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Англійська мова

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14. Прочитайте розповідь, потім заповніть пропуски словом, якого не вистачає.

When Kevin was a child, his family lived in a small apartment. (1. _______________) never had much room and when his sister

(2. _________) born, it was even (3.___________) crowded. But he loved the neighbourhood. He had a lot of friends and he was happy where he (4.___________). Then his parents decided to move and he wasn’t very happy about (5.____________) move. They (6.________

___) in August just a couple of weeks (7.____________) the start of the new school year. The first few months were very difficult. Kevin (8.______________) to have a lot of friends, but there, in his new school I (9._________________) know anybody and he (10._______

______) sure if they wanted to know him! They were so different from the people he had known before. In his old neighbourhood they used (11. ______________) get to school by bus or by bike, but here many of the pupils (12._______________) their own cars! In his old school, most of the pupils didn’t even (13. ______________) their own bikes! The school was even (14. ____________) when it came to clothes. School seemed (15. ________________) be a fashion show, especially with the girls. (16. ________________) day they came to school wearing (17. ____________) new. Kevin admits that he was (18. ____________) a miserable time. He felt like (19. __________

______) outsider and people treated him like one. But gradually, as time passed, some of the kids tried to make friends with him. Maybe (20. ______________) had something to do with the fact that he was getting (21. _____________) grades than they were. I don’t think he was the cleverest or the (22. ________________) intelligent. Kevin just worked harder than they (23._________________). It was wonderful to be liked not because of the clothes he was (24. ___________

____) but because of what he (25. ________________) achieving.


Правильне слово — 1 бал Разом балів (з 25) ________

15. Прочитайте розповідь спочатку до кінця, а потім заповніть пропуски словом, якого не вистачає (воно може бути будь-якою частиною мови).

Michael was driving along a quiet road at night when he saw it.

It (1. ________________) a bright flash of light that (2. ______

______) up the surrounding countryside. (3. _______________)


lasted for only a few seconds, and (4._____________) it was gone. Joe was fascinated. What could it be? (5. ____________) it happened again. It lit up everything and seemed (6. ____________) be even brighter than (7. ______________). This time it lasted for about five minutes. During that time he managed to (8. _________

____) the car on the side of the road so he could get (9. __________

___) better look. There was (10. ______________) else on the road. He was alone. He (11.______________) know why he was so curious. Maybe it was because it was brighter (12.____________) any light he had ever seen. It (13. _______________) hovering about twenty meters above a large field. (14._______________) he was walking towards it, it suddenly (15. ______________). The sky was dark again. But just as (16. ______________) was turning round to go back to his (17. ______________), the light appeared again. (18. ______________) time it was only about two meters above the (19.________________). He lay down so that he could see it (20. _____________). The light was so bright (21.____________) he couldn’t look directly at it. In fact, it was getting brighter and (22._______________). It stayed in the (23. _________________) place for about twenty minutes and then moved upwards at a tremendous speed. Joe was very frightened. He ran to his car and drove it (24. _________________) fast as he could to the nearest police station. (25. _______________) he really expect anybody to believe him?


Правильне слово — 1 бал Разом балів (з 25) __________

Разом балів за вправи на закріплення (з 355) ______


16.Теперішній перфектний (завершений) час

The Present Perfect (Simple)

Розповідні речення Affirmatives

I, we, you, they, plural nouns + have + Ved (V3)

He, she, it, singular noun + has + Ved (V3)

We have read 152 pages.

She has read 152 pages.

Теперішній перфектний час використовують для зображення результату дії, констатації факту. Головне, щоб усе, про що йдеться, вже сталося на момент повідомлення про це. Тому дуже часто в таких реченнях немає уточнень часу, тобто просто констатується завершеність дії на теперішній час.

The Present Perfect відображає безпосередній зв’язок із сьогоденням, теперішнім часом, тому що те, що сталося, почалось або сталося у минулому, але нас цікавить результат або стан у теперішньому часі.

Peter has caught a cold. He doesn’t feel well.

