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Unit 11

Topic: Engineering

Grammar: The Infinitive and the Infinitive constructions

I Phonetic skills.

1. Listen and repeat:

1. branch ['brα:nt∫]

2. measuring ['meʒəriŋ]

3. automation [Ɔ:tə'mei∫n]

4. equipment [i'kwipmənt]

5. thorough ['θΛrə(u:)]

6. strength [streŋθ]

7. cope [kəup]

8. suitable ['sju:təbl]

9. curriculum [kə'rikjuləm]

10. efficient [i'fi∫(ə)nt]

11. microprocessor [ maikrəu'prəusesə(r)]

12. appliance [ə'plaiəns]

13. artificial [a:ti'fi∫əl]

  1. Listen and remember the following words and phrases:

1. technological equipment – технологічне устаткування

2. control systems – автоматичні системи управління

3. industrial electronics – промислова електроніка

4. engineering – техніка

5. mechanical engineering – машинобудування

6. engineering mechanics – інженерна механіка

7. electrical engineering – електротехніка

8. machine-tool manufacture – верстатобудування

9. instrument-making – приладобудування

10. strength of materials – опір матеріалів

11. machine parts – деталі машин

12. means of labour – засоби виробництва

13. increased capacity – підвищена потужність

II Reading skills.

  1. Read and remember:

1. to be guided by – керуватись чимось

2. implementation – здійснення, реалізація

3. to cope with – справлятися з

4. engineering material – конструкційний матеріал

5. computer-aided design – автоматичне проектування

6. in spite of – незважаючи на

7. curriculum – навчальна програма

8. sets of subjects – набір предметів

9. to have very much in common – мати багато спільного

10. apart from – крім, не враховуючи

11. humanities – гуманітарні науки

12. scientific outlook – науковий світогляд

13. motive power – рушійна сила

  1. Read and translate the following text.

Engineering and Technological Progress

We live in the epoch when science becomes direct productive force of society. The second half of the 20th century began an entirely new era – the era of the scientific and technological revolution. It is due to complex mechanization and automation.

Mechanical engineering is called a key industry due to its importance to all sectors of the national economy including mechanization, automation, chemical engineering, etc. Engineering is a complex consisting of inter-linked industries.

Machine-tool manufacture is the material and technical base of engineering. Mechanical engineering is rapidly changing. Instrument-making plays an increasingly important part. This branch of engineering produces automation equipment, quality control devices, computers, etc.

The development of automation is closely linked with progress in instrument-making and the output of up-to-date measuring and control instruments and devices.

In the conditions of the scientific and technological progress the significance of engineers is increasing. Our country has taken on a course toward the market economy. Engineers have an important part to play in intensifying the national economy. In their work engineers are guided by the latest achievements in science and technology. Engineering means physical implementation of the design process into machines, devices or systems. Only a well-trained engineer can cope with his tasks. In his practical work an engineer is faced with problems of choosing suitable engineering materials for constructing different devices or machine parts. A modern engineer must have good knowledge of physics and mathematics, chemistry, computers, systems engineering computer-aided design, management science, etc.

Engineers are trained at different technical higher schools and at some departments of the universities. In spite of the fact that there are no single and absolutely identical curricula, the sets of subjects for training technical students have very much in common. Future engineers are trained in fundamental sciences and special subjects. Apart from the teaching fundamentals, the students are offered a wide programme of humanities. A great attention at technical departments is paid to such subjects as history, philosophy, economics, management, sociology, ecology and foreign language as well as to the development of the scientific world outlook of the future engineers. The engineer is considered to be the main motive power of the technological progress.

