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"He can hardly expect me to ask him to come and sleep in here," Julia said to herself. "I'm beginning to think this was all a put-up job. Nothing doing, my lad." And then aloud. "Romantic, of course, but uncomfortable."

"You're a terribly attractive woman."

She was just as glad that her nightdress was pretty and that she had put no cream on her face. She had in point of fact not troubled to take off her make-up. Her lips were brightly scarlet, and with the reading light behind her she well knew that she did not look her worst. But she answered ironically.

"If you think (если вы думаете) that because you've given up your compartment to me (что из-за того, что вы отдали мне ваше купе; to give up — отказаться от чего-либо, бросить, уступить) I'm going to let you sleep with me

позволю вам спать со мной), you're mistaken (то вы ошибаетесь)."

"Just as you say, of course (как скажете, конечно же). But why not (но почему бы и нет)?"

"I'm not that sort of terribly attractive woman (я не «ужасно привлекательная женщина» такого сорта; sort — вид, сорт, разновидность, тип человека, характер, натура)."

"What sort of woman are you then (что же за женщина вы тогда: «какого же сорта женщина вы тогда»)?"

"A faithful wife and a devoted mother (верная жена и преданная мать)." He gave a little sigh (он легко вздохнул).

"Very well (очень хорошо). Then I'll say good night to you (тогда я пожелаю вам спокойной ночи)."

faithful ['feITf(q)l] devoted [dI'vqVtId] sigh [saI]

"If you think that because you've given up your compartment to me I'm going to let you sleep with me, you're mistaken."

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"Just as you say, of course. But why not?" "I'm not that sort of terribly attractive woman." "What sort of woman are you then?"

"A faithful wife and a devoted mother." He gave a little sigh.

"Very well. Then I'll say good night to you."

He crushed the stub of his cigarette on the ashtray (он затушил окурок сигареты в пепельнице; to crush — давить, мять) and took her hand and kissed it (взял ее руку и поцеловал ее). He slowly ran his lips up her arm (он медленно провел губами вверх по ее руке; to run — бежать, гнать, спасаться бегством,

двигаться, скользить). It gave Julia a funny little sensation (это вызвало у Джулии забавное чувство). The beard slightly tickled her skin (борода слегка щекотала ее кожу). Then he leant over (затем он нагнулся) and kissed her lips (и поцеловал ее /в/ губы). His beard had a somewhat musty smell (у его бороды был какой-то слегка несвежий запах; musty — заплесневелый, затхлый), which she found peculiar (который показался ей необычным: «своеобразным»); she was not sure if it revolted (и она не знала точно, вызывал ли он у нее отвращение) or thrilled her (или /вызывал/ трепет). It was odd when she came to think of it (довольно странно, когда она задумалась об этом), she had never been kissed by a man with a beard before (/но/ ее еще никогда раньше не целовал бородатый мужчина: «мужчина с бородой»). It seemed strangely indecent (это казалось до странности неприличным). He snapped out the light (он щелкнул выключателем /лампы и выключил свет/; to snap — хватать,

делать поспешно, резко, щелкать).

He did not leave her (он оставался с ней: «он не оставил ее») till a chink of light through the drawn blind warned them (до тех пор, пока луч: «щель» света сквозь опущенную штору не предупредил их) that day had broken (что восходит солнце: «начинается день»; the day broke — рассвело). Julia was shattered morally and physically (Джулия чувствовала себя разбитой: «была

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разбита» как морально так и физически).

ashtray ['xStreI] peculiar [pI'kju:lIq] indecent [In'di:s(q)nt]

He crushed the stub of his cigarette on the ashtray and took her hand and kissed it. He slowly ran his lips up her arm. It gave Julia a funny little sensation. The beard slightly tickled her skin. Then he leant over and kissed her lips. His beard had a somewhat musty smell, which she found peculiar; she was not sure if it revolted or thrilled her. It was odd when she came to think of it, she had never been kissed by a man with a beard before. It seemed strangely indecent. He snapped out the light.

He did not leave her till a chink of light through the drawn blind warned them that day had broken. Julia was shattered morally and physically.

"I shall look a perfect wreck (я буду выглядеть настоящей развалиной; wreck —

крушение; обломки) when we get to Cannes (когда мы приедем в Канны)."

