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ESP Textiles and Dressmaking.doc
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III Answer the questions:

1. What kinds of T-shirts can one buy or sew?

2. What should a pattern of the T-shirt have?

3. Why is it important to test the degree of stretch of the fabric?

4. What are pull-on skirts like?

5. What fabrics are good for pull-on pants?

6. How can vests be worn?

7. What is advisable to choose for a loose-fitting vest?

8. Is it easy to sew a wrap skirt?

9. How does a fabric affect the style of the garment?

IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. T-shirt patterns should have…..

2. T-shirt patterns indicate…..

3. Skirts with elastic are…..

4. Pull-on pants are…….

5. Vests can be worn……

6. The best fabrics for a loose-fitting vest are…..

V Find the English equivalents to the words:

Рукав, припуск на шов, вимірювати, вишивка намистинками, застібка, край, на підкладці, приколювати, трикотаж, талія.

VI Make up sentences with the terms:

Prints, a wardrobe, close-fitting, a front, a back, a cutting line, excess fabric, a waistband, to add.

VII Give definitions to the words:

Blend, facing, style, woven, embroidery, casual.

VIII Translate the sentences into English:

1. Легко вибрати футболку серед великого різноманіття трикотажних виробів.

2. Деякі вироби здаються більшими за розміром, але вони гарно і вільно сидять на фігурі.

3. Завжди враховуйте, як розтягується тканина перед тим, як викроювати.

4. Спідниця на резинці може бути прилеглого та вільного силуету.

5. Трикотажна тканина додає повноти фігурі.

6. Жилети комбінують зі штанами, спідницями та сукнями різних стилів.

7. Жилети оздоблюються вишивкою, намистинками та шкірою.

8. Основними частинами жилету є полочки та спинка.

9. В основному застібки жилетів – це ґудзики, блискавки, кнопки та різні декоративні петлі.

10. Деякі піджаки застібуються по центру або захльостуються.

IX Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

To form a wardrobe, a T-shirt, a front and a back, a sleeve, a neck ribbing, skirts, pants, an elastic waistband, to select a pattern, to choose a fabric, to vary in styles, easy-sewing, comfortable to wear, a vest, a wrap skirt.


I Read and remember:

1. an asset – цінність

2. a liability – схильність

3. a shawl collar – комір-шалька

4. a shoulder pad – плечова накладка

5. pleated – гофрований, в складки

6. crucial – важливий, значущий

7. a yoke - хомут

8. a dolman sleeve – рукав типу “летюча миша”

II Read the text and define the main idea of it:

Figure Types

Unfortunately there are very few people who have perfect figures. That’s why it is very important to know all the assets and liabilities of your type, especially while designing and making clothes. Most women fit into one of the five figure type categories: hourglass, pear, inverted triangle, rectangle and cylinder. Let’s consider some of them.

The hourglass figure is characterized by a full bust and full hips with obvious waist definition. Look for patterns with diagonal seams, asymmetrical and wrapped stylings. Choose slightly tapered jackets with as many seams as possible. To avoid the sausage effect, jackets should never be too light. Narrow lapels and shawl collars narrow the figure with vertical style lines: avoid patch pockets on bust, hip or seat, as well as bulky or balloon style sweaters. Add a centre back seam on jackets and coats. The best jacket length is high hip.

The pear shaped figure is the majority with a few key tips one can give the illusion of top and bottom halves in perfect balance. Keep the eye emphasis from the waist up. Large earrings, interesting necklaces and beautiful scarves are excellent tools to lift the eye up to your better half. Shoulder-pads are a must.Full pleated or gathered trousers are better than straight leg, leggings or jeans cuts. Loose, man-type shirts, tunics and long loose sweaters can hide a multitude of sins. Pair these with tight fitting pants or a straight skirt and the full hip is hidden under the loose top. Semi-fitted or full cut jackets and coats are best for the pear shape.

The inverted triangle, sometimes described as “the wedge”, is characterized by broad shoulders and small hips. These women have the least style difficulty since this figure is the one designers love. Correct fit in the shoulder and neckline area is crucial. Avoid boat necks and yokes. Both raglan and dolman sleeves are flattering for detailing and diagonal lines. Full circle skirts and fanny wraps give balance and are worn well by the inverted triangle figure. The most flattering silhouette for this figure is a full bodice with a straight skirt.

Now you know the effective ways of drawing the eye toward the assets of the figure and away from the liabilities.

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