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сборник разг. тем для морского ф. (Ефимова).doc
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Conversational theme № 52

I. Read, translate and learn the text:

International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code.

Transport of dangerous goods by sea is regulated in order to reasonably prevent injury to persons or damage to ship and their cargoes. Transport of marine pollutants is primarily regulated to prevent harm to the marine environment. The objective of the IMDG Code is to enhance the safe transport of dangerous goods while facilitating the free unrestricted movement of such goods.

The United Nations’ Committee of Experts completed a report in 1956 dealing with classification, listing and labelling of dangerous goods and with the transport documents required for such goods. The primary goal being world-wide uniformity for regulations concerning the transport of dangerous goods by sea as well as other modes of transport.

Each ship carrying dangerous goods in packaged form shall have a special list or manifest setting forth, in accordance with the classification set out in the IMDG Code, the dangerous goods on board and the location thereof together with the prescribed suitable packagings, marking, labelling and placarding. A detailed stowage plan, which identifies by class and sets out the location of all dangerous goods on board, may be used in place of such a special list or manifest. A copy of these documents shall be made available before departure to the person or organization designated by the port state authority.

Cargo, cargo units shall be loaded, stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with the Cargo Securing Manual approved by the Administration. The Cargo Securing Manual shall be drawn up to a standard at least equivalent to the guidelines developed by the Organization.

When an incident takes place involving the loss or likely loss overboard of dangerous goods in packaged form into the sea, the master or other person having charge of the ship, shall report the particulars of such an incident without delay and to the fullest extent possible to the nearest coastal state. The report shall be drawn up based on general principles and guidelines.


to enhance – направлять.

to identify – обозначать.

Cargo Security Manual – Наставление по креплению груза.

guidelines – руководство.

to be in charge of – быть ответственным.


  1. How is transporting of dangerous goods realized?

  2. What is the primary goal of the IMDG?

  3. What must have and ship carrying dangerous goods?

  4. Why is it necessary to make copy?

  5. What must be done in case of an incident?

Список литературы

  1. Большая советская энциклопедия том 14.

  2. Международная конференция по подготовке и дипломированию моряков 1978 года, - Москва «ЦРИА Морфлот», 1982.

  3. Международная конференция по подготовке и дипломированию моряков и несения вахты 78/95. Санкт-Петербург, 1996.

  4. Молодцов С.В. Международное морское право, - Москва, 1987.

  5. Морской энциклопедический справочник - Ленинград, Судостроение, 1986.

  6. Нойкирхен Гайнц. Мореплавание вчера и сегодня, - Ленинград, Cудостроение, 1977.

  7. Серебряков В.В. «География морских путей. - Москва, Транспорт, 1981.

  8. Фаворов П.А. Англо-русский морской технический словарь. — М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны СССР, 1977.

  9. Burger W. Radar Observer's Handbook for Merchant Navy Officers. — Glasgow: Brown, Son & Ferguson, LTD,

  10. Code of Federal regulations 35 Panama Canal. US Government Printing office. - Washington: 1978.

  11. General Provisions of the Harbour bye Laws of the Port of Kerch.

  12. Lees G.D., Williamson W.G. Handbook for Marine Radio Communication. - London: Lloyd's of London Press LTD, 1993.

  13. Lloyd’s Maritime Atlas of 15-е izdanie world Ports Shipping places London, 1987.

  14. Journal Seatrade Review Monthly, 1998.

  15. Journal The ship’s agent, 1997.

  16. Journal Yachting world, 1997.