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Ministry of health of ukraine

Kharkiv and National Fight And tional Medical University



on the methodical meeting Department of Oncology

Head. Department

MD, professor Starikov VI

' 28 "August 2011



A methodical DEVELOPMENT

For teachers with practical lessons  


Course 5

Faculty of Medicine (specialty "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Prophylactic medicine")

Study Subject: Oncology

Module number 1

Content module № 2

Subject: № 6 Breast cancer.

number of training hours -5


Kharkiv November 2011

I. Topic.

Breast cancer ranks first in Ukraine among malignant tumors in women. The incidence is 46-49 per 100 thousand female population. There is a constant increase in the incidence of this disease. Experimental data suggest that the occurrence of breast cancer, he must pass through a series of phasic changes. Similar morphological changes observed in women with different proliferative changes in the mammary glands. Those changes are known in the clinic called mastitis or dishormonal hyperplasia of mammary glands. A special form of hormonal hyperplasia is a fibroadenoma of the breast. Mastitis and fibroadenoma of the breast is a precancerous condition. Therefore, knowledge of risk factors of precancer and cancer of the breast (and they have a common basis) is important for early diagnosis and prevention of breast cancer. Treatment of mastitis and fibroadenoma is the prevention of cancer. Great value in this aspect becomes outreach dear doctor specialty population.

Although some progress has been made ​​in the treatment of locally advanced breast cancer, this disease continues to be one of the most acute and urgent problems of modern medicine.

The need to further improve the treatment strategy for this disease is dictated to a large spread of this disease, lack of effectiveness of existing treatments and a high degree of disability.

Breast cancer in the structure of cancers in women ranked first and has a tendency to increase in incidence.

II. Study objective: Decomposing precancerous disease etiology and mechanism of their occurrence, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tools and treatment as well as risk factors for breast cancer (BC), the etiology of breast cancer, ways metastasis and clinic early breast cancer.


1. Etiology mastopathy and breast fibroadenomas.

2. Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis and pathological anatomy of breast cancer.

3. Classification of breast cancer in stages and in TNM.

4. Clinical picture of breast cancer.

5. Surgical, radiation, chemotherapy breast cancer and modern schemes of combined and complex treatment.

Be able to:

Collect and correctly interpret the history of patients with precancerous breast disease.

To conduct palpation of the breast, axillary and supraclavicular lymph nodes.

Palpation distinguish benign breast disease.

Work plan and examination of the patient, based on a survey of the patient, formulate clinical diagnosis and treatment plan in case of mastitis and fibroadenoma of the breast.

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