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5.3. Quiz:

1. Breast. Etiopathogenesis.

2.               Classification mastopathy. The division into localized and diffuse forms.

3.               Clinical mastopathy.

4.               Medical treatment in localized forms of mastitis.

5.               Technology Sector resection.

6.               Principles of non-hormonal and hormonal therapy of diffuse mastopathy. Clinical supervision.

7.               No. Fibroadenomas breast cancer. classification.

8.               Clinic fibroadenomas.

9.               Methods of diagnosis of fibroadenomas.

10.               Differential diagnosis of fibroadenoma and breast cancer.

11.Pryntsypy surgical treatment of fibroadenomas.

12.               Clinical forms of breast cancer. Classification system of T nm.

13.               Peculiarities of "inflammatory" forms of breast cancer.

14.               Three levels of breast cancer metastasis to the lymph nodes.

15.               Additional diagnostic methods locally common forms of breast cancer.

16.               Indications for combined and complex treatment.

17.               Peculiarities of locally advanced breast cancer.

18.               Modern circuits chemo-hormonal breast cancer.

5.4. Final stage:

Control and correction of professional skills and knowledge held by solving situational and clinical tasks, tests for self-control. Assesses knowledge and skills students study each assessment.

The teacher has homework, recommended literature on the subject next class basic and additional.

VI. Materials for methods of classes

6.1.Materialy control baseline (baseline) of students: tests, case studies (right answers marked "*")


1.               Mastopatia this:

-               dishormonal hyperplasia *

-               dysplasia;

-               version of the rules;

-               metaplasia;

-               malignancy.

2.               Fibroadenoma clinically is:

-               limited seal with sharp edges;

-               painless seal with a smooth or bumpy surface *

-               painful multiple seals;

-               tumor not palpable

-               Isolated painful seal with sharp edges.

3.               Treatment fibroadenomas requires:

-               use of hormones;

-               administration of progesterone;

-               resection;

-               reception Mastodinon;

-               removal of the tumor. *

4. Risk factors for breast cancer are:

- Hipoestrohenemiya;

- Hyperprolactinemia;

- Early first pregnancy;

- A history of benign tumors in the mammary gland;

- Occurrence of early or late menopause *

5. By locally common forms of breast cancer include.

- The initial form of cancer;

- Marginal form of cancer

- Tumor Paget

- nodular form of cancer;

- edematous infiltrative form of cancer. *

6. Enter the 2nd level of metastatic breast cancer in the lymph nodes.

- Lymph nodes, placing the middle of the inner edge of the small pectoral muscle;

- Lymph nodes placed in the subclavian anatomical area

- Parasternal lymph nodes

- Lymph nodes positioned outward from the outer edge of the small pectoral muscle;

- Lymph nodes between the outer and inner edges of the small pectoral muscle. *

7. The main treatment for locally advanced breast cancer

- Surgery;

- Chemical-ray *

- Radiation.

- Hormone

- Chemotherapy


8. To the anti-estrogenic drugs include

- Tamo ksyfen *

- Testosterone;

- Dexamethasone;

- Sinestrol.

- Omnadren

9. After irradiation, large factions operation conducted

- 2-3 weeks;

- After 1 day

- After 1 week

- immediately *

- 1 month.

1 0. What form of breast cancer occurs most often

- Junction *

- Diffuse;

- Paget's disease.

- Marginal form

- Primary multiple cancer

6.2. Materials for the methods of the main stage classes H Abir radiographs, tables, owner of anticancer chemotherapy, hospital records and medical history of patients, findings of morphological studies of biopsies (if possible micropreparations) medicines.

6.3. Materials for the final stage of the study: clinical case studies

Final Test

clinical case studies (Correct answers are marked "*")

Task 1. Patient M., 28y.o., applied to the oncologist complaining of multiple seals in the left breast. Sick 3 months. Recognizes the frequency of seal. Patient and Nizam al zhnya, no children. In conversation with the doctor was spotted irritability patient, fear for health. What diagnosis can put patients?

A Fibroadenoma

B Cancer

C nodal mastopathy

Diffuse mastopathy D *

E Nelaktatsiynyy mastitis

Task 2. Patient L., 33 years appealed to the oncologist complaining of tumor in the right breast. Ill during the year. Recognizes tumor growth. Palpation marked swelling of the right breast (upper - inner quadrant) thick, 3-4cm, with sharp edges, moving the skin over it unchanged. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient? With the help of methods of examination can confirm or reject the diagnosis?


A Breast Cancer

B Alopecia breast

C * Fibroadenoma

D cysts

E Mastitis


A Percutaneous biopsy under ultrasound *

B Mammography

C Palpation

D Ultrasound



Problem 3. Appealed to the clinic dispensary 63rokiv ill, complaining of swelling in the left breast. Neoplasms noticed more than a year ago notes that the tumor increased in size. On palpation the tumor was observed 3 - 5 cm, firm, painless, mobile. Increased left accessories and polar nodes. What disease occurs in this situation?

A Mastitis

B nodal mastopathy

C Cancer *

D cysts

E Fibroadenoma

What methods of diagnosis shows use?

A mammography + ultrasound + puncture *

Ultrasound B + puncture

Palpation C + puncture

D ultrasound puncture + + CT

E Mammography palpation + + puncture


Problem 4. Patient admitted to the hospital 40 years with available tumor occupying almost the entire right mammary gland. Tumor palpation dense, immobile, painless, with uneven surface. On Mammogram: homogeneous eclipse that occupies almost the entire gland. Regional lymph nodes were not enlarged. What disease most likely?

A fibroadenoma Filoyidna *

B Diffuse form of cancer

C Diffuse mastopathy

D Mastitis

E Alopecia form of cancer


Problem 5. Applied to oncology patient K., 60 years old, according to the patient, 3 months ago she noticed a tumor in the left breast. From the history of life is known that the first menstruation began at age 10 and menopause occurred in 55 years. The patient was never married, no children birth. On examination, the tumor is determined 4 - 5 cm in the lower-inner quadrant of the left breast, firm, mobile, leather unchanged, retracted nipple. Alveolar lymph nodes were not enlarged. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?

A Mastitis

B Cancer *

C Fibroradenoma

D Sarcoma

E Cyst

Problem 6. Patient L., 50 years old, was admitted to hospital with a tumor of the right breast. Palpable tumor defined 6-7cm, immobile, firm, painless, enlarged axillary supraclavicular lymph nodes. On ultrasound determined multiple shadows in the liver (secondary lesions). What morbidity torque available in this patient?

A Fibroadenoma

B Cancer *

C Sarcoma

D Mastitis

E Mastopatia

Problem 7.   The woman at age 38 complaining of pain in the mammary glands, serous discharge from the nipple. Pain appear before menstruation. What disease you suspect?

A Cancer

B Mastitis

C Fibroadenoma

D Mastopatia nodal

E Mastopatia diffuse *

Task 8.   The woman in '28 in the left breast palpable tumor formation 5x3 cm, its surface smooth. The tumor is cemented to the skin, redness of the skin is not, as determined by fluctuations tion. What is your diagnosis?

A Fibroadenoma

B Mastitis

Cyst C *

D Mastopatia

E Cancer

Problem 9.   Patient I., 33 years appealed to the oncology clinic with complaints about the presence of a tumor in the left breast. On examination - tumor 2x2 cm, dense, lymph nodes were not palpable. Twice did the needle biopsy of the tumor, malignant cells were not found. Your continued tactics?

A dynamic observation

B Mammography

C Removal of tumor and dynamic monitoring

D Sector resection with urgent histological examination *

E Hormone


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