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Ministry of health of ukraine

Kharkiv and National Fight And tional Medical University



on the methodical meeting Department of Oncology

Head of Department

MD, professor Starikov VI

'28"August 2011



A methodical DEVELOPMENT

For teachers with practical lessons  


Course 5

Faculty of Medicine (specialty "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Prophylactic medicine")

Study Subject: Oncology

Module number 1

Content module № 3

Subject: № 9. CANCER kidney, ureter, bladder

number of training hours -5


Kharkiv November 2011

I.                     Topic.

Against the background of a significant overall increase in cancer incidence observed increase in the incidence of kidney cancer. In Ukraine in 2000 with kidney cancer was 8.0 per 100 000 population. Mortality was 4.3 per 100,000 population. This mortality up to 1 year was 37%, and 5-year survival - 37.7%. In the Donetsk region, these figures are worse than in the whole of Ukraine. Accordingly, the incidence is 8.9 per 100 000 population, and the annual mortality rate - 46.3%. An important aspect of the problem is the low effectiveness of treatment because of late and untimely appeal and detection. One reason for this situation may be insufficient knowledge questions doctors of various specialties. Knowledge of pathology and management of medical diagnostic equipment to significantly improve the situation.

Tumors of the ureter - a rare tumor of the urinary tract, which manifest themselves hematuria and subrenalnoyi symptoms of obstruction, often chronic, as slow growth. The vast majority of malignant tumors and often only represent transitional cell carcinoma (PAC). Squamous cell carcinoma occurs only rarely in chronic inflammation and infection.

Specific risk factors - abuse analgesics, papillary necrosis and "Balkan" nephropathy. smoking is a risk factor for PAC vs.ih bodies covered urothelium.

Against the background of a significant overall increase in cancer incidence observed increase in the incidence of bladder cancer (RSM). In Ukraine in 2000 RSM was 9.6 per 100 000 population. Mortality up to 1 year - 33.6%, 5 year survival - 38%. Special treatment for covered only 61.6%. In the Donetsk region indicators are worse than the average for Ukraine. Incidence of 10.6 per 100 000, mortality up to a year - 37.3%, special treatment reached 58.5%. An important aspect of the problem is the low effectiveness of treatment because of late and untimely appeal and detection. One reason for this situation may be insufficient knowledge questions doctors of various specialties. Knowledge of pathology and management of medical diagnostic equipment to significantly improve the situation.


II Study objective: To raise the level of theoretical and practical knowledge of students on pathologic anatomy, clinical, clinical course, complications, diagnosis, differential diagnostics and modern spetslikuvannya tumors               kidney, ureter, bladder.


Clinical picture of benign tumors of the body kidney, ureter, bladder.

Pathological anatomy, risk factors for cancer of the kidney, ureter, bladder.

Classification, clinical manifestations, complications, diagnosis of cancer of the kidney, ureter, bladder.

Methods of treatment of cancer of the kidney, ureter, bladder.

Be able to:

1. On the basis of complaints, anamnesis, objective research, to identify the main syndromes tumor kidney, ureter, bladder, put a preliminary diagnosis. 2. Appoint additional examination methods and evaluate their data 3. Conduct a differential diagnosis, to put the final diagnosis. 4. Appoint treatment 5. To carry out rehabilitation and preventive measures


III. Educational objective: To raise the level of theoretical and practical knowledge of students on pathologic anatomy, clinical, clinical course, complications, diagnosis, differential diagnostics and modern spetslikuvannya tumors of the kidneys, bladder, ureter, to promote the education of students oncologic principles of ethics to specific clinical examples.


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