My parents have met Ricky and they don’t like him.

Слова just, recently, lately, already, ever, never, yet, since, for

та інші зазвичай є своєрідною підказкою для використання в теперішньому перфектному часі.

They’ve just left. Вони щойно пішли. (Їх ще можна наздогнати.)

He has recently come back from Canada. Нещодавно він повернувся з Канади. (Ще свіжі враження.)

Lately she’s become much happier. Останнім часом вона виглядає набагато щасливішою. (Раніше вона була іншою, а зараз змінилась.)

Bruce has already visited many capitals in Europe. Брюс вже відвідав багато столиць Європи.

But he has never been to London. Але він ніколи не був у Лондоні.

Have you ever been to India? Ви коли-небудь були в Індії?

Словосполучення so far, up to now та all my life також характерні для Рresent Perfect.

I have been to the library five times so far this month.


I have lived in this neighbourhood all my life.

Up to now we haven’t had a dog.

1.Використайте Present Perfect з дієсловами, що в дужках. Перекладіть.

1.Jane (buy) _______________ some new clothes.


2.Nick (live) ________________in the country all his life.


3.Do you have a plaster? I (cut) ____________ my finger.


4.Why are you laughing? Peter (tell)_________ a joke.


5.We (have) _____________two tests so far this month.



Правильна видо-часова форма — 1 бал Правильний переклад — 1 бал Разом балів (з 10) ___________

Відмінність між теперішнім перфектним (Present Perfect) та простим минулим часом (Past Simple) полягає в тому, що у простому минулому часі дії не пов’язані з теперішнім часом.

Перекладіть та порівняйте.

Look! Samantha has packed her case.


I packed my case yesterday.


Paul has bought a new car. He bought it last week.


He has had three cars so far.


My brother has never flown in a plane.


They flew to London a week ago.



Зверніть увагу

Словаtoday, this morning / week / year можнавикористовувати як у Present Perfect, так і у Past Simple. Якщо період, про який йдеться, ще не закінчився, вживають Present Perfect.

I haven’t seen Nick this morning. Have you? — No, he hasn’t come yet. [It’s still morning]

I didn’t see Nick this morning. Did you? — No, he didn’t come in at all. [It’s afternoon or evening]

Present Perfect можна використовувати лише тоді, коли події або дії безпосередньо пов’язані з теперішнім часом. Коли йдеться про події (історичні), людей (померлих) або дії, що загальновідомо пов’язані з минулим часом, вживають Past Simple.



J. Rowling has written

A. Christie wrote detective stories.

many books.


Andrii Shevchenko has

The Beatles were the best.

become the best.


How many poems have

Taras Shevchenko wrote many

you written?


2.Підкресліть правильну видо-часову форму дієслова. Перекладіть.

1.Last week I (invited / have invited) a few friends for dinner.



2.When did you finish your homework? I (finished / have finished) it two hours ago.



3.I looked up at the sky and (saw / have seen) a very bright light.



4.I (lost / have lost) the keys to my car. I don’t know what to do.



5.I (felt / have felt) much better when I got to the sea.




6.It (rained / has rained) twice when we were on holiday.



7.I (looked / have looked) for a pair of shoes this morning but I didn’t find any I liked.



8.I (told / have told) you the same thing over and over again. Why don’t you listen?



9.It (became / has become) very hot in here. Is there an air — conditioning?



10.I (waited / have waited) for hours but nobody came.



11.I (met / have met) many interesting people since I came here last May.



12.You (smoked / have smoked) ten cigarettes so far today. I think you should stop.



13.After less than ten minutes they (realised / have realised) that they were lost.



14.He (knew / has known) her long enough to say what sort of person she is.



15.Janifer (became / has become) very nervous lately. Is she all





Правильний варіант — 1 бал Правильний переклад — 1 бал Разом балів (з 30) _________


3.Розкрийте дужки та використайте правильну видо-часо- ву форму дієслова. Перекладіть.

1.I didn’t have many friens when we (move) ________________.