And what a risk to take (и какой риск; to take a risk — рискнуть)! He might have murdered her (он мог ведь убить ее) or stolen her pearl necklace (или украсть ее жемчужное ожерелье). She went hot and cold all over (ее всю бросало то в жар,

то в холод; to go hot and cold — краснеть и бледнеть) as she pictured to herself (когда она представляла: «рисовала» себе) the danger she had incurred (все те опасности, которые она навлекла на себя). He was going to Cannes too (он тоже направлялся: «ехал» в Канны). Supposing he claimed acquaintance with her there (предположим, что он будет претендовать на знакомство с ней там; to claim — требовать, предъявлять притязания, заявлять), how on earth (каким же образом) was she going to explain him to her friends (она сможет объяснить знакомство с ним: «его» своим друзьям)? She felt sure (она чувствовала уверенность в том, что) Dolly wouldn't like him (Долли он не понравится). He might try to blackmail her (он может попытаться шантажировать ее). And what should she do (и как ей придется поступить: «что ей придется делать») if he wanted to repeat the experience (если он захотел

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бы повторить это приключение: «опыт»)?

danger ['deIndZq] acquaintance [q'kweIntqns] experience [Ik'spI(q)rIqns]

"I shall look a perfect wreck when we get to Cannes."

And what a risk to take! He might have murdered her or stolen her pearl necklace. She went hot and cold all over as she pictured to herself the danger she had incurred. He was going to Cannes too. Supposing he claimed acquaintance with her there, how on earth was she going to explain him to her friends? She felt sure Dolly wouldn't like him. He might try to blackmail her. And what should she do if he wanted to repeat the experience?

He was passionate (он был страстным), there was no doubt about that (в этом не было сомнений), he had asked her where she was staying (он спросил ее

/заранее/, где она остановится), and though she had not told him (и, хотя, она не сказала ему), he could certainly find out if he tried (он конечно сможет выяснить это, если захочет: «попытается»); in a place like Cannes (в таком месте, как Канны), it would be almost impossible not to run across him (будет почти невозможно не встретиться с ним; to run across smb. — случайно встретить кого-то, натолкнуться на кого-либо). He might pester her (он может докучать ей). If he loved her as much as he said (если он любил ее настолько сильно, насколько он говорил) it was inconceivable (нечего было и думать о том: «это было немыслимым») that he should let her alone (что он отстанет от нее; to let smb., smth. alone — оставить кого-либо в покое), and foreigners were so unreliable (и на иностранцев нельзя положиться: «и иностранцы были такие ненадежные»), he might make frightful scenes (он, возможно, устроит безобразные сцены). The only comfort was (единственным утешением было то) that he was only staying over Easter (что он оставался всего лишь на Пасху: «до после Пасхи»; to stay over — оставаться до определенного момента), she would pretend she was tired (она притворится,

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что очень устала) and tell Dolly that she preferred to stay quietly at the villa

скажет Долли, что она предпочла бы оставаться спокойно на вилле).

impossible [Im'pOsqb(q)l] inconceivable ["Inkqn'si:vqb(q)l] unreliable ["AnrI'laIqb(q)l]

He was passionate, there was no doubt about that, he had asked her where she was staying, and though she had not told him, he could certainly find out if he tried; in a place like Cannes, it would be almost impossible not to run across him. He might pester her. If he loved her as much as he said it was inconceivable that he should let her alone, and foreigners were so unreliable, he might make frightful scenes. The only comfort was that he was only staying over Easter, she would pretend she was tired and tell Dolly that she preferred to stay quietly at the villa.

"How could I have been such a fool (как я могла быть такой дурой)?" she cried angrily (плакала она сердито).

Dolly would be there (Долли будет там) to meet her at the station (чтобы встретить ее, на вокзале), and if he was tactless enough (и если он будет достаточно бестактным) to come up and say good-bye to her (чтобы подойти и попрощаться с ней; to say good-bye — прощаться, говорить до свидания) she would tell Dolly (то она скажет Долли) that he had given up his compartment to her (что он уступил ей свое купе). There was no harm in that (в этом не было никакого вреда). It was always best (всегда лучше всего) to tell as much of the truth (говорить настолько больше правды) as you could (насколько возможно: «ты можешь»). But there was quite a crowd of passengers (но достаточно много: «толпа» пассажиров) getting out at Cannes (высаживались в Каннах), and Julia got out of the station (и Джулия вышла с вокзала) and into Dolly's car (/и села прямо/ в машину Долли) without catching a glimpse of him (не увидев его даже мельком; to catch a glimpse of smb. — увидеть кого-либо мельком, glimpse —

мелькание, проблеск, быстрый взгляд).

