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Mass Media Unit 1.doc
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1. Comprehensive questions:

1. What is mass communications?

2. What is often termed "the print media", "the electronic media"?

3. Why is it a baffling task to define "news"?

4. What information do the tabloid /popular papers/ have?

5. What information can we find in the quality newspapers?

6. What five qualities characterize news stories?

2. Language Focus

Explain the meanings of the following words and word combinations in English and use them in situations of your own:

1. to designate process

9. stock market

2. print media

10. to be scarce

3. electronic media

11. metropolitan daily

4. readership

12. rural paper

5. baffling task

13. to establish an all-inclusive definition

6.tabloid /popular paper/

14. to resort to conjecture or supposition

7. quality newspaper

8. squabble

15. recency

16. proximity

3. Translate the following word-combinations into English:

бульварна газета, непереборні перешкоди, засоби інформації, електронні засоби інформації, бути дефіцитним, забобони, визначити процес, значно, новизна, близькість, сільська газета, столична щоденна газета, припущення.

4. Explain the contextual meaning of the words in bold and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. Government departments often found themselves competing for scarce resources.

  2. Oh, for goodness sake, stop squabbling, you two!

  3. What baffles me is how few of them can spell.

  4. In this chapter we examine how the female nude became a crucial element in the formation of art designated modern.

  5. During the war, things like clothes and shoes were scarce.

  6. Why was it designated romantic folly?

  7. The crime remained unique, and lawmakers were still squabbling over the ramifications.

  8. Designate a driver who won't be drinking before going to a party or club.

  9. The exact nature of black holes continues to baffle scientists.

  10. The city's school system, among the worst of a bad lot through the state, is full of squabbling.

  11. The compound cell is then designated by a combination of the abbreviations applied to the original separate cells.

  12. Entirely reliable facts, other than those here mentioned, are scarce.

5. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the topical vocabulary, making any necessary changes.

to baffle to squabble to be scarce to designate

to be designated

  1. After the war, food and clothing were _________________________.

  2. The disease has _______________________doctors, who are unable to treat it.

  3. Three of the children are __________________ ____to you as special students.

  4. Cheap, clean hotel rooms are __________ in this city, especially in the summer.

  5. The kids always _________________________about who should do the dishes.

  6. $6 million has been ______to make road safety improvements on Pacheco Pass.

  7. The mysterious phenomenon of long marriage _______________him.

  8. Water is always _______________________________in these parts.

  9. Fidel has ____his brother Raul, now head of the armed forces, as his successor.

  10. Now moderate and conservative Republicans are ______over the interpretation.

  11. What _________me is how anyone could escape from the jail in broad daylight.

  12. One of the queues was ___________________for people with an EC passport.

6. Translate the following Ukrainian word-combinations and sentences into English using topical vocabulary

  • установити кордони країни;

  • назвати когось найвеличнішим поетом;

  • позначати щось числом /номером/;

  • це передвіщає буран /заметіль/;

  • судячи з сукні, це була важлива персона;

  • призначити офіцера на посаду;

  • він був призначений тимчасово виконуючим обов'язки консула;

  • вони завжди сперечаються один з одним через усяку дурницю;

  • він намагався триматися осторонь від сімейних склок;

  • я був здивований новим поворотом справи;

  • останнє питання на іспиті остаточно збило його з пантелику;

  • вислизнути від переслідування;

  • він обманувся у своїх надіях;

  • дефіцитна сировина;

  • країни, бідні на вугілля;

  • мати потребу в грошах [у продовольстві];

  • із грішми [із продуктами] у них туго;

  • цього року фруктів буде мало;

  • рідка монета [картина, метелик];

  • рідкісна колекція;

  • у готелях вільних місць не було, майже всі готелі були забиті;

  • в наш час такі марки зустрічаються не часто;

  • коли в нього не вистачає фактів, він покладається на свою уяву;

  • хоча це і рідкісна книга, але її можна знайти

! Memory work.

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