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ferent points and then adding them up to give a score, which may then convert into a grade. It is characteristic of this approach that the categories are weighted, i.e. the categories do not each account for an equal number of points.

Tables 2 and 3 in Chapter 3 provide self-assessment and examiner assessment examples respectively of analytic scales of criteria (i.e. grids) used with a holistic rating strategy (i.e. match what you can deduce from the performance to the definitions, and make a judgement).

9.3.12Series assessment/category assessment

Category assessment involves a single assessment task (which may well have different phases to generate different discourse as discussed in section 9.2.1.) in which performance is judged in relation to the categories in an assessment grid: the analytic approach outlined in 9.3.11.

Series assessment involves a series of isolated assessment tasks (often roleplays with other learners or the teacher), which are rated with a simple holistic grade on a labelled scale of e.g. 0–3 or 1–4.

A series assessment is one way of coping with the tendency in category assessments for results on one category to affect those on another. At lower levels the emphasis tends to be on task achievement, the aim is to fill out a checklist of what the learner can do on the basis of teacher/learner assessment of actual performances rather than simple impression. At higher levels, tasks may be designed to show particular aspects of proficiency in the performance. Results are reported as a profile.

The scales for different categories of language competence juxtaposed with the text in Chapter 5 offer a source for the development of the criteria for a category assessment. Since assessors can only cope with a small number of categories, compromises have to made in the process. The elaboration of relevant types of communicative activities in section 4.4. and the list of different types of functional competence outlined in section may inform the identification of suitable tasks for a series assessment.

9.3.13Assessment by others/self-assessment

Assessment by others: judgements by the teacher or examiner. Self-assessment: judgements about your own proficiency.

Learners can be involved in many of the assessment techniques outlined above. Research suggests that provided ‘high stakes’ (e.g. whether or not you will be accepted for a course) are not involved, self-assessment can be an effective complement to tests and teacher assessment. Accuracy in self-assessment is increased (a) when assessment is in relation to clear descriptors defining standards of proficiency and/or (b) when assessment is related to a specific experience. This experience may itself even be a test activity. It is also probably made more accurate when learners receive some training. Such structured self-assessment can achieve correlations to teachers’ assessments and tests equal to the correlation (level of concurrent validation) commonly reported between teachers themselves, between tests and between teacher assessment and tests.


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