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"I've arranged nothing for today (я ничего не организовала на сегодня)," said Dolly. "I. thought you'd be tired (я подумала, что ты устанешь) and I wanted to have you all to myself (да и я хочу побыть с тобой наедине: «иметь тебя только для себя») just for twenty-four hours (хоть двадцать четыре часа)."

passenger ['px| sIndZq, -s(q)ndZq] station ['steIS(q)n] glimpse [glImps]

"How could I have been such a fool?" she cried angrily.

Dolly would be there to meet her at the station, and if he was tactless enough to come up and say good-bye to her she would tell Dolly that he had given up his compartment to her. There was no harm in that. It was always best to tell as much of the truth as you could. But there was quite a crowd of passengers getting out at Cannes, and Julia got out of the station and into Dolly's car without catching a glimpse of him.

"I've arranged nothing for today," said Dolly. "I thought you'd be tired and I wanted to have you all to myself just for twenty-four hours."

Julia gave her arm an affectionate squeeze (Джулия с нежным чувством крепко сжала ее руку: «дала ее руке нежное пожатие»; to give smb.'s hand a squeeze —

крепко сжать чью-либо руку).

"That'll be too wonderful (это будет просто удивительным). We'll just sit about the villa (мы просто посидим на вилле) and grease our faces (и намажем на лица /крем/; to grease — смазывать, намазывать) and have a good old gossip (и хорошенько перемоем всем косточки: «посплетничаем»; good old —

старый добрый)."

But next day (но на следующий день) Dolly had arranged that they should go out to luncheon (Долли договорилась о ланче /в гостях/: «что они должны поехать в гости и отобедать»; to go out — зд. бывать в обществе, выходить в свет), and they were to meet their hosts (и они должны были встретиться с пригласившими их: «с хозяевами»; host — хозяин /по отношению к гостю/,

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хозяин гостиницы) at one of the bars on the Croisette (в одном из баров на Круазет) to have cocktails (чтобы выпить по коктейлю: «коктейли»). It was a beautiful day (это был прекрасный день), clear, warm and sunny (прозрачный,

теплый и солнечный). When they got out of the car (когда они вышли из машины) Dolly stopped to give the chauffeur instructions (Долли задержалась: «остановилась» что бы дать шоферу инструкции) about fetching them (о том,

где забрать их; to fetch — сходить и принести, заезжать, заходить) and Julia waited for her (и Джулия ожидала ее). Suddenly her heart gave a great jump (внезапно ее сердце чуть не выпрыгнуло /из груди/: «екнуло»; jump —

прыжок, скачок, вздрагивание), for there was the Spaniard walking towards her (потому как /там был/ испанец /который/ шел навстречу ей: «по направлению к ней»), with a woman on one side of him clinging to his arm (с женщиной, с

одной стороны, крепко державшей его за руку: «вцепившейся в его руку») and on the other a little girl whose hand he held (и с другой стороны, маленькой девочкой, чью руку он держал сам). She had not time to turn away (у нее не было времени, чтобы отвернуться).

squeeze [skwi:z] grease [gri:s, gri:z] chauffeur ['SqVfq, SqV'fq:]

Julia gave her arm an affectionate squeeze.

"That'll be too wonderful. We'll just sit about the villa and grease our faces and have a good old gossip."

But next day Dolly had arranged that they should go out to luncheon, and they were to meet their hosts at one of the bars on the Croisette to have cocktails. It was a beautiful day, clear, warm and sunny. When they got out of the car Dolly stopped to give the chauffeur instructions about fetching them and Julia waited for her. Suddenly her heart gave a great jump, for there was the Spaniard walking towards her, with a woman on one side of him clinging to his arm and on the other a little girl whose hand he held. She had not time to turn away.

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At that moment (в этот самый момент) Dolly joined her to walk across the pavement (Долли присоединилась к ней, чтобы перейти на другую сторону улицы: «через тротуар и мостовую»). The Spaniard came (испанец подошел), gave her a glance in which there was no sign of recognition (бросил на нее взгляд, в котором не было и тени: «признака» узнавания), he was in animated conversation with the woman on his arm (он оживленно беседовал с женщиной /которую он вел/ под руку), and walked on (и прошел мимо). In a flash Julia understood (внезапно Джулия поняла; in a flash — мгновенно, a flash —

вспышка, яркий свет, миг) that he was just as little anxious to see her (что он настолько же мало жаждал у видеть ее; to be anxious — стремящийся,

страстно желающий чего-либо) as she was to see him (насколько она

/увидеть/ его). The woman and the child were obviously his wife and daughter (женщина и ребенок были очевидно его женой и дочерью) whom he had come down to Cannes to spend Easter with (к которым он приехал в Канны, чтобы вместе провести Пасху). What a relief (какое облегчение)! Now she could enjoy herself without fear (теперь она могла наслаждаться без страха). But as she accompanied Dolly to the bar (но, когда она сопровождала Долли /по пути/ в

