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waist (он положил руку ей на талию) and kissed her full on the lips (и поцеловал ее /прямо/ в губы). No woman was ever more surprised in her life (ни одна женщина не была удивлена больше /чем Джулия/ за всю свою жизнь). She was so taken aback (она была настолько ошеломлена; to take aback —

поразить, захватить врасплох) that she never thought of doing anything (что она даже и не двигалась: «не подумала о том, чтобы что-то сделать»). His lips were soft (его губы были мягкими) and there was a perfume of youth about him (и от него исходил аромат молодости; perfume — благоухание, духи) which was really rather delightful (который на самом деле был восхитительным). But what he was doing was preposterous (но то, что он делал, противоречило здравому смыслу; preposterous — абсурдный, нелепый, несообразный). He was forcing her lips apart with the tip of his tongue (он раздвигал ее губы кончиком своего языка; apart — в сторону, раздельно, порознь) and now he had both arms round her (и теперь он уже обнял ее двумя руками: «он положил обе руки вокруг нее»). She did not feel angry (она не рассердилась: «не чувствовала себя рассерженной»), she did not feel inclined to laugh (ей не хотелось смеяться: «она не чувствовала склонности рассмеяться»), she did not know what she felt (она не знала, что она чувствовала).

perfume ['pq:fju:m] delightful [dI'laItf(q)l] preposterous [prI'pOst(q)rqs]

She turned to him, standing by her side, as she said this. He put his arm round her waist and kissed her full on the lips. No woman was ever more surprised in her life. She was so taken aback that she never thought of doing anything. His lips were soft and there was a perfume of youth about him which was really rather delightful. But what he was doing was preposterous. He was forcing her lips apart with the tip of his tongue and now he had both arms round her. She did not feel angry, she did not feel inclined to laugh, she did not know what she felt.

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And now she had a notion (и теперь она заметила) that he was gently drawing her along (что он мягко тянет ее), his lips still pressing hers (его губы все еще прижаты к ее губам), she felt quite distinctly the glow of his body (она чувствовала совершенно отчетливо жар, /исходящий от/ его тела), it was as though there was a furnace inside him (казалось, что внутри его была печка: «топка»), it was really remarkable (это было действительно удивительно); and then she found herself laid on the divan (и затем она обнаружила, что уже лежит на софе) and he was beside her (и он рядом с ней), kissing her mouth and her neck (целует ее рот и шею) and her cheeks and her eyes (и ее щеки и глаза). Julia felt a strange pang in her heart (Джулия почувствовала внезапно, как странно защемило сердце; pang — внезапная острая боль, муки, мучения). She took his head in her hands (она охватила его голову руками: « взяла его голову в руки») and kissed his lips (и поцеловала его в губы).

along [q'lON] distinctly [dIs'tIN(k)tlI] remarkable [rI'mQ:kqb(q)l]

And now she had a notion that he was gently drawing her along, his lips still pressing hers, she felt quite distinctly the glow of his body, it was as though there was a furnace inside him, it was really remarkable; and then she found herself laid on the divan and he was beside her, kissing her mouth and her neck and her cheeks and her eyes. Julia felt a strange pang in her heart. She took his head in her hands and kissed his lips.

A few minutes later she was standing at the chimney-piece (несколькими минутами позже она стояла у камина: «каминной полки»), in front of the looking-glass (перед зеркалом), making herself tidy (приводя себя в порядок; tidy — опрятный, аккуратный, чистый).

"Look at my hair (посмотри на мои волосы)."

He handed her a comb (он вручил ей расческу; to hand — передавать, давать в руки) and she ran it through (и она провела ей /по волосам/). Then she put on her

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hat (она надела шляпку). He was standing just behind her (он стоял прямо за ней), and over her shoulder (и над своим плечом) she saw his face with those eager blue eyes (она видела /в зеркале/ его лицо с горящими голубыми глазами) and a faint smile in them (и легкую улыбку в них).

"And I thought (а я то думала) you were such a shy young man (что ты такой скромный молодой человек)," she said to his reflection (сказала она его отражению /в зеркале/).

He chuckled (он усмехнулся).

