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Распространённые сочетания с глаголом to have

to have a lesson/a lecture/a meeting - посещать урок / лекцию / собрание to have breakfast/lunch/dinner - завтракать / обедать / ужинать to have tea/coffeeпить чай/ кофе

to have a rest/a sleep/a dream - отдохнуть / поспать / помечтать to have a drink/a cigarette/ - выпить / выкурить сигарету

to have a holiday/a day off/ a good timeиметь отпуск / выходной день / хорошо провести время

to have a bath/a shower – принять ванну, душ

to have a shave/a wash – побриться, помыться

В этих случаях вопросительная и отрицательная формы глагола to have образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do: Where do you have dinner? — Где ты обедаешь?

1. Transform the sentences into the Past.

1. They have a meeting today. (yesterday)

2. He has a lot of free time. (last week)

3. The students of our group have a scientific conference today. (yesterday)

4. We usually have dinner in the canteen. (last year)

5. We have a dictation in English today. (two days ago)

2. Transform the sentences into the Future.

1. We had a good rest last Sunday. (next Sunday)

2. The students have a lecture in Philosophy. (tomorrow)

3. I have much work to do. (next week)

4. They had plenty of fruit in their garden last year. (next year)

5. You have an English class today. (the day after tomorrow)

3. Make the sentences negative.

1. He has got some relatives in Moscow.

2. She has got a new car.

3. They have got two sons.

4. I have got some friends abroad.

5. We have got many books on this question.

4. Make the sentences interrogative.

1. She has got three new dresses.

2. His friend has got a big flat.

3. You have got a younger sister.

4. They have got two cats.

5. We have got a dictionary of British slang.

5. Put have got, has got, haven’t got or hasn’t got.

1. They like flowers. They … a lot of roses in their garden.

2. Jane … a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.

3. Everybody likes Tom. He ... a lot of friends.

4. Mr and Mrs Eastwood ... two children, a boy and a girl.

5. An insect … six legs.

6. I can’t open the door. I … a key.

7. Hurry! We … much time.

8. What’s wrong? – I … something in my eye.

9. Where’s the newspaper? – I don’t know. I … it.

10. Julia wants to go on holiday but she … any money.

6. Complete the dialogue using the verb to have in the present or the past. Sometimes you have to make negative and question forms.

David: … you … a bike?

Mike: Yes, but I don’t ride it very often.

David: … it … lights on?

Mike: Yes, why?

David: Can I leave my bike here and take yours? Mine … any lights. It … any when I bought it. I meant to get some last week, but I … time.

Mike: But it’s raining now. And you … a coat. I’ll drive you home, David.

7. Read and translate the sentences with the verb «to have».

1. We have three cars. 2. Emma has toothache. 3. Vicky has got blue eyes. 4. I haven’t got any money. 5. I have a shower every morning. 6. We had a wonderful holiday. 7. We don’t have parties very often. 8. Where do you have lunch? 9. I usually have a rest in the afternoon. 10. Claire had lots of presents on her birthday. 11. Mark never has breakfast. 12. We didn’t have a very good time. 13. I had a talk with Daniel.

8. Translate into English.

1. У них есть три собаки и три кошки.

2. У нее большие зеленые глаза.

3. У моего брата голубая машина.

4. Сколько у вас земли?

5. У нас не было машины в прошлом году.

6. У меня вчера болела голова.

7. Когда вы пьете чай?

8. Мы хорошо провели время вчера.

9. Она хорошо провела отпуск на юге.

10. У вас есть книги по истории Англии?

9. Complete these sentences. Use an expression from the list and put the verb into the correct form where necessary.

have lunch have a swim have a nice time have a chat

have a cigarette have a rest have a good flight have a baby

have a shower have a party have a look

1 I don't eat much during the day. I never have lunch.

2 David likes to keep fit, so he .............................................................. every day.

3 We ................................... last Saturday. It was great - we invited lots of people.

4 Excuse me, can I .............................................. at your newspaper, please?

5 'Where's Jim?' 'He ................................................. in Ins room. He's very tired.

6 I met Ann in the supermarket yesterday. We stopped and................................... .

7 I haven't seen you since you came back from holiday...........................................

8 Suzanne.................................................. a few weeks ago. It's her second child.

9 I don't usually smoke but I was feeling very nervous, so I .................................. .

10 The phone rang but I couldn't answer it because I ............................................. .

11 You meet Tom at the airport. He has just arrived. You say: Hello, Tom ........... ?

What do you remember?

Choose the correct answer a, b, or c .

1. Usually I … dinner at 6 o’clock.

a) had b) have c) has

2. My brother … a very interesting job.

a) has b) have c) haves

3. Last year my aunt … a very beautiful car.

a) had b) has c) have

4. Tomorrow I … a break from 3 to 4.

a) had b) will have c) will has

5. Do you want to … an extra day-off?

a) have b) has c) will have

6. My mother … fair hair.

a) have b) haves c) had

7. Every morning I get up, turn on the radio and … a cold shower.

a) had b) has c) have

8. Yesterday my friend and I … a chat on the phone.

a) have b) had c) has

9. Let’s … a swim. It’s too hot today.

a) has b) had c) have

10. – We are going to the theatre tonight.

… a good time!

– Thanks!

a) Had b) Will have c) Have

11. Peter … no relatives in France.

a) have b) hasn’t c) has

12. My father’s friends … a lot of books on biology in their study.

a) have b) has c) is having

13. I was so tired last week. I wanted to … a rest.

a) has b) have c) had

14. … the United States of America a lot of industrial cities?

a) Have b) Has c) Will have

15. It is important to … your own opinion in any situation.

a) had b) has c) have

Read the article and answer the questions:

1 Where does James live?

2 What time does he get up?

3 What clothes does he wear?

4 Does he have breakfast?

5 What does he do in the morning?

6 What does he have for lunch?

7 What does he do after lunch?

8 Does he watch TV?

9 What does he do in the evening?

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