бар), Julia thought how disgusting men were (Джулия думала о том, какие мужчины отвратительные). You simply couldn't trust them for a minute (просто невозможно доверять им ни на минуту). It was really disgraceful (на самом деле это было постыдным: «бесчестным») that a man with a charming wife and such a sweet little girl (чтобы мужчина с такой очаровательной женой и такой милой дочуркой: «маленькой девочкой») should be willing to pick up a woman in the train (хотел бы подцепить женщину в поезде; to pick up — /зд. разг./

познакомиться, «подцепить» кого-либо). You would think (/а ведь /можно подумать) they'd have some sense of decency (что у них есть хоть какое-то чувство приличия).

join [dZOIn] recognition ["ri:ekqg'nIS(q)n] anxious ['xNkSqs]

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At that moment Dolly joined her to walk across the pavement. The Spaniard came, gave her a glance in which there was no sign of recognition, he was in animated conversation with the woman on his arm, and walked on. In a flash Julia understood that he was just as little anxious to see her as she was to see him. The woman and the child were obviously his wife and daughter whom he had come down to Cannes to spend Easter with. What a relief! Now she could enjoy herself without fear. But as she accompanied Dolly to the bar, Julia thought how disgusting men were. You simply couldn't trust them for a minute. It was really disgraceful that a man with a charming wife and such a sweet little girl should be willing to pick up a woman in the train. You would think they'd have some sense of decency.

But as time passed (но, с течением времени: «как время прошло») Julia's indignation was mitigated (негодование Джулии улеглось: «смягчилось»), and she had often thought of the adventure since (и она частенько думала об этом приключении с тех пор) with a good deal of pleasure (с большой долей удовольствия). After all it had been fun (в конце концов, это действительно было забавно). Sometimes she allowed her reveries to run away with her (иногда она позволяла своим мечтам увлечь ее; to let reveries run away with smb. —

быть слишком мечтательным; to run away — убежать /прочь/) and she went over in her fancy (и она перебирала в своих фантазиях; to go over — зд.

просматривать, изучать в деталях) the incidents of that singular night (эпизоды той необыкновенной ночи). He had been a most agreeable lover (он был очень приятным любовником). It would be something to look back on (будет о чем вспомнить; to look back — оглядываться, обращаться к прошлому) when she was an old woman (когда она постареет: «будет старой женщиной»). It was the beard (/это была/ именно борода) that had made such an impression on her (что произвела на нее такое впечатление), the odd feeling of it on her face (странное ощущение ее /бороды/ на ее лице) and that slightly musty smell (и тот слегка несвежий запах) which was repulsive (который

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отталкивал: «был отталкивающим») and yet strangely exciting (и в тоже время необыкновенно возбуждал: «возбуждающим»).

indignation ["IndIg'neIS(q)n] mitigate ['mItIgeIt] incident ['InsId(q)nt]

But as time passed Julia's indignation was mitigated, and she had often thought of the adventure since with a good deal of pleasure. After all it had been fun. Sometimes she allowed her reveries to run away with her and she went over in her fancy the incidents of that singular night. He had been a most agreeable lover. It would be something to look back on when she was an old woman. It was the beard that had made such an impression on her, the odd feeling of it on her face and that slightly musty smell which was repulsive and yet strangely exciting.

For years she looked out for men with beards (долгие годы она обращала внимание: «высматривала» на мужчин с бородами), and she had a feeling (и у нее было такое чувство) that if one of them made proposals to her (что если бы один из них сделал бы ей /непристойное/ предложение) she simply wouldn't be able to resist him (она бы просто не смогла ему противостоять: «сопротивляться»). But few men wore beards any more (но немногие мужчины носили бороду теперь), luckily for her (к счастью для нее) because the sight made her go a little weak at the knees (потому как /один/ вид заставлял ее чувствовать слабость в коленях), and none of those that did (и никто из тех /мужчин/ что носили бороду: «делали») ever made any advance to her (никогда не заигрывал с ней: «не делал ей авансы»). She would have liked to know (ей очень хотелось бы знать) who the Spaniard was (кто был тот испанец). She saw him a day or two later (она видела его несколькими днями позже: «одним днем или двумя позже») playing chemin de fer at the Casino (играющим в шмен-де-

фер в казино; chemin de fer — /фр./ железная дорога; девятка — азартная карточная игра) and asked two or three people if they knew him (и спросила у нескольких человек: «у двух или трех человек», знали ли они его). Nobody

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