"When am I going to see you again (когда я увижу тебя снова)?" "Do you want to see me again (ты хочешь увидеть меня снова)?" "Rather (да, очень)."

comb [kqVm] just [dZAst] rather ['rQ:Dq]

A few minutes later she was standing at the chimney-piece, in front of the looking-glass, making herself tidy.

"Look at my hair."

He handed her a comb and she ran it through. Then she put on her hat. He was standing just behind her, and over her shoulder she saw his face with those eager blue eyes and a faint smile in them.

"And I thought you were such a shy young man," she said to his reflection. He chuckled.

"When am I going to see you again?" "Do you want to see me again?" "Rather."

She thought rapidly (она стремительно размышляла). It was too absurd (это было слишком нелепым: «абсурдным»), of course she had no intention of seeing him again (конечно же у нее не было ни малейшего намерения видеть его снова), it was stupid of her (было глупо с ее стороны) to have let him behave like

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that (позволить ему вести себя таким образом), but it was just as well to temporize (но все-таки, пожалуй, лучше было потянуть время; to temporize —

выжидать, медлить, пытаться выиграть время). He might be tiresome (он мог бы стать навязчивым) if she told him (если бы она сказала ему) that the incident would have no sequel (что подобное больше не повториться; incident

— случай, происшествие, эпизод; sequel — результат, следствие, продолжение /напр. книги/).

"I'll ring up one of these days (я позвоню на днях: «в один из дней»)." "Swear (поклянись)."

"On my honour (честное слово)."

"Don't be too long (не тяни; long — долго, длительно, долгое время)."

He insisted on coming down stairs with her (он настоял на том, чтобы спуститься /по лестнице/ вниз с ней) and putting her into a cab (и посадить ее в такси). She had wanted to go down alone (она хотела спуститься в одиночестве), so that she could have a look at the cards (чтобы взглянуть на карточки) attached to the bells on the lintel (прикрепленным к звонкам у входной двери; lintel — перемычка окна или двери, притолока).

"Damn it all (черт побери), I ought at least to know his name (я должна, по крайней мере, знать его имя)."

absurd [qb'sq:d] tiresome ['taIqsqm] damn [dxm]

She thought rapidly. It was too absurd, of course she had no intention of seeing him again, it was stupid of her to have let him behave like that, but it was just as well to temporize. He might be tiresome if she told him that the incident would have no sequel.

"I'll ring up one of these days." "Swear."

"On my honour." "Don't be too long."

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He insisted on coming down stairs with her and putting her into a cab. She had wanted to go down alone, so that she could have a look at the cards attached to the bells on the lintel.

"Damn it all, I ought at least to know his name."

But he gave her no chance (но он не оставил ей шанса). When the taxi drove off (когда такси отъехало) she sank into one corner of it (она забилась в один из углов /заднего сиденья/; to sink (sank, sunk) — тонуть, утопать,

погружаться) and gurgled with laughter (и залилась смехом).

"Raped, my dear (изнасилована, моя дорогая). Practically raped (практически изнасилована). At my time of life (в моем то возрасте). And without so much as by your leave (и даже не извинился; by your leave — извинение сделанное за что-либо, сделанное без спроса). Treated me like a tart (обращался со мной как со шлюхой; tart — фруктовое пирожное; сленг. уличная девка). Eighteenthcentury comedy (комедия восемнадцатого века), that's what it is (вот что это такое). I might have been a waiting-maid (я могла бы быть горничной). In a hoop (в /платье/ с кринолином; hoop — обод, обруч), with those funny puffy things (с теми смешными пышными штуковинами) — what the devil are they called (как же, черт возьми, они называются)? — that they wore to emphasize their hips (те, которые они носили, чтобы подчеркнуть бедра), an apron and a scarf round me neck (в фартуке и с шарфиком на шее)."

gurgle ['gq:g(q)l] rape [reIp] puffy ['pAfI] emphasize ['emfqsaIz]

But he gave her no chance. When the taxi drove off she sank into one corner of it and gurgled with laughter.

"Raped, my dear. Practically raped. At my time of life. And without so much as by your leave. Treated me like a tart. Eighteenth-century comedy, that's what it is. I might have been a waiting-maid. In a hoop, with those funny puffy things — what the devil are they called? — that they wore to emphasize their

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hips, an apron and a scarf round me neck."

