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Ministry of health of ukraine

Kharkiv and National Fight And tional Medical University



on the methodical meeting Department of Oncology

Head of Department

MD, professor Starikov VI

'28" August 2011



A methodical DEVELOPMENT

For teachers with practical lessons  


Course 5

Faculty of Medicine (specialty "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Prophylactic medicine")

Study Subject: Oncology

Module number 1

Content module № 1

Subject: № 4. Cancer of the colon and rectum

number of training hours -5


Kharkiv November 2011

I.                   Topic.

Over the past decade there has been growing incidence of colorectal cancer in the world. The high incidence observed in Western Europe and North America: USA - 17.7 cases per 100 thousand population, of Denmark - 17.0, UK - 16.7; Canada - 14.1. In Asia and Africa, this pathology is less common (Senegal - 1.5; Sri Lanka - 1.0). In the last years there has been a steady increase in incidence of rectal cancer in the world. High incidence in Western Europe and North America and low - in Asia and Africa. Over the past decade, significantly increased the incidence and Ukraine. In the 90 years she is 14-15 cases per 100 thousand population. In Eastern Europe, the incidence of colon cancer has increased over the past 30 years, almost 4 times. In Ukraine, in the 90 years the incidence is 15-17 cases per 100 thousand population.

In several countries of Western Europe and America (U.S., UK, Australia, etc.). Colorectal cancer is a serious problem. Incidences he ranked third in men after lung cancer and prostate cancer. For colorectal cancer mortality in men is second only to lung cancer in women - the third after lung cancer and breast cancer.

              II. Study objective: To raise the level of theoretical and practical training of students with problems colon cancer (ROK) and rectum (CRC) cancer, namely epidemiological factors Pathology with clinical forms and means of modern special treatment.

2.1. Know:

Epidemiology, etiology ROCK, precancerous.

Pathological anatomy ROCK.

Classification ROCK in stages.

Symptoms of various clinical forms ROCK.

Diagnostics ROC.

Treatment ROCK.

Restorative treatment ROCK.

Predisposing factors, case rate for colorectal cancer (CRC).

Pathological anatomy and how regional metastazuvannnya PKK.

Clinical manifestations and clinical course PKK complications.

Methods of diagnosis, differential diagnostics PKK.

Treatments PKK depending on the location of the tumor.

2.2. Be able to:

Conduct review of patient ROCK, medical history and its analysis.

Perform superficial and deep palpation of the abdomen.

Work plan and examination of the patient, based on a survey of the patient, formulate clinical diagnosis and treatment plan for the patient ROC.

Conduct medical history of the patient on the PKK and analyze it.

Conduct digital examination of the rectum.

Work plan and examination of the patient, based on a survey of the patient, formulate clinical diagnosis and treatment plan.


III. Educational objective: specific examples to facilitate the education of students oncologic principles of ethics, emphasize the role of domestic scientists and oncologists.

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