other? 4. Who did Boris introduce his friend to? 5. Had they met before? 6. What did Michael tell Boris about himself? 7. What was Boris’s wife

Lesson Fifteen


doing while the two friends were talking in the study? 8. What did Boris tell Michael about? 9. What did Michael want to find out? 10. What did they discuss? 11. When did Michael leave? 12. What do we usually say when we introduce people to each other?

11. Опишите рисунок:

Упражнения для устной работы в аудитории

1. Задайте вопросы, пользуясь следующими косвенными вопросами, и дайте ответы:

а) T.: Ask B. if (whether) he goes to the Institute by bus. St.: Do you go to the Institute by bus?

ASK your friend

if he gets up early, if he works hard at his English; if he spends week ends in the country; if he does his morning exercises; if he goes in for skating.

б) T.: Ask B. where he lives. St.: Where do you live?


what language he studies; how he gets to the Institute; how often he goes to the cinema; (at) what time he goes to bed.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


в) T.: Ask B. what he is doing. St.: What are you doing?


where he is going; what book he is reading; what design he is working at; what article he is translating.

г) T.: Ask B. if he has prepared his lessons for today. St.: Have you prepared your lessons for today?


if he has read today’s newspaper; if he has heard this opera; if he has finished her work; if he has read “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy; if he has made his drawing.

д) T.: Ask K. if she will go to the theatre tonight. St.: Will you go to the theatre tonight?


if she will have supper with us; if she will stay at the Institute after classes; if she will meet us at the station; if she will submit her term design tomorrow.

е) T.: Ask B. if he went skating last night. St.: Did you go skating last night?


if he enjoyed the skiing trip; if he watched TV last night; if he attended the lecture on art last week; if the exhibition of the machine building industry made an impression on him.

2. Прочтите и перескажите:


Last night I got a letter from George.

Well, did he pass his examination this time?

No, but he is almost at the top of the list of those who failed.

2.The First Rays1

What time do you get up in summer?

When the first ray of the sun comes into my window.

Isn’t that very early?

No, my room faces West2.

1ray — луч

2West — запад

Lesson Fifteen


Additional Material for Oral Speech Practice. Speech Patterns and Flashes

of Conversation

1.Вы приходите в свое учреждение, а вас ждет иностранная делегация. Вы уже встречались с мистером Фоксом. Поздоровайтесь с ним, затем попросите его представить вам членов делегации, спросите, где они остановились и сколько пробудут здесь, осматривали ли достопримечательности и предложите им свою помощь.

2.Вы встретили друга, которого не видели очень давно. Спросите его, где он был все это время. Ваш друг отвечает, что он был за границей. Узнайте все об этой поездке.

3.Прочтите диалоги:


A.: Is your sister an office clerk [kl k]? B.: No, she isn’t. She is a programmer.

A.: I’m glad to hear it. My best regards to her. B.: Thank you.


A.: Is the President of the company in? B.: No, he isn’t.

A.: Where is he?

B.: He is at the talks.

A.: It’s a pity (как жаль).


A.: Are you busy tonight Mr. Vodden? B.: No, I’m not. Why? (а что?)

A.: I want to invite you to a theatre.


A.: I couldn’t get you on the phone1 at 3 o’clock yesterday. B.: I was having talks with some Bulgarian businessmen.

1to get smb. on the phone — дозвониться

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


A.: What were you speaking about?

B.: We were discussing a draft contract1.


A.: Would you like some coffee, Mr. Smith?

B.: Yes, please. Well, we have received your draft contract. On the whole it’s quite acceptable, but we would like to discuss some points2.

A.: What are they?

B.: We would like you to change the prices3.

A.: Oh, I see. I need to see my people and to discuss the possibility with them.


A.: You know, I’m reading an interesting book. B.: What is it about?

A.: About English life. The story takes place in our time. B.: Who has written the book?

A.: Sorry, I don’t remember his name.

B.: It’s bad of you to enjoy reading the book and not to remember the author’s [ ´ θə(z)] name.

4. Переведите:

A.: Я звонил тебе вчера весь вечер, но не мог дозвониться. B.: Меня не было дома. Я был очень занят на работе. У меня

был трудный день вчера и я пришел домой очень поздно. A.: Я хотел попросить тебя помочь мне с проектом контракта.

Он очень труден для меня.

B.: Конечно. Приходи ко мне домой сегодня вечером и мы все успеем (to have time) сделать. Я помогу тебе перевести его на английский язык. В какую командировку ты едешь?

A.: Я еду в Египет.

B.: Ты там был когда нибудь?

A.: Нет. Я никогда там не был, я поеду туда в первый раз. B.: До встречи вечером (see you tonight).

1a draft contract — проект контракта

2points — зд.: пункты договора, контракта

3price — цена