Then with vague memories of Farquhar and Goldsmith (затем, смутно припоминая Фаркера и Голдсмита; memory — память, воспоминания) she invented the dialogue (она выдумала следующий диалог). "La, sir, 'tis shame to take advantage of a poor country girl (о, сэр, как не стыдно воспользоваться бедной деревенской девушкой; shame — стыд, позор). What would Mrs. Abigail, her ladyship's woman, say (что скажет миссис Эбигейл, камеристка ее светлости) an she knew her ladyship's brother (когда узнает, что брат ее светлости) had ravished me of the most precious treasure (похитил у меня самое драгоценное сокровище) a young woman in my station of life can possess (которым только молодая девушка в моем положении может обладать), videlicet her innocence (а именно — ее невинность). Fie, o fie, sir (фи, о фи,


vague [veIg] dialogue ['daIqlOg] ravish ['rxvIS] treasure ['treZq] videlicet [vI'delIset]

Then with vague memories of Farquhar and Goldsmith she invented the dialogue. "La, sir, 'tis shame to take advantage of a poor country girl. What would Mrs. Abigail, her ladyship's woman, say an she knew her ladyship's brother had ravished me of the most precious treasure a young woman in my station of life can possess, her innocence. Fie, o fie, sir."

When Julia got home (когда Джулия приехала домой) the masseuse was already waiting for her (массажистка уже ожидала ее). Miss Phillips and Evie were having a chat (мисс Филлипс и Эви болтали).

"Wherever 'ave you been, Miss Lambert (где это бы были, мисс Лэмберт)?" said Evie. "An' what about your rest (и что теперь будет с вашим отдыхом; what about — как насчет), I should like to know (хотелось бы мне знать)."

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"Damn my rest (к черту мой отдых)."

Julia tore off her clothes (Джулия сорвала с себя одежду; to tear off — отрывать, срывать), and flung them with ample gestures (и раскидала ее широкими жестами) all over the room (по всей комнате). Then, stark naked (затем, совершенно голая: «в чем мать родила»), she skipped on to the bed (вскочила на кровать), stood up on it for a moment (постояла на ней какое-то мгновение), like Venus rising from the waves (/в позе/ Венеры, появляющейся из пены морской: «восходящей из волн»), and then throwing herself down

затем, бросившись вниз) stretched herself out (вытянулась /на кровати/). "What's the idea (это что еще такое; what's the idea — разг. что это значит, это еще зачем)?" said Evie.

"I feel good (я чувствую себя прекрасно)."

"Well, if I behaved like that (ну, если бы я себя так вела) people'd say I'd been drinkin' (люди бы сказали, что я закладываю: «пью»)."

chat [tSxt] ample ['xmp(q)l] stretch [stretS]

When Julia got home the masseuse was already waiting for her. Miss Phillips and Evie were having a chat.

"Wherever 'ave you been, Miss Lambert?" said Evie. "An' what about your rest, I should like to know."

"Damn my rest."

Julia tore off her clothes, and flung them with ample gestures all over the room. Then, stark naked, she skipped on to the bed, stood up on it for a moment, like Venus rising from the waves, and then throwing herself down stretched herself out.

"What's the idea?" said Evie. "I feel good."

"Well, if I behaved like that people'd say I'd been drinkin'."

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Miss Phillips began to massage her feet (мисс Филлипс начала массировать ее ноги). She rubbed gently (она растирала мягко), to rest and not to tire her (чтобы расслабить, но не утомить ее).

"When you came in just now (когда вы ворвались: « вошли» /в комнату/ только что), like a whirlwind (как вихрь)," she said, "I thought you looked twenty years younger (я подумала, что вы выглядите на двадцать лет моложе). Your eyes were shining something wonderful (ваши глаза сияли как-то /особенно/


"Oh, keep that for Mr. Gosselyn, Miss Phillips (о, оставьте это для мистера Госселина, мисс Филлипс)." And then as an afterthought (и затем, как в дополнение; afterthought — запоздалая мысль, объяснение; дополнение), "I feel like a two-year-old (я чувствую себя, будто мне всего два года)."