  1. Find the answers to the questions:

  1. What is engineering?

  2. What is the role of an engineer in the technological progress?

  3. What should an engineer know to cope with his tasks?

  4. Where are engineers trained?

  5. What subjects and sciences are technical students trained in?

  6. What must an engineer know to be a good specialist and harmoniously developed individual?

  7. Is an engineer the main motive power in the technological progress?

  1. Complete the sentences:

  1. Engineers are trained at…

  2. Only … can cope with his task.

  3. Engineering means physical implementation…

  4. In their work engineers are guided by…

  5. In his practical work an engineer is faced with …

  6. The engineer is the main motive power…

  1. Match the following words:

  1. scientific a) втілення

  2. significance b) сила

  3. implementation c) науковий

  4. device d) світогляд

  5. to choose e) підготовка

  6. engineering f) значення

  7. training g) вибирати

  8. humanities h) конструкційний

  9. outlook i) прилад

  10. power j) гуманітарні науки

  1. Translate into English:

  1. Мені подобається вивчати гуманітарні науки.

  2. Інженерів готують у технічних вищих учбових закладах.

  3. У своїй роботі інженери керуються останніми досягненнями науки і техніки.

  4. Вчений стикнувся з дуже важкою проблемою.

  5. Незважаючи на брак часу він згодився допомогти другові.

  6. Ці дві роботи мають дуже багато спільного.

  7. Студенти приділяють багато уваги вивченню іноземних мов.

ІІІ Grammar skills.

  1. Define the forms of the Infinitive and translate the sentences:

  1. I am glad to invite you to the conference.

  2. I am glad to be invited to the conference.

  3. I am glad to have invited you to the conference.

  4. I am glad to have been invited to the conference.

  5. I am glad to be inviting you to the conference.

  1. Define the type of the Infinitive construction and translate the sentences:

  1. We are said to live in the age of atomic energy.

  2. Our scientists are known to have built the atomic station of higher capacity.

  3. These devices are considered to be very effective.

  4. Parents want me to become an engineer technologist.

  5. I heard the professor deliver the lecture.

  6. My friend appears to prefer research.

  7. I expect you to be at home at 6 p.m.

  8. The delegation is expected to arrive tomorrow.

  1. Choose the correct form:

  1. I know him (to be, was) a good student.

  2. We hear Olga (play, to play) the piano.

  3. The machine (is known, is being known) to be the major and effective means of labour.

  4. The method proposed by the young engineer (is said, are said) to be very effective.

  5. Certain properties of matter (is considered, are considered) to be always the same under definite conditions.

  1. Put the words in the sentences into correct word order:

  1. is / key / due to / mechanical / called / its / engineering / industry / role / important / sectors / in / of / the / all / economy / national.

  2. engineer / good / have / modern / must / knowledge / humanities / technical / and / subjects.

  3. is / to be / of / progress / the / motive / main / the / considered / technological / engineer.

  1. Translate into English:

  1. Батьки хочуть, щоб їх діти стали освіченими людьми.

  2. Очікують, що зима буде не дуже холодною.

  3. Відомо, що Йоркшир та Ланкашир є центрами текстильної промисловості.

  4. Дербі відомий як центр взуттєвої промисловості Великобританії.

  5. Інженер хоче, щоб нові прилади були випробувані в лабораторії.

  6. Вони хотіли, щоб устаткування уважно перевірили експерти.

  7. Я знаю, що ці машини виробляють на нашому заводі.

  8. Загальновідомо, що електронне устаткування виконує роботу краще і економніше, ніж інші прилади.

  9. Необхідно, щоб студенти добре володіли іноземними мовами.

  1. Complete the sentences:

  1. Students are expected…

  2. He is known…

  3. We heard him…

  4. I want you…

  5. The teacher made me…

  6. He is supposed…

  7. Engineering is considered…

  8. She is said…

  9. Our dean proves…

  10. The engineer is certain…

  1. Ask questions to which the following sentences are the answers:

  1. Great Britain is known to be a highly developed industrial country.

  2. Cool-mining is said to be a traditional branch of industry in Great Britain.

  3. Ukraine is known to be an independent state.

  4. The engineering is known to play a key role in the production of new generation of machines.

  5. To raise the standard of living in our country our industry must accelerate the output of such commodities as cameras, radio and TV-sets, refrigerators, washing machines and others.

  6. The output of railways cars, electric and diesel locomotives, grain combines and tractors, among other machines is known to be very high.

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