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Ministry of health of ukraine

Kharkiv and National Fight And tional Medical University



on the methodical meeting Department of Oncology

Head of Department

MD, professor Starikov VI

'28"August 2011



A methodical DEVELOPMENT

For teachers with practical lessons  


Course 5

Faculty of Medicine (specialty "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Prophylactic medicine")

Study Subject: Oncology

Module number 1

Content module № 3

Subject: № 9. Uterine cancer, cervical, ovarian

number of training hours -5


Kharkiv November 2011

I.                    Topic.

In the last decade of the last and beginning of this century marked a steady incidence of uterine body cancer. In countries such as Sweden and the United States, endometrial cancer came in first place in the structure oncogynecology department of pathology. In Ukraine the increasing incidence of localization on average 6% a year. Increased morbidity associated not only with an increase in life expectancy, but with increasing frequency in women of various endocrine and metabolic disorders (diabetes, obesity, giperestrogeniya, anovulation, hypercholesterolemia, and others.). Uterine cancer (CUC) took 1st place in the structure oncogynecology department and 4th place in the structure of total cancer incidence. In Ukraine, the incidence is 2 3.8 cases per 100,000 women us. RTM common in older women - 55 years. The average age of patients with endometrial cancer 56.1 years. Women aged 50-59 years constitute 40-45% of all diseased. Proportion of women of reproductive age does not exceed 7%.

In frequency among malignant tumors of female genital cervical cancer ranks second. Over the past decade revealed a clear downward trend in the incidence of invasive cervical cancer, which explains the broad holding in former years, preventive examinations and cytological screening followed by treatment of dysplasia and preinvasive cancer. Dynamics of cervical cancer is age features. The peak incidence of cervical cancer is observed in 50-60 years. The greatest reduction in the incidence occurs in the reproductive age, a little less - premenopausal. There is no reduction in the incidence in women who are postmenopausal (probably it is associated with a rare visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist at this age). Mortality from cervical cancer has also distinct, downward trend, but still remains high, which necessitates onco logical storozhkosti in doctors. No enough conclusive evidence to explain the cause of the background, precancerous and cancer of the cervix. The solution to this problem, the subject of numerous experimental and clinical studies. The role of age, early sexual activity, abortion, childbirth, birth injuries, diseases transmitted sexually by viral infection, heredity, hormonal disorders, diseases of sexual partners, etc.

According to the incidence of ovarian cancer (OC) was 14 cases per 100 000 female population. On average OC suffers one of seventy women (1.4%). The average age when there is ovarian cancer is 61 years old. Despite advances in the study of malignant tumors, the true causes of ovarian cancer are still poorly understood. Found that ovarian cancer is more common in women with a lack of parity, as well as those who have not applied for contraception oral contraceptives. In modern data demonstrated that oral contraceptives have a "protective" effect in the target country relations of ovarian cancer.

II Study objective: To raise the level of theoretical and practical knowledge of students on pathologic anatomy, clinical, clinical course, complications, diagnosis, differential diagnostics and modern spetslikuvannya tumors of the body of the uterus, cervix, ovaries.


Clinical picture of benign uterine, cervical, ovarian.

Pathological anatomy, risk factors for cancer of the uterine body, cervix, ovaries.

Classification, clinical manifestations, complications, diagnosis of cancer of the body of the uterus, cervix, ovaries.

Methods of treatment of cancer of the body of the uterus, cervix, ovaries.

Be able to:

1. On the basis of complaints, anamnesis, objective research, to identify the main syndromes tumors uterine, cervical, ovarian, put a preliminary diagnosis. 2. Appoint additional examination methods and evaluate their data 3. Conduct a differential diagnosis, to put the final diagnosis. 4. Appoint treatment 5. To carry out rehabilitation and preventive measures


III. Educational objective: educate students in a normal attitude to culture sexuality, violating the principles of which is one of the main factors of cervical cancer, to promote the education of students oncologic principles of ethics to specific clinical examples.

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