2.The Browns (move)_______________ into a new apartment. It’s much bigger than their old one and they love it.



3.I (see) __________________ Larry a few days ago.



4.Our visitors (arrive) _______________. They’re in the garden.



5.Prices (go up) __________________this year.



6.My neighbours (become) _______________rather noisy lately.



7.I (send)_______________you three messages. Why don’t you reply?



8.They (be) ____________ in the U. S. A. for a month. They are having a great time.



9.Jack (celebrate) ___________ his birthday last week.



10.I (do) ___________ so many interesting things on my holiday last summer.



11.Up to now Nicole (do) ______________ what other people told her to do.




12.Peter is on the phone. He says that his car (break) _________.



13.Someone (turn) __________on the hi — fi. I can’t hear you.



14.I (phone) ____________you at three o’clock.



15.They lived happily and (love) ______________each other all their lives.




Правильна видо-часова форма — 1бал Правильний переклад — 1бал Разом балів (з 30) _______

Запитання Questions

Have + I, we, you, they,

Yes, I, we, they have.

plural nouns + Ved (V3)?

No, I, we, they haven’t.

Has he, she, it, singular noun

Yes, he, she, it has.

+ Ved (V3)?

No, he, she, it hasn’t.

Have you heard the news? — No, I haven’t.

Have you been to Russia? — Yes, I have.

Заперечення Negatives

Subject (Підмет) + have not (haven’t, hasn’t) + Ved (V3)

I haven’t seen you for ages.

Tom hasn’t heard the news.

My neighbours haven’t been to Russia.


4. Впишіть допоміжне дієслово. Перекладіть.

1.I’ve seen that film. __________________ you ?


2.Have you done your homework? — Yes. I _________________.


3.We’ve been on holiday but our friends ___________________.


4.Has Laura told you what happened? — No, she ____________.


5.Charlie has been to Egypt and so ____________________I.



Правильне допоміжне дієслово — 1 бал Разом балів (з 5) _______

5. Поставте запитання до відповідей.


Yes, I have. (I’ve read the task.)


Yes, she has. (Mother has left for work.)


No, he hasn’t. (Father hasn’t called.)


Yes, they have. (They have arrived.)


Yes, it has. (The car has broken down.)


No, he hasn’t. (Samuel hasn’t cut his beard.)


No, they haven’t. (They have never met.)


Yes, we have. (We’ve been to the lesson.)


No, it hasn’t. (It hasn’t stopped raining.)


No, I haven’t. (I haven’t heard the news.)


Правильне запитання — 1 бал Разом балів (з 10) ___________



якщо в реченні дієслово have / has смислове, то в запитальних та заперечувальних реченнях використовують допоміжне дієслово do / does / did.

Peter has a nice bike. He doesn’t have a car. Does Peter have a nice bike?

I have a dog. I don’t have a cat. Do you have a dog?

Sally had a party yesterday. She didn’t have a party a week ago. Did she have a party yesterday?

Коли have / has допоміжне дієслово, то:

I’ve got (have got) a dog. Have you got a dog? He has written a book. Has he written a book?

We’ve already had lunch. They haven’t had lunch yet.

Коли до смислового дієслова have / has додають to, воно стає модальним (див. модальні дієслова) і означає повинен, змушений.

You have to get a visa when you go to the States. Do you have to get a visa?

My mother has to work long hours. Does your mother have to work long hours?

Зверніть увагу

Прислівник already вживають у стверджувальних реченнях. У заперечувальних та запитальних реченнях вживають слово yet.

Already стоїть перед смисловим дієсловом, а yet — у кінці речення.

You’ve already told me this story. Have you heard the story yet? George hasn’t heard the story yet.

Прислівник already вживають для підсилення (щоб зробити наголос) та щоб показати, що щось трапилось раніше, аніж очікувалось.

I’ve already tidied my room! Can’t you see it’s tidy? When is Joan leaving for school?— She has already (left). Have you already seen that movie?” — “Yes, I have”.