And it was the same (так же было: «и было тоже самое») at the theatre later on (и в театре, позже). Archie Dexter, who was her leading man (Арчи Декстер,

который был ее партнером: «играл ведущую мужскую роль»), came into her dressing-room to speak about something (зашел в ее грим-уборную чтобы поговорить о чем-то). She had just finished making-up (она только что закончила накладывать грим). He was startled (он был поражен; to startle —

напугать, сильно удивить).

gently ['dZentlI] whirlwind ['wq:lwInd] afterthought ['Q:ftqTO:t] startle ['stQ:tl]

Miss Phillips began to massage her feet. She rubbed gently, to rest and not to tire her.

"When you came in just now, like a whirlwind," she said, "I thought you looked twenty years younger. Your eyes were shining something wonderful." "Oh, keep that for Mr. Gosselyn, Miss Phillips." And then as an afterthought, "I feel like a two-year-old."

And it was the same at the theatre later on. Archie Dexter, who was her leading man, came into her dressing-room to speak about something. She had

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just finished making-up. He was startled.

"Hulloa, Julia (эй, Джулия), what's the matter with you tonight (что это с тобой такое сегодня /вечером/)? Gosh, you look swell (черт возьми, ты шикарно выглядишь; gosh — выражает удивление, радость, досаду и т.п.). Why (ба), you don't look a day more than twenty-five (да ты выглядишь на двадцать-пять: «ты не выглядишь и на день старше двадцати пяти»)."

"With a son of sixteen (/имея/ сына шестнадцати лет) it's no good pretending (бесполезно притворяться) I'm so terribly young any more (что я так уж чертовски молода /все еще/). I'm forty and I don't care who knows it (мне сорок,

и мне наплевать, кто знает об этом)."

"What have you done to your eyes (что ты сделала со своими глазами)? I've never seen them shine like that before (я никогда не видел, чтобы они сверкали так раньше)."

matter ['mxtq] young [jAN]

"Hulloa, Julia, what's the matter with you tonight? Gosh, you look swell. Why you don't look a day more than twenty-five."

"With a son of sixteen it's no good pretending I'm so terribly young any more. I'm forty and I don't care who knows it."

"What have you done to your eyes? I've never seen them shine like that before."

She felt in tremendous form (она чувствовала, что была в потрясающей форме). They had been playing the play (они играли спектакль), it was called The Powder Puff (он назывался «Пуховка»; powder — порошок, пудра, порох), for a good many weeks (уже достаточно долго: «много недель»), but tonight Julia played it (но в этот вечер Джулия играла так) as though it were the first time (как будто на премьере: «это был первый раз»). Her performance was brilliant (ее

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исполнение было выдающимся: «ослепляющим»). She got laughs (она вызывала /у публики/ смех) that she had never got before (как никогда /не вызывала/ раньше). She always had magnetism (она всегда обладала обаянием), but on this occasion (но в этом случае) it seemed to flow over the house (оно, казалось, растекалось по театру) in a great radiance (во всем великолепии). Michael happened to be watching the last two acts (оказалось, что Майкл наблюдал за двумя последними действиями) from the corner of a box (из угла ложи; box — коробка, ящик, сундук; театр. ложа) and at the end he came into her dressing-room (и по окончании зашел к ней в грим-уборную).

"D'you know the prompter says (ты знаешь, суфлер сказал) we played nine minutes longer tonight (что сегодня мы играли на девять минут дольше), they laughed so much (они так много смеялись)."

"Seven curtain calls (семь вызовов на поклон /аплодисментами/; curtain —

занавеска, штора, театр. — занавес). I thought the public were going on all night (я думала, что публика будет продолжать так всю ночь)."

tremendous [trI'mendqs] magnetism ['mxgnItIz(q)m] radiance ['reIdIqns]

She felt in tremendous form. They had been playing the play, it was called The Powder Puff, for a good many weeks, but tonight Julia played it as though it were the first time. Her performance was brilliant. She got laughs that she had never got before. She always had magnetism, but on this occasion it seemed to flow over the house in a great radiance. Michael happened to be watching the last two acts from the corner of a box and at the end he came into her dressing-room.

"D'you know the prompter says we played nine minutes longer tonight, they laughed so much."

"Seven curtain calls. I thought the public were going on all night."

"Well, you've only got to blame yourself, darling (ну, тебе нужно винить только

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