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Unit 2. Constitution

Task 1. Read the text and translate the words and expressions given in bold type in writing.

Characteristics of Constitutions

Every state has a constitution, since every state functions on the basis of certain rules and principles. It has often been asserted that the United States has a written constitution but that the constitution of Great Britain is unwritten. This is true, but only in the sense that in the United States there is a formal document called the Constitution, whereas there is no such document in Great Britain. In fact, however, many parts of the British constitution exist in written form, whereas important aspects of the American constitution are wholly unwritten. The leading enactments of the British constitution are the Bill of Rights (1689), the Act of Settlement (1700-1701), the Parliament Act of 1911, the Successive Representation of the People Acts (which extended the suffrage). There are also the statutes dealing with the structure of the courts, the various local government acts, and many others. These are not ordinary statutes, even though they were adopted in the ordinary legislative way, and they are not codified within the structure of a single orderly document.

Whether "long" or "short", written constitutions can concern themselves exclusively or prevalently with the organization of government or deal extensively with the rights of the people and with the goals of governmental action. The U.S. Constitution is a model of brevity (about 7,000 words). Just a little longer are most of the Western countries' constitutions. On the other hand, the constitution of India extends to hundreds of pages. Merely "organizational" constitutions (i.e., documents containing no guarantees for rights) have become very rare.

Written constitutions are said to be "normative" when their binding principles are more or less all observed in the actual operations of the political system. This applies to the constitutions of the United States, Canada, and of some western European countries. Other constitutions are said to be "nominal," because they are largely or in substantial parts disregarded and do not provide insight into the real functioning of the system. This is often the case with constitutions of rapidly developing countries and of countries ruled by a one-person or a one-party dictatorship.

Constitutions, written or unwritten, must be distinguished according to whether they are "rigid" or "flexible." Rigid are those constitutions at least some part of which cannot be modified in the ordinary legislative way. Flexible are those whose rules can all be modified through the simple procedure by which statutes are enacted. The United States has a rigid constitution, because proposals to amend the constitutional document adopted in 1788 can only be added through a complex procedure of majority vote in each house of Congress. Great Britain has a flexible constitution because all of its constitutional institutions and rules can be modified by an act of Parliament.

Task 2. Answer the following questions on the text.

  1. What is the difference between the constitutions of the US and GB?

  2. What do constitutions of different countries concern themselves with?

  3. What is the point of difference between normative and nominal constitutions?

  4. How do rigid constitutions differ from flexible ones?

Task 3. Render the following text into English.

Конституция – это основной закон государства, определяющий его общественное и государственное устройство, порядок и принципы образования представительных органов власти, избирательную систему, основные права и обязанности граждан. Конституция – основа всего текущего законодательства.

Конституция – это совокупность актов или конституционных обычаев, которые:

  • провозглашают и гарантируют права и свободы человека и гражданина;

  • определяют основы общественного строя, форму правления и территориального устройства, основы организации центральных и местных органов власти.

Конституция является главным источником системы права в государстве.

Конституции различают:

  • по форме: на кодифицированные, некодифицированные и конституции смешанного типа;

  • по способу внесения изменений: на гибкие и жесткие;

  • по срокам действия: на постоянные и временные.

Конституционное право – отрасль права; система правовых норм, закрепляющих и регулирующих группу общественных отношений, которые обуславливают:

  • социально-экономическое, политическое и территориальное устройство государства;

  • осуществление основных прав и свобод человека и гражданина;

  • систему государственной власти;

  • систему внутреннего самоуправления.

Task 4. Read the following text focusing on Jefferson's notes on the Constitution draft and their significance for US legislature and political development.

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