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I. Read the text paying attention to the use of Indirect speech in it. Would you like to live such a long life?

When she died at the age of 122, Jeanne Calment was the oldest person on record. This amazing woman, from Arles in France, had not exactly lived what might be described as ‘a healthy lifestyle’. Family and friends reported that she was fond of cheese, wine and chocolate. She had also smoked cigarettes until she was 117. We asked several experts how a person, especially a cigarette-smoker, could live so long. They offered more than one answer. ‘The average life expectancy is now about 80 for women and 75 for men’, observed Dr Elizabeth Jones, director of the Centre for Studies on Ageing. She says that there has been a steady rise in the maximum age of death throughout Europe during the past century and a major reason for this is improved medical care. Another researcher, Dr Michael Glass, says, ‘There are no theoretical reasons why we can’t have a life span of 200 years.’ Better medical care won’t be the only factor, according to Dr Glass. He explained that genetic engineering would soon allow us to repair or replace damaged cells, the real cause of ageing. He believes that we will be able to stop the ageing process. Other researchers have noted that attitude is also an important factor in longer life. Dr John Park is the author of ‘Living Beyond 100’. ‘Those who live to a ripe old age,’ he says, ‘are those who can cope with stress and other difficulties in life.’ He wrote in his best-selling book that people who lived past 100 were almost always optimistic and had a great attitude to life.

Раздел VI Приложение 1 Числительное (Numeral)

    1. Числительным называется слово, обозначающее количество или порядок предметов по счету. Числительные в английском языке, так же как и в русском, делятся на количественные и порядковые.

Количественные числительные обозначают количество предметов и отвечают на вопрос How many? - Сколько? Порядковые числительные обозначают порядок предметов при счете и отвечают на вопрос Which? - Который?




1 one

2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine

10 ten

11 eleven

12 twelve

13 thirteen

14 fourteen

15 fifteen

16 sixteen

17 seventeen

18 eighteen

19 nineteen

20 twenty

21    twenty-one ['twentI'wAn]

22    twenty-two

23    twenty-three

24    twenty-four

25    twenty-five

30    thirty  ['TWtI]

31    thirty-one

32    thirty-two

40    forty  ['fLtI]

50     fifty  ['fIftI]

60    sixty  ['sIkstI]

70    seventy  ['sevntI]

80    eighty  ['eItI]

90    ninety  ['naIntI]

100   a (one) hundred ['hAndrqd]

101   a (one) hundred and one

116   a (one) hundred and sixteen

125 a(one)hundred and twenty-five

200   two hundred

500   five hundred

1,000   a (one) thousand ['Tauzqnd]

1,001   a (one) thousand and one

1,256   a (one) thousand two hundred and fifty-six

2,000   two thousand

25,000    twenty-five thousand

100,000   a (one) hundred thousand

1,000,000   a (one) million ['mIljqn]

1,000,000,000   a (one) milliard в Англии; a(one) billion в США

1st first

2nd second

3rd third

4th fourth

5th fifth

6th sixth

7th seventh

8th eighth

9th ninth

10th tenth

11th eleventh

12th twelfth

13th thirteenth

14th fourteenth

15th fifteenth

16th sixteenth

17th seventeenth

18th eighteenth

19th nineteenth

20th twentieth

21st twenty-first

22nd twenty-second

23rd twenty-third

24th    twenty-fourth

25th    twenty-fifth

30th    thirtieth  ['TWtIIT]

31st    thirty-first

32nd    thirty-second

40th    fortieth  ['fLtIIT]

50th    fiftieth  ['fIftIIT]

60th    sixtieth  ['sIkstIIT]

70th    seventieth  ['sevntIIT]

80th    eightieth  ['eItIIT]

90th    ninetieth  ['naIntIIT]

100th   hundredth  ['hAndrqdT]

101st   hundred and first

116th   hundred and sixteenth

125th   hundred and twenty-fifth

200th   two hundredth

500th   five hundredth

1,000th   thousandth  ['TauzqnT]

1,001st   thousand and first

1,256th   thousand two hundred and fifty-sixth

2,000th   two thousandth

25,000th   twenty-five thousandth

100,000th   hundred thousandth

1,000,000th   millionth  ['mIljqnT]

1,000,000,000th   milliardth или billionth  ['bIljqnT]


В английском языке слова hundred сто, thousand тысяча, million миллион являются существительными, поэтому, если они используются в ед. числе перед ними обязательно ставится неопределенный артикль a или числительное one, например:

a hundred или  one hundred  -  (одна) сотня;

1,025 - a (one) thousand and twenty-five  - (одна) тысяча двадцать пять

 - Они не принимают окончание множественного числа -s, когда перед ними стоит числительное, например:

two hundred   две сотни, двести

three thousand    три тысячи

five million   пять миллионов

- Но они принимают окончание множественного числа -s, если они выражают неопределенное количество сотен, тысяч, миллионов, а после них употребляется существительное с предлогом of.

hundreds of students

thousands of songs

сотни студентов

тысячи песен

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